There are currenlty three books published in the A Separate Heaven series, with four more to come.
Book four and five are due for publication later this year.
Don't miss our interview with author Alex Disanti.
PREVIEW: Check out details of each book in the series, and an excerpt from Book 3 below.
Alex Disanti will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
The Series: A Separate Heaven
Step into a world of riveting drama.Enter A Separate Heaven, a story comprised of power, wealth, and romance, multifaceted characters, and complex relationships.
A novel by Alex Disanti. From Long Island to the shores of the Mediterranean, this exciting series spanning twenty five years in the lives of the Gianelli and Hamilton families will hold you spellbound.
|| [Book 1] || [Book 2] || [Book 3] ||
Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
Book 1
DOMINIC GIANELLI wields his wealth and power silently but effectively. He is a man of rules, his rules, and he lives his life accordingly. When it falls to him, he is also a master of fates and he alone serves as judge and jury. Prudent, in that he does not seek these situations, nor does he run from them, but faces them squarely and handles them with confidence and expedience.
When he enters a room, he owns it. The same is true when he meets PAIGE HAMILTON, the only daughter of an affluent Long Island family. While Paige’s father, PAUL HAMILTON, has many misgivings about the relationship, he is powerless to stop the marriage. The Gianellis, though, welcome the union and claim Paige as their own. Despite their difference in age and background, Paige weds Dominic. She enters his life, his world, and she never looks back.
[Published 18 January 2010, 294 pages]
Book 2
**FREE on Kindle Unlimited**Paige Gianelli, having learned a valuable lesson, and accepting the fact that security is a major issue with Dominic, is proving herself to be the asset the Gianellis had predicted. This is particularly true of Dominic’s aunt, SOPHIA DISANTI, who has lived with the family in New York since the death of her husband, CARLO. Sophia sees her nephew as Carlo’s heir and her last and only tie to a glorious but tragic past in Italy. With the nephew’s marriage to Paige, Sophia’s hope is rekindled, for, in her mind, she now sees a chance for Dominic to rebuild what once was. She counsels and guides the young wife and Paige does not disappoint her. Paige is, without question, devoted to Dominic and the family.
On a trip to Salerno, Paige is inexplicably accosted and questioned by two men whose identities and motives are unknown. HAROLD WALENSKI, the New York City D.A., who has tried in the past to tie Dominic to Mob activities, manages to get an indictment and a trial ensues. During the trial closely held secrets of the Hamilton family are revealed.
A truce is called when the couple’s first child is born, and for a while there is relative calm within the families. But, much to Dominic’s dismay, Paige is drawn further into the relationship with his aunt. Knowing that Sophia is the closest thing to a loving maternal figure that Paige has ever had, he is hesitant to interfere.
Paul Hamilton, his anger redoubled by what happened at the trial and by Dominic’s control over Paige, pays a visit to the D.A., whereupon they discuss how information shared could be mutually beneficial. But Paul Hamilton has no idea of the hornet’s nest he has stirred and no clue of the consequences.
[Published 16 July 2012, 338 pages]
Book 3
The drama builds nonstop as Paul Hamilton’s betrayal of Dominic Gianelli fuels the D.A. to action. A fiasco of events causes Paige to fall ill and nearly costs her life. Dominic later learns of the betrayal and the vile and duplicitous acts committed by his father-in-law and the D.A. A plan is carefully constructed, and over a period of months, revenge is exacted. [Published 17 September 2012, 269 pages]
Later, his sister would tell him, it all happened so quickly and it all seemed to happen at once. She was putting Dax in his safety seat when she looked up and saw the gun wedged against Vincente’s neck. At that moment, there was a stifled little cry from Paige and the last Isabella saw of her she was being wrested into the car parked beside them, another limousine, this one black. Within seconds, the car had backed out and sped away.
The man in a driver’s uniform, the cap pulled low on his forehead, still held the gun on Vincente and told Isabella, “Be very quiet. Tend to the child and no one will be harmed. Someone will contact your brother. After I leave, wait five minutes. Do you understand? Do not get out of the car and do not talk to anyone for five minutes, then you can be on your way. Answer me, both of you. Do you understand?”
In a whisper, “Yes, yes, we do.” And Vincente nodded. The man left then.
Dax was tired and was fussing. With trembling hands, Isabella found his bottle, gave it to him and the toddler leaned his head back and happily chugged at the apple juice.
She leaned forward, touching the driver’s shoulder. “Vincente, are you all right?”
His face was gray, but he was calm and had not lost his composure. “Close the doors. I have to get you and the boy back to the house immediately.”
The man in a driver’s uniform, the cap pulled low on his forehead, still held the gun on Vincente and told Isabella, “Be very quiet. Tend to the child and no one will be harmed. Someone will contact your brother. After I leave, wait five minutes. Do you understand? Do not get out of the car and do not talk to anyone for five minutes, then you can be on your way. Answer me, both of you. Do you understand?”
In a whisper, “Yes, yes, we do.” And Vincente nodded. The man left then.
Dax was tired and was fussing. With trembling hands, Isabella found his bottle, gave it to him and the toddler leaned his head back and happily chugged at the apple juice.
She leaned forward, touching the driver’s shoulder. “Vincente, are you all right?”
His face was gray, but he was calm and had not lost his composure. “Close the doors. I have to get you and the boy back to the house immediately.”
A Separate Heaven
Available NOW!

About the Author

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Giveaway and Tour Stops
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow A Separate Heaven's tour at:
Jan 18: Long and Short ReviewsJan 19: Independent Authors
Jan 20: Author B. L. Blair
Jan 21: Christine Young
Jan 22: Room With Books
Jan 25: Two Ends of the Pen
Jan 26: LibriAmoriMiei ✍
Jan 27: T's Stuff
Jan 28: Emma Weylin
Jan 29: Romance Novel Giveaways
Feb 1: Sharing Links and Wisdom
Feb 2: Writer Wonderland
Feb 3: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
Feb 4: Straight From the Library
Feb 5: Welcome to My World of Dreams
Feb 8: Queen of All She Reads
Feb 9: Romorror Fan Girl
Feb 10: It's Raining Books
Feb 11: BooksChatter
Feb 12: Louise Lyndon

Good morning! I am so happy to be here today at BooksChatter. Thank you for having me and for hosting my series A Separate Heaven. I am looking forward to any questions or commentary today.
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for sharing this giveaway.
All these sound wonderful. And more to come. I am looking forward to reading them all.
Sounds like a great series.
Thank you for joining us!
Enjoyed the teaser, sounds like a great series, thanks for sharing!
Sounds like an amazing series! thanks for sharing :)
I’ve enjoyed following the tour and learning about you and your books, Alex! This sounds like a great series! By the way, I love your picture! Happy writing!
I loved the excerpt. I can't wait to read more. Thank you.
I was really enjoying following this tour, thank you!
I enjoyed learning about this book series. These books sound very interesting! Looking forward to checking them out!
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