This is the second book in the Antoine Marcas Freemason series to be translated into English (the third in the original French series).

PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and the Kindle Cloud Reader Preview below.
Author Eric Giacometti & Jacques Ravenne will be awarding a digital copy of The Lafayette Sword to five randomly drawn winners via Rafflecopter during the tour. Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
Synopsis | Teaser: KCR Preview | The Series | Guest Post | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Gold. Obsession. Secrets.Following the murder of a Freemason brother, Antoine Marcas uncovers unsettling truths about gold and its power to fascinate and corrupt. A priceless sword is stolen and deaths ensue setting the Freemason detective on a case of Masons turned bad. A clue points to mysteries and conspiracy about elusive pure gold, launching a frantic, deadly race between two symbolic places—the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower.
A captivating plot weaves alchemy and the Middle Ages into a modern-day thriller.
For readers who love ancient myths, secret societies, chilling narrative and modern speed.
The Series: Antoine Marcas Freemason
Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
Shadow Ritual [1]
Ritual murders. Ancient enemies. A powerful secret. An electrifying thriller about the rise of extremism.
Two slayings—one in Rome and one in Jerusalem—rekindle an ancient rivalry between modern-day secret societies for knowledge lost at the fall of the Third Reich. Detective Antoine Marcas unwillingly teams up with the strong-willed Jade Zewinski to chase Neo-Nazi assassins across Europe.
They must unravel an arcane Freemason mystery, sparked by information from newly revealed KGB files. Inspired from the true story of mysterious Freemason files thought to hold a terrible secret, stolen by the SS in 1940, recovered by the Red Army in 1945 and returned half a century later.
[First published 12 May 2005 as "Le Rituel De L'Ombre"; this English translation published 25 March 2015, 270 pages]
About the Author

Eric Giacometti was an investigative reporter for a major French newspaper. He has covered a number of high-profile scandals and has done exhaustive research in the area of freemasonry.
Translator Anne Trager has a passion for crime fiction that equals her love of France. After years working in translation, publishing and communications, she founded Le French Book.
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