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Friday 29 April 2016

ℚ Above The Flames: The Flames Trilogy [1] - Cassandra Fear

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Above The Flames (19 April 2016, Limitless Publishing LLC, 309 pages), a Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy, book one of The Flames Trilogy series.

Author Q&A | Synopsis | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops

A very warm welcome to Cassandra Fear; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.

What was the inspiration for Above The Flames?

"My inspiration was a dream I had. It was so vivid and exciting that the minute I woke up, I wrote it all down."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I would say my main character, Jasmine, is a lot like me with her sarcasm. Her reactions would definitely be some of my own."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Above The Flames - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My cover was provided by my Publisher, and Deranged Doctor Designs designed it. It is absolutely breathtaking. I will say this, I had a very different picture in my head, but my designers went above and beyond to make it way more than even I expected. I especially like the orange and yellow colors, the silhouette of my main character. There’s so much good about it I could write a novel just on that. If I saw my cover on a bookstore shelf, I would instantly gravitate to it. Then I would read the back cover blurb and would definitely buy it."
Why should we read Above The Flames and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"My angels and demons set this series apart from the rest. They are very different than your average demons. And my romantic plot isn’t your regular, “they meet, they fall in love,” type of thing. It’s they meet, they get to know each other and they fight their feelings, which provides a lot of twists and turns along the way. You should read this book because it’s full of all types of crazy, and will keep you guessing. At least, I hope it will. It sure kept me guessing while I was writing it haha."
Can you tell us something quirky about Above The Flames, its story and characters?
"My main character is named after my niece, but the funny thing is I didn’t really mean to do it. The name just came to me in my dream, so I had to use it. And of course, my kiddos are in it, Cole and Amber. A funny thing is I used my husband’s name for a character who’s only around for a chapter. That started some interesting conversations haha."
Who would you recommend Above The Flames to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I would recommend my book to anyone who likes to read, or course! No, seriously though. Anyone who likes an action-packed, could be the end of the world kind of book, pick up Above the Flames. If your taste is a side of romance and not the full course, this will also be a good read for you."
If you could / wished to turn Above The Flames and the The Flames Trilogy series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Honestly, I’m so bad at picking this kind of stuff. But, for Jasmine, my main female character, I need someone sarcastic, but strong willed and a little scared of herself. I would love Jennifer Lawrence to play her. I think she is a brilliant actress, and would be perfect. For my main male character, Amon, he has to be old fashioned. The only actor I can think of for this role is Alexander Skarsgard. I think he would be perfect, at least in my imagination."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I write about whatever pops in my head. I love to read paranormal, and dystopian. Basically anything action packed with a side of romance. That’s my thing, and that is how I try to write. I look forward to finishing my Flames Trilogy so I can try my hand at creating my own world, and I’m working on a contemporary romance based on a high school girl. But those are very new ideas, and I’m just starting them."
What is your writing process?
"You might laugh, but I write. I have tried outlining and mapping out chapters, you name it, but it never works and I always stray from my outline. So, I let my imagination have free reign and I write what pops in my head. Then, I send my draft out to beta readers, a couple trusted friends, and they use track changes to suggest things to me. Then, I edit, and edit, and sometimes I edit some more, until everything is perfect, at least as close to perfect as I can get it."
What is in store next?
"I am working on Book 2 in my Flames Trilogy, titled Surrounded by Flames. Also I have a couple other projects in the works, but they are very different from my first series and in the beginning stages. But one of them, I’m trying to make my own world, which is a lot of fun!"
 We wish you all the best for Surrounded by Flames and hope you are having a great tour!

Above The Flames
Available NOW!

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