This is the first book in The Chronicles of Elizabeth Blake series.
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the first three chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
Wicka is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library and it is on sale for only .99 until 28 August 2016!
Author Christy Deveaux will be awarding a $50 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Synopsis | Trailer | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway
While mourning the loss of a mother figure, Elizabeth Blake, a smart but socially introverted seventeen year old girl from Ann Arbor Michigan, thinks she’s enrolling in an international school in the south of France to finish her final year of high school.Instead, she falls in love; finds out that she is a witch from an ancient family –– who weren’t thought to exist anymore; and discovers that her life is in danger, as the Elders believe that she is the heir to a legend they fear above all else.
Wicka, the debut novel by Christy Deveaux, has been compared to other fantasy paranormal tales such as Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyer and Harry Potter, written by J.K. Rowling. Young adults and grown ups alike are sure to love this adventure filled magical romance.
Teaser: Excerpt
Sweet Bliss, With a Hint of Anxiety
I COULDN’T believe how fast time was flying by. I was loving my time here. I was trying to spend a little more time on my studies than I had been. My grades were slipping, and the last thing I needed was an issue with my university acceptance. William would find me in the library after class, sneak up behind me, and provide a distraction that I was unable to come back from. I was sitting in the library pretending to read, completely distracted by a French couple making out openly at a table across from me. William came over chuckling at my obvious staring. He put a piece of paper over the book I was pretending to read. I picked it up and read out loud, “All Hallows Eve Dance at Peppers. Is that like Halloween?” I asked, still trying not to stare at the couple who hadn’t yet come up for air.
William had sat down across from me and answered, “It’s not ‘like’ Halloween, it is Halloween.” A sinister smile emerged from his beautiful face making it impossible to be upset at his infamous grammar correction.
“Funny! Are you going?” I asked as a teacher intentionally dropped a heavy pile of books on the table to get the couple’s attention. She then told them to open their books. Chuckling again and turning his attention back to me, William said, “I thought we could go together. We could dress up, it will be fun.”
“What do you want to dress up as?” I inquired before committing to anything. “We could do something together, like Prince Charming and Cinderella.” When I looked less than impressed, he continued, “How about Romeo and Juliet?” Scrunching up my nose in disgust at how humiliating that would be for me, he shrugged his shoulders and sarcastically said, “Well what would you like to go as, a pirate and his wench?” I thought for half a second and laughed, “That’s exactly what I want to go as. I’ll get the costumes.”
Looking incredibly disappointed at the notion of dressing up as a pirate, William said, “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather dress up as something a little less vulgar?”
“Nope. I really like your idea. I can’t wait!” I said, closing my book and looking at the flyer. Disgruntled, but happy to be dressing up together, William took my hand and gestured to the French couple who were making out again heavily.
I only had a few days to get the costumes together. I searched the little second-hand stores and markets around town. It was actually really nice to get out and see the town on a more intimate level. The locals were all really nice, and even though my French was mediocre at best, they were all very helpful.
I had never really spent much time by myself. I decided to stop for a cappuccino at a little café overlooking one of the squares. It was so relaxing to just sit and admire the many beautiful buildings and people watch. It was a very different lifestyle than what I was used to.
The French definitely know how to enjoy life. They work hard, but everything is centered around families and communities. They are always out, and everyone knows everyone. I couldn’t imagine being sad here; it seemed impossible. I found myself breathing deeply with my eyes closed. A feeling of complete bliss struck me. I decided to continue walking. I didn’t want to go home yet to Sophie’s accusing looks and questions.
The streets were beautiful: cobblestone and completely uneven. But that’s what made them so charming. An old man sitting outside a boulangerie with his wife greeted me as though we were old friends. I stopped mid-step and turned around. Through the window of one of the shops, I saw a corset, an old brown and white corset. It would be perfect to go over the blouse I had bought for the wench costume. I couldn’t help but smile. I was giddy at how perfect it was.
William was going to meet me at my house to get ready together before going to Peppers. He arrived, and I answered the door in my costume. Looking at me, confused, he said, “I thought we were dressing up as a pirate and a wench? You look like a pirate. Could you not find a wench costume?”
“No, I found one,” I said holding it up with an enormous smile on my face. As the realization sunk in, William shook his head and said, “You can’t be serious?” “Oh, I’m serious,” I said as I threw the costume at him. He looked at it and smiled. Then he looked at me with a grin on his face, shrugged his shoulders, and said, “Alright, let’s do this.”
Resigning himself to the fact that this was going to happen, he came inside to change. When William appeared in his costume, I almost lost control. Laughter sent me to the floor. Here was this big, muscular rugby player dressed up as a wench. The only thing that could have made it funnier was makeup. So, I pulled out the makeup. Lots of blue eye shadow with really red cheeks and lipstick was applied. I pulled the corset a little tighter to complete the outfit.
William was a very good sport about it all. At least people wouldn’t mess with him too badly. He was, after all, a big, muscular rugby player.
Only .99 until 28 August 2016!
About the Author

Inspired by traveling across Europe solo at a very young age, and many travel adventures since, the character and story line behind Elizabeth Blake was born.
Christy majored in political science and earned a cross-disciplinary degree from the University of Western Ontario.
She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband, three children and a fish named Cow.
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