Today author Nancy Jardine takes over our blog to tell us about her latest Historical Fiction Saga,
Celtic Fervour.
Agricola's Bane (
30 October 2018,
Ocelot Press,
328 pages), is the fourth and latest instalment in the series.
"The fourth novel in the Celtic Fervour series is standalone, although I highly recommend the first three books to gain more insight into the Garrigill characters and back story. [...] As I've come to expect with a Nancy Jardine novel, the narrative is full to the brim with fascinating insights and historical details." ~ Lynn Pool (Ellesea)
"In this historical novel, the author skilfully blends Roman history with her best guess as to what conditions and opposition the legions of governor of Britannia, Agricola, would have encountered in his brief foray northwards into the heart of modern day Scotland. [...] A great read that's loaded with carefully researched detail, placing the reader at the northern most extreme of Roman Britannia in the first century." ~ Tim Walker
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