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Friday 26 June 2015

ℚ Nashville Crazy: Nashville [5] - Bethany Michaels

Today, we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about her book Nashville Crazy (, Dragonfly Press Books, 225 pages),  a hot contemporary erotic romance novel, which is the fifth instalment in the Naughty in Nashville series.

You can also find out more about each book in the series, and read a teaser excerpt.

Author Q&A | Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops

Hello Bethany and welcome to BooksChatter.

What was the inspiration for your latest book, Nashville Crazy?
"I wanted to write about a heroine who had sort of lost her way—a Brittney Spears or Lindsay Lohan type (but less whiny and entitled).  My heroine had a rough childhood and a lot of her poor decisions stem from that. When she *accidentally* burns down her cheating boyfriend’s house, she decides to head back to her home town, Nashville, and try to sort things out.  I love a good comeback story!"
How much of yourself is reflected in the book, and how?
"I think every author sees a little of herself in her characters.  In this case, I think I’m actually more like the hero, Dan, though.  He knows what he wants and is pretty consistent about going after it, whether it’s owning his own business or getting the girl!  He trusts his intuition and doesn’t spend too much time fighting it."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.  Can you tell us about your cover - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Well, actually, I’m the artist ☺  I do cover art on the side for friends and a few clients when I have time.

I wanted something romantic but also something that would fit into a series concept.  The “Nashville” thing is the overall hook for the series, so I wanted that to be dominant.

I actually repackaged all the books in the series a while back to make them look more “romance”."
Why should we read your series, Naughty in Nashville, and what sets it apart from the rest? 
"When I moved the Nashville in 2006, I fell in love with the city.  It’s a unique mix of red neck and culture, money and down home common sense.  There are tons of historical and cultural things to do and see.

I try to give a little bit of Nashville flavor to each of my books by writing in some real-life Nashville settings.  These are place I’ve visited, so I am able to include authentic details and my own impressions.  Some place I’ve written about are Ryman Auditorium, Broadway Street, Barbara Mandrell’s mansion (Fontanel), the symphony, real downtown restaurants and bars and many more.

More than just setting, though, I try to give the reader and idea of what it’s like to live and work in such a dynamic city!"
Can you tell us something quirky about the Nashville series?
"I am from a very, very small Indiana farm town (population 526).  In every book, I work in the name of the town in some way—someone’s last name, a business name, even the dog’s name in one of my books.  I need to brainstorm some new ways of getting it in there!!"
Who would you recommend Nashville Crazy to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I think of this book, and all the books in my Nashville series, as kind of a rock star romance gone country ☺   Really, it’s for anyone who likes hot contemporary romance.  There are dark moments in my books, but I think overall, they have a humorous tone.

As for warnings—these are HOT!  The first two books were written for an erotica publisher, so they have very frequent sex scenes.  As the series has gone on, the heat has stayed about the same, but I no longer feel the need to insert a set number of naked scenes or certain language my former publishers wanted to see.  I just write the story as I see fit and the love scenes unfold naturally.  My work has always skated the line between erotica and hot contemporary, I think."
If you could / wished to turn Nashville Crazy into a movie, who would be your dream team ?
"Hmmm…well, Nashville would be the setting, obviously.  There are so many cool places to shoot here!

I think Reese Witherspoon would be awesome, especially since she’s from Nashville.

Hero wise, Channing Tatum could star in any fantasy…uh, I mean movie, and I’d watch."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"The theme I’ve noticed more and more in my work (I was a literature major—shocker!) is reality versus fantasy.  What seems like the truth versus what really is the truth.  In Nashville Crazy, the press has a certain opinion of the heroine and she has to fight to prove she’s more than a burned out has-been of a party girl.  That’s not really who she is.  So I guess most of my characters’ internal struggles are finding their true selves. 

Currently I’m writing mostly contemporary romance, but I’ve done some Regency-set historical romance, too.  Also, a few light-paranormal romances.

I read just about anything—historical romance, contemporary, New Adult, historical fiction, the classics, non-fiction (mostly history), and more.  Heck, I’ll read the back of the cereal box or shampoo bottle if there’s nothing else at hand!  I don’t like violent or scary books, so I don’t read much suspense or crime fiction.
What is your writing process?
"I pretty much start at chapter one and write through to “the end”, then go back and revise. Critique groups work great for some of my writer friends, but I work much better on my own. It’s all about the characters for me. Once I write a few chapters and the characters start talking to me, the story details unfold.  I usually know pretty much what’s going to happen and how it’s going to end before I start, but sometimes I surprise myself.  That happened recently with my companion novellas, Nashville Fling and Nashville Flirt.  When I started Fling, I thought it was going to be a cute little short about a woman who wins a radio station contest “date” with a country music star and then it turns into more.  But about two chapters in, I realized that wasn’t going to happen—at all.  I like how it turned out much better, and it spawned the companion novella, Nashville Flirt, which is the heroine’s sister’s side of the story (ohhh! Conflict!)

Both novellas are currently free at most vendors."
What is in store next?
"Next is my full length novel Nashville Surprise, which picks up where Nashville Fling/Nashville Flirt leave off.  Sarah, the POV character in Nashville Flirt, has a big problem to solve and has no clue where to start.

All of the Nashville books are stand-alone books, but after Surprise, I’m going to work on a three book miniseries within the same world, that are more closely related.  Those will be about members of the same band—a band who makes a cameo in Nashville Crazy (wink).

There’s also going to be a Halloween novella featuring a reoccurring character.  I think it’s about time he gets his own happily ever after ☺
All the news and release dates will be on my website as they become available, or readers can sign up for my newsletter (also on my website)."
You sound like a very busy lady!  We look forward to your new releases :-)
Thank you again for joining us today and telling us about all things Nashville.

Nashville Crazy - available NOW!

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Images: Ryman Auditorium by Aubrey Haynes; Schermerhorn Symphony Centre by JohnC, Photography Aficionados