Author Q&A | Trailer | Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | About the Author |
A big welcome to Maegan Beaumont - thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for Promises To Keep?
I see that she helps with your writing :-) Sending a nice head scratch to Sadie!
Maegan, thank you so much for chatting to us today!
What was the inspiration for Promises To Keep?
"The inspiration for Promises to Keep, very much comes from its characters. Michael, the book’s protagonist, has always had a backstory. He’s done some pretty awful things-things he regrets. Promises to Keep is a culmination of those choices and consequences that they’ve wrought."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I think there are parts of me in Sabrina. We’re both extremely loyal and we both love our families… and we both have a tendency to hold everyone at arms’ length."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your covers for Promises To Keep and the Sabrina Vaughn series?
Why should we read Promises To Keep and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?"Credit for my covers go exclusively to my publisher, Midnight Ink. With the first book in the series, Carved in Darkness, I was a late addition to their 2013 catalogue so I think they went for something simple, yet striking. From there, stark, eye catching covers sort of became a theme.
I think I’m partial to the cover for Sacrificial Muse because that’s the cover I had the most input on but I’m also digging the cover for Promises to Keep. I like that it’s different from the first two but still had a similar feel.
I’ve been told that the cover for Blood of Saints, Sabrina’s next book, will have a completely different feel so I’m excited to see what they come up with."
"I’m not afraid of the hard stuff. A lot of writers use the “fade to black” method of writing, where they shy away from graphic scenes because they’re afraid to go there. I’m not one of those writers."Can you tell us something quirky about Promises To Keep, its story and characters?
"I always add a few Easter eggs to my books that someone might not even notice—just for fun. In Carved in Darkness I name the church my main character is left at St. Rose of Lima. St. Rose of Lima is a factual saint who was reportedly so beautiful that she purposely disfigures herself so as not to cause the temptation of those around her. My main character’s earlier decisions and feelings about her looks mirror those of St. Rose.Who would you recommend Promises To Keep to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
In Sacrificial Muse, I used one of my good friends as a character. Everyone who knows him can read it and say, “Yup, that’s our Nolan!”
One of the character in Promises to Keep is named for my cousin. We share a name (her first name is my middle name) as we were both named for our grand-grandmother, so this character carries a lot of family history. "
"I’d recommend my series to anyone who likes a good action thriller, lots of twists and turns and likes to be surprised at the end of the book when the killer is finally revealed. I would not recommend my series to anyone who is squeamish. I don’t pull any punches."If you could / wished to turn Promises To Keep and the Sabrina Vaughn series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?"Man… I think about this a lot!
When I’m writing Michael, I see Jeremy Renner. The Bourne Legacy came out a few weeks before Carved in Darkness and that clinched it for me.
Sabrina is harder for me to nail down. A lot of people have told me they picture Angelina Jolie in the role, and while I think she would do a fantastic job, I think she’s the obvious choice. I picture Evangeline Lilly. I think she’s a fantastic actress and totally under appreciated.
The flip side to Sabrina’s character is Melissa—for her I see Bonnie Wright. She played Ginny is the Harry Potter movies and has grown into an absolutely stunning young woman.
I see Idris Elba as Michael's former partner, Lark and for Michael’s current partner, Ben, I see Channing Tatum…
Possibly the most beautiful, talented movie cast ever created."
"Right now, I kind of all over the place. While the first two books in the Sabrina Vaugh series would be categorized as thrillers, Promises to Keep is more of a suspense. I’m currently working on a YA and a crime fiction novel, set in South Boston… as for what I like to read about—anything that catches my interest. I’ll read just about anything as long as it keeps me flipping pages."What is your writing process?
"I need music. If I don’t have it, I can’t write. The kind of music is irrelevant. I have nearly four thousand songs on my ipod—everything from Otis Redding to AC/DC. I hit shuffle and get started. As long as I have music, I’m good to go.What is in store next?
I aim for 700-1000 a day but that’s not always possible. I write as much as I can, for as long as I can. Unfortunately, life has a way of getting in the way."
"The first two books in my series focused on my female protagonist, Sabrina Vaughn. Promises to Keep is a departure from that in that I shift the focus from Sabrina, to her male counterpart, Michael O’Shea. Promises is his book.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you (this could be absolutely anything!)? Could you please provide us with a picture of you with them / it?
For my next book, Blood of Saints, I really wanted to give Sabrina the opportunity to find her way back to where it all started for her. A bit of her backstory, for those who haven’t read the series: Sabrina Vaughn was born Melissa Walker. When she was 17, she was driven from her home by circumstances beyond her control. On the run, she settled in Yuma, Arizona and shortly after, she was abducted and held captive for 83 days before being left for dead in a churchyard. So, Yuma is the birthplace for nearly every demon Sabrina is fighting. In Saints, she’ll pursue a killer who has ties to her own abduction and during the course of that, put those demons to rest once and for all."
"I have six dogs… but Sadie is my most constant companion. "
I see that she helps with your writing :-) Sending a nice head scratch to Sadie!
Maegan, thank you so much for chatting to us today!
Promises To Keep - available NOW!

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