This is the first book in the Children of Nostradamus series.

PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below.
Read the first three chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
Nighthawks is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library.
Author Jeremy Flagg will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), and guest blog posts (✉).
Synopsis | Teaser | Guest Post | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Twenty-six-year-old painter Conthan Cowan takes art to a shocking frontier…His debut exhibit features the transformation of his high school friend, Sarah, as she went from a shy, soft-spoken girl to a Child of Nostradamus—an individual gifted with extraordinary abilities. Living in a society where the Children of Nostradamus are captured by the government, Conthan’s exhibit draws attention from officials and protesters alike.
A government psychic may be dead, but that doesn’t stop her from manipulating the future…
The deceased White House aide is only remembered for her failed assassination attempt on the president decades before Conthan was born. Foreseeing her own death, she scribed letters to bring together specific Children of Nostradamus on a mission that will change the world.
On the night of the gallery exhibition, Conthan receives one of those letters…
Whispers from the past direct him to visit Sarah, the subject of his paintings, who like many Children of Nostradamus, is being detained in a government research facility. It’s there he finds himself aligned with a rogue group of Children on a mission to prevent a dark future.
As a dark future unfolds, there's only one hope to stop the destruction of the world...
The Children of Nostradamus.
Teaser: Excerpt
“Class I identified,” said the Corps soldier. “Immediate termination.”Conthan looked up, confused, and realized that the gun was pointing directly at his face. He watched as the soldier pulled the trigger and the pain surged through his brain.
“Not today.” It was his voice, but he wasn’t speaking.
He realized he wasn’t in control of his actions as he held up his hand and pushed the pain through his body to his palms. The black spot returned and he watched as the laser emerged from the gun and vanished into another dark hole. He could see a similar spot appear just to the side of the soldier. The laser projected outward from the darkness, searing through the soldier’s head.
Conthan felt the pain release his body. He fell to the ground. He lay next to a gasping Jed Zappens. Conthan turned his head to see the man. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.
Jed sucked in a ragged breath and blinked several times, tears beginning to stream down his face. He reached into his breast pocket and dragged out an old folded envelope. “For you,” he said through clenched teeth.
Conthan voice had left him. He wanted to scream for a medic but he couldn’t find air enough to fill his lungs. He started to reach for the envelope but hesitated before snatching it from the dead man’s hands. He crushed it in his grasp as he watched the light vanish from the artist’s eyes.
“Run,” said a voice.
Conthan rolled his head to see that there was nobody left standing in the alley. He sucked in air and tried to sit upright. “Hello?”
He had killed a Corps soldier. He was now marked for death. As he ran, he could hear the echo of the soldier’s words. “Class I,” he had said. Conthan couldn’t shake the feeling that life as he knew it was over.
Available NOW!
About the Author

My inspiration for writing stems from being a youth who struggled with reading in school. While I found school assigned novels incredibly difficult to digest, I devoured comics and later fantasy novels. Their influences can be seen in the tall tales I spin.
I took the long route to becoming a writer. For a brief time, I majored in Creative Writing but exchanged one passion for another as I switched to Art and Design. My passion for reading about superheroes, fantastical worlds, and panic-stricken situations would become the foundation of my writing career.
I participated in my first NaNoWriMo in 2006 and continue to write an entire novel every November. Now I am the NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison to the Massachusetts Metrowest Region. I also belong the New England Horror Writer’s Association and to a weekly writing group, the Metrowest Writers.
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Giveaway and Tour Stops
Enter to win a $50 Amazon/BN GC – a Rafflecopter giveawayRemember to comment to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Apr 11: BooksChatter
Apr 11: Blog of Jacey Holbrand
Apr 12: Christine Young
Apr 13: Coffee Books and Art
Apr 13: Clockwork Origin Productions
Apr 14: Where the Story Comes First
Apr 15: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
Apr 18: Room With Books
Apr 18: Two Ends of the Pen
Apr 19: The Reading Addict
Apr 19: Lynn Crandall
Apr 20: Dark Treasury
Apr 21: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
Apr 21: Writer Wonderland
Apr 22: Stormy Vixen Book Reviews
Apr 25: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
Apr 25: CBY Book Club
Apr 26: Houston Havens
Apr 27: Cover2Cover
Apr 27: The Avid Reader
Apr 28: fuonlyknew
Apr 29: Independent Authors
Apr 29: The A P Book Club
May 2: Lilac Reviews
May 3: Edgar Books
May 3: Romance That's 'Out Of This World'
May 4: Write Like a Wizard
May 4: Dina Rae's Write Stuff
May 5: Booklover Sue
May 5: Straight from the Library
May 6: Long and Short Reviews
Apr 11: Blog of Jacey Holbrand
Apr 12: Christine Young
Apr 13: Coffee Books and Art
Apr 13: Clockwork Origin Productions
Apr 14: Where the Story Comes First
Apr 15: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
Apr 18: Room With Books
Apr 18: Two Ends of the Pen
Apr 19: The Reading Addict
Apr 19: Lynn Crandall
Apr 20: Dark Treasury
Apr 21: Hope. Dreams. Life... Love
Apr 21: Writer Wonderland
Apr 22: Stormy Vixen Book Reviews
Apr 25: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
Apr 25: CBY Book Club
Apr 26: Houston Havens
Apr 27: Cover2Cover
Apr 27: The Avid Reader
Apr 28: fuonlyknew
Apr 29: Independent Authors
Apr 29: The A P Book Club
May 2: Lilac Reviews
May 3: Edgar Books
May 3: Romance That's 'Out Of This World'
May 4: Write Like a Wizard
May 4: Dina Rae's Write Stuff
May 5: Booklover Sue
May 5: Straight from the Library
May 6: Long and Short Reviews

Enjoyed reading the synopsis, thank you!
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you! It's a good time writing, and currently in the process of wrapping up the sequel!
Thank you for hosting! I'll be popping in this evening to look at the comments and spend some time responding to any question. If you want to know anything, ask away! I love chatting with fans and talking geek! Looking forward to it!
It sounds very intriguing!
Great post - thanks for sharing!
I liked the excerpt, thank you.
what an exciting excerpt. I love the blurb.
Wow a writer with sooo many talents! And a yen to write to help kids want to read and read, and this looks like a great book!
Wow a writer with sooo many talents! And a yen to write to help kids want to read and read, and this looks like a great book!
Where is your favorite place to read?
Thanks! So far it's been getting positive feedback. Seems it hits the mark for dystopian lovers!
My favorite place to read is usually in bed at night. I wish it wasn't that way. I pick up a book or fire up the iPad and start reading. It's about two pages later, with either, I'm snoring and snapping back awake to realize I've fallen asleep with the book in hand. It does tend to drag out how long a book lasts for me, which is good because I can speed through them pretty quickly!
Thank you!
Thanks! I try to keep it interesting!
You're very very welcome!!
Thanks for the giveaway; I like the synopsis. :)
Thanks for sharing this awesome giveaway!
Thanks for sharing, sounds really great. Love the detail in the cover work.
What intrigued you about wanting to write science fiction novels?
When did you know that you wanted to be a writer?
This sounds really good! Thank you for sharing.
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