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First of all, a big welcome to BooksChatter to author C.A Jonelle; thank you for joining us.
What was the inspiration for your book, Zaryk?
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
Why should we read your Zaryk and what sets it apart from the rest?
If you could / wished to turn your series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
You can find out more about Zaryk in our spotlight feature. Also watch out for our review of Zaryk, from our contributor Ben (yep, that will be the male perspective!), coming out on Thursday 25 June 2015.
What was the inspiration for your book, Zaryk?
"I love rock music and rock band romance novels/novellas. I love the drama, harshness, sex, and the way these rockstars sweep the love of their life off their feet. I tapped into my crazy imagination and set forth into that world. Twisted Epiphany popped in my head one day and I let my mind take me on a wild ride through Zaryk’s world. His story was my first National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) attempt."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Rock music is a big passion of mine. The main characters are book lovers, as am I. Zaryk’s reading net is something I’ve always wanted to have in my own home. I’ll make that happen someday! A couple of the more sensual scenes (I won’t say which ones!) are fantasies of mine."

"Ah, the cover. I was determined to find a sexy man with a Mohawk for my cover. Hopping on Google, I did a search for just that. I came across a photo of one of my favorite guitarists, Sal Costa, and instantly fell in love with it. He’s an amazing performer and I almost didn’t find the guts to ask the photographer if I could use it. I emailed KT Colwell (the photographer) and told her how much I loved the photo and asked her if I could purchase rights to use it. I swear I jumped up and down and screamed when I received her reply saying I could! That photo portrays Zaryk perfectly. His passion and seriousness for the music shows and he’s lovely to look at. "That is indeed an excellent live picture of Costa with My Darkest Days, and I love that blue light. He also does have a lovely face - very Italian looking. [Sal Costa is now heading Smashing Satellites].
Why should we read your Zaryk and what sets it apart from the rest?
"If you like drama, this book is definitely for you! Zaryk is taken on quite a ride as he tries to prove to Lyndsay that he loves her and only her. Life gets in the way and he tries so hard to keep ahold of her, but misunderstandings threaten to keep them apart. The Twisted Epiphany series is a five part series. Each band member will have their own story. Secrets will be let out and hearts will be broken. Each book will be in first person, alternating point of view so you get his and her views. Also, three of the band members are triplet brothers."Can you tell us something quirky about your story and its characters?
"The names for the triplets all start with the same letter: Zaryk, Zayne, Zayden. This comes from their mother’s obsession with the letter Z. In Zaryk’s story he seems all sweet and vulnerable, but you realize later that he’s got quite the temper when the people or things he loves get threatened in any way."Who would you recommend the Twisted Epiphany series and Zaryk to, and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I recommend those who are 18 and over to read it and those who are fans of rock band romance novels. Touchy subjects include: death, drugs, alcohol, and a mention of abortion. "
"Zaryk: Sal CostaWow! There's a lot of talented and good looking people in there!
Lyndsay: Emma Stone
Zayne: Eliran Biton (his clean shaven days! Those blue eyes are gorgeous!)
Oktober: Ashley Benson
Zayden: Chris Pine
Greya: Ksenia Solo
Kreed: Bernardo Velasco
Melloney: Zooey Deschanel
Deklan: Brant Daugherty
Amberlynn: Rachel McAdams
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Location: Somewhere in Ohio. I made up the town of Luckey, but any town in Ohio would do. ☺"
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I’m quite enjoying the rock band romance genre. It allows my mind to let loose and take me out of my comfort zones. I have plans for another one involving a female rock band. After the Twisted Epiphany series I will dive into a couple of standalone novels. The standalones will touch on subjects that are close to me and will hopefully open eyes and help others become more aware. I’ve also decided to publish a poetry book.What is your writing process?
I also enjoy reading romance, YA, biography, thriller, horror (love Stephen King), and mystery novels. To be honest, I’ll read just about anything. "
"My writing process is an extremely messy one! I tap out notes into my phone all the time and the random snippets are all over the place. It’s not organized very well at all! But it works for me somehow! I can never sit still and my environment is noisy. "What is in store next?
"At the moment I’m working on book two and that’s Zayne’s story. After that, I will tackle Kreed's, Zayden’s, and then Deklan’s books. I also have notes stashed away for two standalone novels. One is about a woman who battles depression and comes to some realizations about life. The other one is about three individuals of different ages who are bullied and find a way to get through it together. After those, I would like to publish a poetry book and another series involving a female rock band."Many thanks again to C.A. Jonelle for chatting to us. We wish you all the best with the rest of the blog tour and with your future endeavours!
You can find out more about Zaryk in our spotlight feature. Also watch out for our review of Zaryk, from our contributor Ben (yep, that will be the male perspective!), coming out on Thursday 25 June 2015.
Zaryk - available NOW!

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