New York Times bestselling author Andrea Kane delivers blockbuster historical romantic suspense so electrifying that readers are clamoring for her stories. But her extraordinary ability to intertwine desire, adventure, history, and true love has always left readers with the desire to look deep into their own hearts...
Author Q&A | Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
A very warm welcome to Andrea Kane; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for My Heart's Desire?
Why should we read My Heart's Desire and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
Who would you recommend My Heart's Desire to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
What is your writing process?
Thank you again for being with us today, I hope you have a great tour and look forward to seeing you again with Samantha! In the meantime, lots of cuddles to Mischief :-)
My Heart's Desire
What was the inspiration for My Heart's Desire?
"Honestly? I guess I’m a bit of a rebel. I’d just read so many Regency-based novels with proper characters who followed all the rules that I had the immediate urge to write two protagonists who scorned society, who walked their own paths, and, by doing so, who found each other. Alex and Drake are all that and more!"How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"My personality is definitely reflected in Alexandria, the heroine of My Heart’s Desire. While I’m not quite as brazen as she is, I’m just as straightforward, just as stubborn, and just as individualistic. Oh, and I have her flashing eyes when I lose my temper. These are great traits for Alex, but not so much for those she interacts with. Drake is very much her equal in all of the above, and that creates a combustible combination. So maybe it’s a good thing that I’m not quite as fierce as Alex is—at least for my husband’s sake! "The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for My Heart's Desire - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Since this is the 25th anniversary edition of My Heart’s Desire, it has new author content and a whole new look. I love the cover! It’s bold, vibrant, and a perfect depiction of the complex wonder of Alex’s and Drake’s story. I don’t think I can imagine a more fitting combination of images than a delicate, unique sea shell with a precious pearl inside."It is indeed very striking, and so different from the original cover, and those that followed! 25 years! That's certainly worth celebrating :-D
Why should we read My Heart's Desire and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"I’d have to say that my characters make my books unique. I’ve been told that both my characters and their storylines draw my reading audience right in and keep them reading until the last page. I’d like to hope that’s true. Plus, if you like a mystery with your romance, then my historicals are right up your alley."Can you tell us something quirky about My Heart's Desire, its story and characters?
"Fate intervened in full force when I was naming Alexandria. In every book I write, I always need the absolute right name for each of my characters before I begin. I ponder and ponder for weeks until I find the right name. And Alex was no different. I felt discord with each name I contemplated, until, voila! “Alexandria” popped into my head, and I knew that was perfect, and that Alexandria was my heroine.Clearly an inspired choice!
Soon afterwards, my family and I travelled to Toronto and the Thousand Islands, where half of My Heart’s Desire is set, to do a thorough research trip. And the very first thing I found was that our home base on the US side of the Thousand Islands was a lovely town called Alexandria Bay. If that isn’t Fate, what is?"
Who would you recommend My Heart's Desire to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I’d recommend this book to all lovers of historical romance who gravitate toward strong, compelling characters and an underlying suspense plot—something that’s prevalent in all my historicals. Also, if you’re a fan of Regency England and the glittering world of the ton, this book is for you!If you could / wished to turn My Heart's Desire and the Barrett Family series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
The only “warning” I would give my readers is that there are explicit sex scenes in the book."
"This is always a really tough question for me, because my characters are unique unto themselves and I never picture someone(s) playing their parts other than the “real people” I’ve created in my head and who are now fleshed out on paper. So I can’t claim that a particular “hottie” should play the part of Drake (okay, if a young Sean Connery existed, I might change my mind) or Alex.Wow... I can just imagine it; I don't know what I would stare at the most, the costumes or the scenery!
The filming locations would be London (and its neighboring shires), Toronto, and the Thousand Islands. There’d have to be stunning period costumes and beautiful sets to replicate England and Old York (now Toronto) in 1812, but the beauty of the English countryside and the exquisite Thousand Islands would make a perfect movie setting. Not to mention some cool battles at sea, caused both by the weather and the war."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
":I’ve written fourteen historical romance novels and an equal number of psychological suspense thrillers. Those are very different genres, and yet there’s a commonality in my books that speaks to who I am as a writer.I must admit I am growing quite fond of the romantic suspense genre, they can work really well, even (especially) when they are very dark.
All my books are character based. I’m a firm believer that if your readers don’t love (or hate) your characters, they won’t really engage and care about what happens to them. That makes for a milquetoast read.
And, while the level of suspense is different in the two different genres I write, mystery and suspense are strong elements in both. I always wanted to call my historicals “historical romantic suspense novels”, but no such specific genre existed. And, yes, both these genres are what I love to write and what I love to read."
What is your writing process?
"For me, a writing process isn’t an exact science. It changes with each book and within the writing of each book. Usually it’s my characters who come first, but sometimes it’s a “what if” that starts my wheels turning. Either way, both the characters and the germ of a storyline have to grow, take form, and intertwine before I can even get started.What is in store next?
I write a basic outline, one I know will ebb, flow, change direction, and evolve as I write. The research begins immediately—I spend several months on that, and that research continues throughout the writing of the book as details take shape and new ideas are born.
I write almost every day, and when I get stuck, I research or re-read what I’ve written to figure out what wrong turn I took and at what point I took it. The process is fluid, different each time, and gruelling in its intensity. But I love what I do, so it’s worth all the blood, sweat, tears, and time."
"Coming in October, just one month after the release of My Heart’s Desire, will be the release of its sequel, Samantha.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
is Drake’s younger sister, who evolves into an unexpectedly vital character in her brother’s story. To me, it seems impossible not to fall in love with her. And now, 3 years later, she’s blossomed into a whirlwind of endearing romantic innocence—eighteen-years-old and ready for her first London Season… sort of. The truth is, she’s more interested in finding her very own knight-in-shining-armour—her hero."
"My Pomeranian, Mischief, is my furry baby and my best little friend. He lies up against my side whenever I’m working. But sleep is the last thing on his mind. He’s all about living up to his name. He’s determined to keep me from writing, no matter how much attention I give him over the course of the day. Can you imagine a tiny pup using his snout to fling a laptop off its stand and onto the floor?Thank you for sharing Mischief with us; I leapt off my chair the moment I saw him - he is a teddy bear! So gorgeous! I do not know how you get any work done with that little face near you :-) Love his antics; my cats are very much the same, one in particular comes to sit between my arms, on the table, betweeen myself and my laptop whilst I am working... he is a BIG black boy... and he slobbers... but I have to type away like that - he can happily stay there for hours! Aren't fur-babies wonderful?!
Well, he can do that and a whole lot more. He’s the cutest guy in the world, and boy does he know it. He uses that cuteness to his advantage every chance he gets! I’m attaching a photo of us together. Hope it makes you smile!"
Thank you again for being with us today, I hope you have a great tour and look forward to seeing you again with Samantha! In the meantime, lots of cuddles to Mischief :-)
1 comment:
I enjoy character development and after reading this interview, I need to put this on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing.
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