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Hello Judy, thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for Savage Magic?
What is in store next?
Such a cutie! Hello Summer!
Thank you again for being with us today, Judy - have a great tour!
What was the inspiration for Savage Magic?
"Savage Magic is the third book in a five-book series, so I already had a solid idea of what was going to happen and where even before I wrote the opening line in Shifty Magic (book 1). At least in general. But then writing books 1 and 2 and getting to know these characters gave book 3 a deeper life of its own that I couldn’t have anticipated. Taking this journey with these characters has really been an amazing experience."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"To my very proper mother’s distress, I was a tomboy when I was young, so Addison’s adventures reflect my checkered past. I’ve experienced versions of a lot of what Addison does, minus the monsters and knife and gun fights (thank goodness!). But the climbing, hiding, exploring, wrestling, sleuthing (okay, sneaking), running for my life (in my own mind), and even a few down-to-the-mat fights with my brothers – all lived for real."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Savage Magic - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I had a very clear image for Savage Magic, especially the claw marks. I’m afraid I put my wonderful graphic designer, Niina at For the Love of Reading Cover Design, through the ringer to get it the way I wanted. But she bore it like the professional she is and gave me a fabulous cover that says it all – Savage Magic is a darker, more dangerous, more emotional book than the first two. And a significant pivotal point in the greater story arch."Why should we read Savage Magic and what sets it apart from the rest?
"To be honest, I’m uncomfortable saying someone has to read one of my books. Everyone’s taste is so different when it comes to entertainment fiction. And that’s a good thing! As to what makes the Shifty Magic series, and this book in particular, something you might want to check out, I also feel more comfortable letting a reader speak to that in her recent Goodreads review:Can you tell us something quirky about Savage Magic, its story and characters?
You know it's a good book when you can't stop reading, not even to go to bed. It's a great book when you love the characters so much that you feel their pain. When I found myself crying for the pain of Addison and Cooper I knew that this book was one of my favorite reads during this year. This book I'd read and re read. Again and again.
I highly recommend this book, and the previous ones for any urban fantasy reader who likes a strong and sassy female lead."
"Cooper Daine – after I told my daughters what I’d come up with for the hero, the oldest laughed and said, “Daine, like Great Dane. And he’s a werewolf. Good one, Mom.” Yeah…I totally meant to do that. (Not.)"Who would you recommend Savage Magic to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This series is meant for New Adults and up. Certainly no one younger than 13. If I were giving this series a movie rating, it would be PG-13 for violence, mild drug use & reference (book 2), and suggested adult themes and mild adult language. My readership is also predominantly female, although there are men who enjoy the books too, especially guys in that New Adult age group."If you could / wished to turn Savage Magic and the Shifty Magic series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Savage Magic is set near Lake Lure and Chimney Rock, North Carolina, so that’s where they would need to film.What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
The Bone Clan compound would have to be shot in a sound stage and recreated with physical sets and blue screen/computer special effects probably.
For actors, I sure wouldn’t say no to Liam Hemsworth for Cooper! ;) Cody Christian could do the role too with some beard scruff added to age him up just a bit and add to the danger factor. For actresses, Danielle Harris fits the bill nicely. "
"I read all kinds of genres, so it’s no surprise that I like to write different kinds too. I wrote a contemporary romance series a few years back that people still enjoy reading, but my favourite so far is the Shifty Magic series. I love the mix of humor, emotion, action and romance within the dystopian urban fantasy genre."What is your writing process?
"I always start with, “I’d like to write _________.” In the case of the Shifty series, the blank was “…about an anti-hero heroine who’s been through hell and survived. Someone damaged and tough, but still wanting to protect the innocent and still looking at the crazy in her world with a sense of humor.” Once I did that, Addison formed in my mind and I started jotting down notes. Then I wondered what kind of world or circumstances might make a person like her. And then I thought, “What if paranormal terrorists attacked major cities around the world, thus outing the reality of these other species? What would happen to human society? How would everything change for us? What new inventions would happen?” And the concept for the entire series and main characters took off from there."

"Right now I’m working on Secret Magic, a novella that tells the story of Addison’s and Cooper’s first case. After that it’s Dark Magic, book 4 in the series. In Dark Magic, Addison discovers more about her secret heritage as she fights to stop a plot to assassinate major paranormal leaders. Learning to control her practitioner side will be key to whether she’s successful or not."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"We have a dog named Summer who we think is adorable – of course! I’ll attach a picture.☺"
Such a cutie! Hello Summer!
Thank you again for being with us today, Judy - have a great tour!
Savage Magic - available NOW!


Thank you for hosting
Thank you so much for having me here today, Flora! Sorry for my late start this AM (in the States). I lost wifi this morning. Tragedy! But seeing Liam's face when I joined in made up for it. :) Almost better than morning tea!
Great interview! Thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for the interesting interview!
You're very welcome, Deb!
Thanks for stopping by, Victoria!
I liked the interview.
Hi Rita, I'm glad you liked it. :)
Thank you for hosting me, Flora. Being here was a lot of fun!
I enjoyed the entire post. Thank you.
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