"The Last Book Ever Written: Victor Vale" satirises our competitive, success-driven society, foresees the effects of the economic recession, and warns of what could happen if we let technology go too far.
"The entertaining narrative minefield pops with surprises and grim echoes of our present, keeping the pages turning..." —Kirkus Reviews
"The book has a deep focus and meaning – both what is real and what is important to a life as fragile as ours in this earth...
The detective moves from sleuthing force to a writer and this transformation is both physical and also creative.
The interior life of the narrator is rich with observation and insight and it parallels the story and the movement of this characters’ journey." -Darcey Steinke, author of Sister Golden Hair
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Hello Jonah and welcome to BooksChatter to tell us a bit more about your first novel, "The Last Book Ever Written".
What was the inspiration for your novel, "The Last Book Ever Written"?
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.
Can you tell us about your cover - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
If you could / wished to turn your book into a movie, who would be your dream team?
The Last Book Ever Written
What was the inspiration for your novel, "The Last Book Ever Written"?
You described the detachment caused by people's own involvement in cyberspace very well in your book. And I can certainly relate to it, as, for example, I find it most irritating and plain rude when people are in a social gathering and yet they pay more attention to their mobile phones than to those around them."When the iPhone was released, my best friend, always the first to embrace technology, brought it to my house. My friends and I sat around playing cards and chatted about things we had always talked about since high school. Except something was different: my best friend didn’t seem to be listening. He hadn’t taken his eyes off his new toy the entire night. He was so detached from reality that it disturbed me.
Most of our communication is non-verbal, and this is lost in virtual interactions and text messages. To me, a future with less effective communication between our fellow human beings was scary, and I felt the need to write about it. The story grew from there."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I probably relate to Victor, the narrator of the story, in inconspicuous ways that I don’t even realize. When I revisit the work, I sometimes discover something new about myself, and not only through Victor.
I know that I relate to Tommy, the protagonist’s son. The emphasis on career and the pressure from society to choose your path during a time of economic recession is something, I think, all 20 year olds from my generation can relate to.
I can also relate to Walter Cunningham, because we both have a slight obsession for banana pudding."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.
Can you tell us about your cover - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
Why should we read "The Last Book Ever Written" and what sets it apart from the rest?"The cover for The Last Book Ever Written was especially important considering the nature of the work. I want the reader to experience a visceral sensation when he or she comes to specific realizations about the book within the book. So the cover is essential, and every element is referenced in the text itself.
Robin McGeever was the cover designer, Gary Finkler contributed important ideas to it, and the illustration, which appears in the back of the book, was drawn by Alison Kruvant."

"That’s up for the reader to decide. I wrote what intrigued me and what I felt was important. Without revealing too much, creating a physical relationship between author and reader was what interested me: I wanted to make the best use of the medium.Can you tell us something quirky about the the story and its characters?
In film, you have movies like Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rope”, which through camerawork and editing makes it seem like the entire film is one shot.
In theater, you have Thornton Wilder, who not only has actors breaking the fourth wall, but in “Our Town” [Purlitzer Prize winner], he has them cooking bacon on the stage so its scent permeates the theater, reaching the noses of everyone in the audience.
Those are the kind of visceral experiences I want readers to have with The Last Book Ever Written. "
"Dallas Grumm and Ralph Weinstein are both based on real people. There is another character whose name is an anagram a modern day politician."Who would you recommend your book to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I feel like the book has a wide appeal. It’s geared toward those in their twenties and thirties and also to baby boomers. Science fiction fans will definitely enjoy it, as well as readers who enjoy mysteries and thrillers. At the same time, it appeals to the literary establishment.I must say, after reading it I immediately associated it with literary fiction, but of course there is a strong science fiction element to it as well.
For my writing, I want books first and foremost to have worthwhile prose, meaning, and even truth, but I also want it to be enjoyable. I see no reason for it not to be both. While poorly written books written for the masses are certainly not my favorites, I do not want to write books that no one but the literary community can appreciate either. The best art to me strikes just the right balance."
If you could / wished to turn your book into a movie, who would be your dream team?

"I’d choose James Franco as Victor Vale, Jack Nicholson as The Chief, Reese Witherspoon as Lauren McQuade, and Steven Spielberg as my director."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I definitely explore different genres. I come from a background in screenwriting, have written plays, poetry, and fiction, long and short. I specialize in fiction now, but not in a particular genre. I have found, however, that my works in recent years have become satires in some form or another. I’m inspired when I am fascinated or disturbed, and more often than not these days, it’s the latter."What is your writing process?
"I have a very specific writing process. I write all first drafts by hand, even short scenes or moments that arise later. I find that the subconscious leaks out onto the page when I write with a notebook and pen. I then type up what I wrote, revising as I type. I find that the act of typing engages the conscious mind and is more conducive to revision. Next, I print it, write on the printed pages with a pen, and then type it up again. I repeat this process until the piece is ready."What is in store next?
"Keep a look out for short fiction. Some pieces have similar themes to The Last Book Ever Written and some are completely different."Thank you again for joining us and best wishes for the rest of the tour!
The Last Book Ever Written
available NOW!


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