This is the third book in The Branded Trilogy series.

PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the first five chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
Sacred Legacy is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library.
Author Kat Flannery will be awarding a Kindle Fire HD 8 Tablet, 8" HD Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB worth $149.00 US, to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Tsura is a Chuvani, and with that comes great power…Desperate to escape the memories that haunt her, Tsura Harris returns to Jamestown, the very place her mother forbade her to go. A gifted Chuvani, Tsura has sworn off all magick, thus making her vulnerable to the Renoldi clan, who wish to kill her and take the pendant that is the key to her power.
Red Wolf is hell-bent on living his life on the sea, until he runs into Tsura on the docks. His pride wounded from her rejection years before, he hoped to never see her again. But when the evil Corsair, Romulus Black, demands to know where she is, Red Wolf must protect her, as is his duty.
But is duty and honor his only reason, or does Red Wolf still carry a flame of love in his heart? And will Tsura finally discover her destiny?
Teaser: Excerpt
Willow Creek, Colorado, 1890
Nora stared at the dilapidated trunk next to the fireplace. She hadn’t looked at it after pa died last year. The old wood turned up at the edges, warped from the many times they’d traveled across the country. Pa was resigned to saving Nora from herself, which hadn’t done either of them any good. As a gifted child she’d not been able to turn away from someone in need no matter the idle threats her father issued.
She closed her eyes, seeing him now. The too-short brown slacks he wore, his weathered shirt, stained and in need of repair. No smile lifted his lips, or creased the skin around the eyes. His face stiff as stone, rigid, and unmoving. Within the blue depths surrounded by black lashes lay disappointment.
Nora shuddered. Even now, months later, she could not see him without the cloud of disdain he’d placed around himself. The anger he’d cast upon her so many times. He’d been wrong. He’d seen her only as the rest of the world had… a threat.
The house was quiet. Morning Star napped in the small bed in the corner of the room, and Hawk was outside doing chores. She inhaled and stepped toward the trunk. Pa used the heavy crate for his clothes and whatever else had needed storing. She never really cared what was inside and had forgotten all about it until Hawk brought it in from the barn last week. He thought she might want it in the house. She wasn’t so sure. The trunk held distant and unsettling memories of the life she led with her father, of resentment and hate… of a little girl who longed to be loved.
Her stomach turned. She needed to face the past sooner or later, and what could be inside but a few of Pa’s things? She stared at the trunk once more as she feasted on her bottom lip. Pa wasn’t a saint. He sure as hell didn’t leave her fond memories of him. In fact almost all of her memories were tainted with the sloshes of whiskey, dreadful words thrown her way, and him passed out across the sofa. She had to search the recesses of her mind to draw any hint of the father who raised her. And even then, her mind foggy, she wasn’t sure if it was a dream she’d had or the real thing.
She took another step. Her toes touched the side of the trunk. She glanced behind her to where Morning Star slept.
“To hell with it.”
She bent, flung open the lid, and knocked it against the stone wall that made up the fireplace. She winced and waited. No cry. No small feet running across the floor toward her.
She sighed and stared down at a pair of folded denims and a woolen blanket. She pulled out the blanket, not the least bit surprised to see two bottles of whiskey hidden beneath. She rescued them from the musty confines of the trunk and set them on the floor beside her. Next she pulled out Pa’s denims and stared at the bottom of the trunk. There was nothing else left and yet the trunk seemed so much larger on the outside than what it appeared to be inside.
She peeked at the contents beside her and then inside the trunk again. Standing, she placed her left leg up against the trunk and took a mental note that it came to just below her knee. She lifted her skirt to place her foot inside the empty trunk. In doing so, she lost her balance and fell into the wooden box. The timber snapped, breaking beneath her, and dropped her foot another three inches.
She stared at the bits of broken wood. Another compartment was concealed beneath. She slowly pulled her leg out and knelt. She pushed her insecurities aside and reached her hand past the broken wood to explore the space. She felt some sort of fabric.
She withdrew her hand and stared at the small hole. What was underneath? Without further hesitation, she pulled the wooden board up and snapped it from the edges of the trunk. Placing the broken board to the side, she peered into the trunk once more. Nestled on the bottom was a blue blanket wrapped around something hard. She pulled it out and carefully unraveled the cloth to reveal a rectangular jewelry box. Nora had never seen anything as beautiful as this handmade piece. The side bore intricately carved flowers and on top a sparrow etched into the wood. She lifted the lid and found a book, a ledger, which fit perfectly inside. She plucked it from the confines of the box. The cover was fashioned out of deer hide. She inspected the binding which was held together with leather strips. She ran her fingertips along the worn book, and thumbed through the yellow pages with what appeared to be feminine handwriting. She turned to the beginning of the book and gasped. It was a diary...
Sacred Legacy
Available NOW!
The Series: The Branded Trilogy
The series is free on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner Library.***Somewhere in these books is a hidden “Easter Egg,”*** a bold text link to 3 FREE Qwickie novellas by 3 bestselling authors. This is a time limited offer, so happy reading and hunting!
|| [1] || [2] ||
Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
Lakota Honor [1]
Fate has brought them together, but will a promise tear them apart?
In the small town of Willow Creek, Colorado, Nora Rushton spends most of her days locked up in her home with a father who resents her and fighting off unwanted marriage proposals from the wealthy Elwood Calhoun. Marked as a witch, Nora must hide her healing powers from those who wish to destroy all the witkowin—crazy women. What she doesn't know is that a bounty hunter is hot on her trail.
Lakota native Otakatay has an obligation to fulfill. He has been hired to kill the witkowin. In a time when race and difference are a threat and innocence holds no ground, courage, love and honor will bring Nora and Otakatay together as they fight for their freedom. Will the desire to fulfill his promise drive Otakatay to kill Nora? Or will the kindness he sees in her blue eyes push him to be the man he once was?
[Published 30 May 2013, 183 pages]
Blood Curse [2]
“Upon mine death for the blood ye have shed, Every daughter born to ye shall die before it draws breath, to which ye will know pain and worse, I cast unto ye mine blood curse.” ~ Vadoma
Four years after the Blood Curse, Pril of the Peddlers vows to protect her child against the evil men who hunt her. With her clan unaware of the branded girl among them, Pril has to keep the identity of her daughter a secret. When her child is kidnapped, she is forced to ask Merchant runner, Kade Walker, for his help.
Kade Walker needs to find the gypsy child. Blackmailed and pushed beyond his own moral code, he is determined to do whatever it takes. When he comes across the Peddler clan, he is sure the girl is there, however all hope is lost when the gypsies capture him. Time is running out—until Pril makes him an offer he cannot refuse.
Amidst greed, lust, revenge and love, Pril will need to trust Kade. But as the evil nears and doubt creeps in, will she discover that the enemy has been standing next to her all along?
[Published 1 October 2014, 216 pages]
About the Author

Her debut novel CHASING CLOVERS has been an Amazon Top 100 Paid bestseller. LAKOTA HONOR and BLOOD CURSE (Branded Trilogy) are Kat’s two award-winning novels and HAZARDOUS UNIONS is Kat’s first novella. Kat is currently hard at work on her next book.
Follow Kat Flannery:

Giveaway and Tour Stops
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Aug 29 Lisa’s World of Books ☀
Aug 30 Fantatical Paranormal Romantical ✍
Aug 31 Ramblings of a Book Nerd ☀
Aug 31 The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom ℚ

Thanks for having me on Books Chatter today! :)
Captivating cover! Can't wait to read. :)
Fantastic teaser!! Thank you for the share. :)
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