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Wednesday 5 October 2016

✉ Samantha: Barrett Family [2] - Andrea Kane

Today author takes over our blog to tell us about her latest novel, Samantha (, Bonnie Meadow Publishing LLC, 412 pages), an Historical Romance, book two of Barrett Family series.

Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | Author's Guest Post | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops

Why I Chose to Write Historical Romance

      It was over 20 years ago when SAMANTHA was first published, the long-awaited, long-demanded spin-off from MY HEART’S DESIRE. The book was all I hoped it would be. I loved it, my readers loved it, and I knew exactly why.
Sammy was the ultimate romantic heroine—a single-minded young woman who was hell-bent on finding the man of her dreams. And, wow, did she do just that. Remington Worth was an enigma, a challenge, and pretty much the antithesis of a knight-in-shining-armor—until he met Samantha. After that, his whole world changed.

     As I reread SAMANTHA and added new author content, I was struck by the fact that something else hasn’t changed, and that’s the heart and soul of why I wrote the book and the genre in which I wrote it.
     I was always a huge historical romance reader. I polished off three or four books a week—during lunch at work, late at night when the world was asleep, and as a new mother rocking a baby stroller. Okay, even before that, when I was a tender-hearted teenager savoring the wonders of love at first sight. Throughout all those years, I was a diehard romantic who dreamed about happily-ever-after. And, as a lover of historical England, I couldn’t get enough of romance novels set in that time period.
     So when the time came to take the jump and write my own books, there was never a doubt as to what genre I would write in, or even the country and the time period in which I would set most of those novels. The only addition to the equation was to weave in my other great love: mystery and suspense. Which is why I refer to my historicals as historical romantic suspense. I give my readers the strongest characters I can and I place them in dangerous situations they themselves have to overcome—along with a twist or two along the way and an ending that’s satisfying on all fronts. That’s just what I did with SAMANTHA, and I hope you agree that the results are all I wanted them to be!

Available NOW!

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1 comment:

CMash said...

I loved this book!!