"Kate Sermon's writing is truly sublime. She creates characters to care for; whether it is dealing with friendship in our own world or grief in the astral planes, Kezia and Ben remain real people with hopes and flaws. Dark Sleepers is a startlingly imaginative debut." -- Dan Metcalf, Children's Author
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A very warm welcome to Kate Sermon; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Dark Sleepers?
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
Can you tell us something quirky about Dark Sleepers, its story and characters?
Who would you recommend Dark Sleepers to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Dark Sleepers
What was the inspiration for Dark Sleepers?
"I’d moved my family to Canada from the UK in an attempt to start a new life. It was while I was working behind the counter of our art gallery that we had bought rashly, that I was so overcome with home sickness that Dartmoor and Kezia popped into my head.
There was plenty of time to write down ideas and thoughts as we had very few customers! We moved back to the UK in a year and I started writing Dark Sleepers properly."

"Lots of my best friends, ones I’ve known since I was a teenager, have said that Kezia is me in character. I think they’re being too nice because I’m nowhere as kind as her.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Dark Sleepers - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
My own dad died when I was a teen too, also suddenly so my experience of that kind of grief was very useful.
I also played around with astral projection when I was younger and I’ve always been interested in the concept of the astral realms."
"The artist is a very good friend, who is a graphic novelist in the UK. His name is Brian Gorman and he’s also a playwright.Why should we read Dark Sleepers and the Dark Flows the River Trilogy, what sets it apart from the rest? What makes it unique?
We talked about the look I was wanting to achieve and we’re both big fans of Neil Gaiman, and so used his covers to inspire us.
The design of it was completed by another good friend: Kath Grimshaw. I am so blessed to have such talented friends."
"My series is definitely unique. It’s set in the UK and combines themes of grief with how to power through and make your world better by helping others.
Kezia is a unique heroine as her kindness and positivity are her main strengths. They are powerful in the mortal world but in the astral realms they can be overwhelmingly powerful. Her and Ben’s (her best friend) journeys int the realms are very different because their characters are very different. She starts by using the realms to try and find her dead father but what she discovers about herself is worth so much more."

"Well, Hugo Kezia’s angel guide is named after my best friends Leonberger dog!"Gosh! They are enormous!!! :-D
Who would you recommend Dark Sleepers to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This series is for teens and adults. I’ve had great reviews from all ages. I don’t think any warnings are necessary. Just keep an open mind…"If you could / wished to turn Dark Sleepers and the Dark Flows the River Trilogy series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I’ve already thought about this in great detail, as one of the themes of the series is the power of visualisation.
Director: Steven Spielburg or Alfonso Cuarón.
The location would have to be Dartmoor, the same as was used for War Horse.
I’d like Asa Butterfield for Ben. Saoire Ronan for Kezia and Bill Nighy playing Kezia’s dad."

"I love writing magical realism because of the endless possibilities available to me. You don’t have to stay within the realms of physics and what’s possible."What is your writing process?
"500 words a day every day before I get up. My books are written on my laptop while sipping my first coffee of the day."What is in store next?
"The next book in the series is hopefully going to be out by Christmas. It gets even darker and Ben has quite a time. That’s all I’m saying!"And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My daughter is amazing here’s a picture of us together."Thank you for sharing! :-D
thank you for having me!
Hello Kate, greetings from rainy London!
Thank you for popping by!
I just added a couple of pics of Dartmoor - it's just spectacular!
They look beautiful!
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