“The exuberant journal of a star-struck fan who vows to stop at nothing – even doing chores! – for a chance to see her favorite boy band perform live. [...] [A] gentle depiction of young love…Emma’s contagious enthusiasm amplifies this wholesome fan letter for younger readers.” --Kirkus Reviews (Editor's Choice)
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A very warm welcome to Taro Meyer; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Emma G. Loves Boyz, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
What was the inspiration for Emma G. Loves Boyz?
Thank you again for chatting to us, we hope you are having a great tour and look forward to meeting you again soon!
Emma G. Loves Boyz: A True Love Journal
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Emma G. Loves Boyz, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
"To get into Emma G.’s head, I listened to a variety of songs that I thought would appeal to, and reflect, her musical approach as a writer – artists like: Taylor Swift, Megan Trainor, Lorde, Cold Play, One Direction.
I kept listening to Walk the Moon’s Shut Up and Dance, and Avicii ‘s production of Wake Me Up because they just lift you up. I wanted Emma’s lyrics to be simple, directly speaking to the heart.
My favorite singer of all time is Patti Austin. I’ve written a children’s musical project for her that is being released now called Mighty Musical Fairy Tales. I’m a huge fan of her album For Ella."
"A young cousin of mine was 13 and, like so many girls, she loved music and Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers. I understood her feelings; I’d had that same feeling for a star when I was young. My cousin is now in her 20’s, very accomplished, a college grad and in the business world."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"There’s lots of “me” in the book. I always wrote poetry as a kid. I loved music and listened to the radio (no internet then) constantly, had tween and teen parties in my apartment where we danced and danced.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Emma G. Loves Boyz - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
After college I became a singer/songwriter, then I began working as an actress in musicals on Broadway and on TV. That led to me to producing and directing audiobooks, working in recording studios. I’ve been lucky to have been deeply involved in the arts as a profession.
And of course, there was that unforgettable, absolutely adorable boy who moved into the building where I lived when I was 13. I had all the feelings for him that Emma has for Josh. I melted the first time I saw him. One day we were talking outside the building, and my dad had to come out and tell me it was raining and to get inside. I didn’t feel a drop because I was just looking into his eyes. "
"I wanted the cover to convey the excitement Emma feels – that being at the concert is one of the most incredible events that can happen in her life. It’s a universal feeling.Why should we read Emma G. Loves Boyz and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
Several years ago I co-produced a rock show called Christmas Eve and Other Stories, and I coached the singers. Every night I’d watch them perform up on the stage with the lights flashing, and the music pouring out over the crowd. Each night was so charged up and exhilarating. There’s an electricity that sweeps out from the stage, a magic that takes over, and I wanted to capture that on the cover because it is what Emma feels and what millions of fans feel. The artist was Heather Wood. Maybe she’d had the same feelings too because she really communicated that magic."
"Emma’s love of writing and her soon-to-come journey into the world of music making, while she’s still dealing with all the normal middle school issues, makes it a unique behind the scenes series for girls.Can you tell us something quirky about Emma G. Loves Boyz, its story and characters?
Friends, music, boys all combine as one spunky determined heroine makes her way forward in the world. And Emma’s always coming up with creative solutions to her problems, like when she suddenly figures out a way to get better seats at the Boyz3000 concert, or how she uses her talent for writing to understand and begin dealing with the school bully.
And how often is there a book heroine torn between a real boy who likes her, and a star who she only dreams of knowing?"
"Emma’s essay about fighting is unexpected and quirky. And it should be required reading for any adult who criticizes todays’ kids for not having good values like they had when they were young. Kids today are dealing with a lot more than their parents’ generation did, and Emma’s recognition of that is a nice twist."Who would you recommend Emma G. Loves Boyz to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I’d recommend this to young girls, middle school age to early teens. Beware though, older sisters and moms may borrow the book, as many have told me it captures what they felt as teens.If you could / wished to turn Emma G. Loves Boyz into a movie, who would be your dream team?
There are no warnings, no amber or red lights. It’s a green light all the way."
"It would be amazing to see the book as a film or series. The location is easy for me, Emma’s world is on the east coast, in a middle class environment. But casting is another question.What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
I see her with her naturally unruly hair which is reflective of her personality and her feisty energy. But I don’t have any particular actor in mind for her or any of the characters.
I cast many of the audio productions I work on. I’ll have an understanding of the characters, what their personalities are like, how they operate in the world, but I am always open to an actor surprising me, coming up with something that gives the character another, unexpected layer.
Maybe your readers have some good ideas. I’d love to hear them."
"I still write poetry and I’m very excited about the new children’s musical and book property I created, Mighty Musical Fairy Tales. It’s an album performed by the incredible international artist Patti Austin, my favorite singer.What is your writing process?
I re-wrote the traditional fairy tales, giving them values we want to share with kids today: anti-bullying, diversity, etc. The tales are full of fun poetry mixed with catchy sing-along choruses. I was especially thrilled to write some of them with my daughter, Ari Meyers.
The first book of the series from the album is The Ugly Duckling. But it’s got a much nicer, more fun and musical ending than the original. I’m also preparing a live show for the album, so I’m writing the script and new songs for that as well."
"I get a thought, an idea, a feeling. It’s like a little seed. And then I work on it. And work on it. And work on it till it blooms, or flowers. I like re-writing."What is in store next?
"Emma’s growing as a writer. The next book takes us behind the scenes in the music business as Emma learns she can really sing. And she’s going to bring her sister and cousin with her because Emma’s very tight with them.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
And, she’ll have some big challenges, like which boy is the right one for her, Josh or Aaron, especially after she gets to spend time with Aaron."
"I guess my quirky thing is that I love pens. I have a few: black fountain pens and roller balls and a slim powder blue one. The way they move across a page feels beautiful to me; I think they make me feel more “writerly.” Even though I do my work on the computer, I still jot thoughts and ideas in notebooks with my wonderful pens.I love fountain pens, but have not needed to use one in far too many years...
I don’t have a big collection because when I’m tempted, I remind myself that I don’t need any more.
I’ve attached a photo of one fountain pen and a rollerball. Both were gifts from friends who know I love pens."
Thank you again for chatting to us, we hope you are having a great tour and look forward to meeting you again soon!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for sharing this great Q&A! Some of my fondest memories of growing up were my teen/tween dance and slumber parties! Aaaah... memories of my youth. :D
I liked the interview.
Thanks for sharing :)
I really enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!
Thank you very much
Dance parties were "heaven."
Thank you. Hope you get to read the book.
Thank you for reading :-)
It's great to hear that. I enjoyed writing it.
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