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How much of yourself is reflected in the Maurin Kincaide series, and how?

"I think some of the personalities; the way people talk or interact. I have kind of a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and that tends to show up in the characters. Plus I have been married to the master of come backs and one liners for almost twenty years. Some of that had to rub off. There’s a little of that too. I’ve also been known to jump into things without thinking. "The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your covers for The Maurin Kincaide Series - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I love answering this question because I just had the covers revamped for my series and I am in love with them. I created the original covers and as much as I loved them they didn’t say “series”. I needed to create a cohesive look that said Paranormal Urban Fantasy and my cover artist Joseph Eastwood really delivered!"Can you tell us something quirky about The Maurin Kincaide Series, its story and characters?
"The way I came up with Maurin’s name is sort of weird. I really like the movie Braveheart, maybe because I’m part Scottish and our clan was traced back to the battle scene at the end of the movie or just because it’s a good movie. Anyway lol, I thought William’s wife’s name was Maurin. I probably should have paid attention to the credits."Who would you recommend The Maurin Kincaide Series to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I think the books are great for anyone in New Adult and beyond. There’s some violence and a lot of language. There’s a little smolder but nothing too hot."If you could / wished to turn The Maurin Kincaide Series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Oh I am so bad at this lol! I think director wise I’d love Len Wiseman or Paul Anderson. I think I want new talent, like unknowns. Someone like Milla Jovovich or Kate Beckinsale but not known for being Alice or Celine."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I love Paranormal Urban Fantasy. I don’t see myself outside of that genre. At least not right now. Maybe one day the muse will hit me with a hammer on the head and give me an idea I can’t ignore but for the foreseeable future…. Paranormal Urban Fantasy.What is your writing process?
[Favourite genre to read:] Brace yourself because this is going to be a shocker, Paranormal Urban Fantasy, lol."
"Write whenever I can. Which is typically before the day job. At six in the morning. I try to crank out as many words as I can, sometimes that’s only like a hundred but I have to get them on the page. Other than that I’m not much of a planner. I have an idea of the beginning and the end. How I get from point a to point b, well that’s entirely up to the characters. I’m just along for the ride."What is in store next?
"Well, right now I am working on a brand new world in Payable On Death about a girl named Jax who sold her soul to the devil and has been trying to earn the brownie points she thinks she’ll need to get into heaven. She finds herself at a crossroads for the second time in her life and an interesting alternative to the fate she sealed five years before. I plan to get back to Maurin as soon as I finish this book."
The Maurin Kincaide Series - available NOW!


1 comment:
Great interview! I typically write before the day job too, and after.
Majanka @ I Heart Reading.
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