This is the second book in the Trevor's Harem series.
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the first three chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
Burning Rivalry is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library.
Author Aubrey Parker will be awarding a $50 Amazon gift card (INTL), a Kindle Fire (US/CAN) and three Trevor’s Harem Omnibus paperback (books 1-4) (US/CAN) to randomly drawn winners via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | About the Author | Giveaway
Good girls finish last.The contest is heating up in every way imaginable.
Bridget still only wants one thing: the money she needs to sort out her life, and the lives of those who depend upon her. And so far, nothing has broken the boundaries of what she’ll do for that money—though that edge keeps pushing further and further each day.
But now, battle lines are being drawn. Kylie versus Bridget, and everyone else falling over themselves to choose a side.
Kylie’s convinced Bridget wants to win, no matter what Bridget tells her to the contrary. And Kylie is determined that the top spot will go to her, and to her alone.
And all the while, Daniel Rice lurks at the edges of the contest—an unforgettable, unforgivable thorn in Bridget’s side, a ghost haunting her steps, a desperate need in her yearning core.
They say the competition can only have one winner. But the way things are going, Bridget isn’t sure there will even be that many.
Choose a side in Inferno Falls’ sexiest adventure yet.
Teaser: Excerpt
Well, fuck this.Fuck it all. Fuck waiting for elimination; fuck spending another goddamned second in this vile henhouse.
We’ve already been told that our bonuses from the end of last week were held in some sort of escrow, and ours to keep no matter what. Last time, Kylie tricked me into breaking the rules before our dispersions were made, but this time she’s tricked me into blabbing sensitive information after all but the last day’s payments hit our private accounts. By my count, I’ve got over a hundred grand waiting for me already. I was going to be eliminated tomorrow and would have liked to receive that one last $10K, plus the weekend bonus before it happened, but I can live without it.
I’m outta here. Fuck everyone. Fuck this place, these people, everything that’s happened. Fuck Trevor for his obnoxious, presumptuous, sexist gall in arranging something like this freak show. Fuck Daniel for the games he’s been playing all along, for making me believe that he cared. And fuck me most of all. Fuck me for buying into it, for being coddled and manipulated, for being weak, for exposing myself just to try and save Daniel’s stupid fucking neck. We were through. By the rules, we had to be through. I didn’t need to stand up and shout about Kylie’s supposed illicit connection — a connection that it’s now obvious she doesn’t actually have. I’m sure, as conniving as she is, that her way is clear. I doubt GameStorming is even the rival Logan thinks it is; that’s probably more bullshit Kylie tricked him into thinking he figured out for himself. And I’m sure that Kylie’s never met him. The man is a recluse. How could she have?
I put my hand on my door handle, with a feeling of premonition.
Kylie’s covered her tracks, and part of my mind is already putting together the corresponding fact that, for full effect, she’d obviously also want to …
I open the door.
There are papers all over my room. Stuff I’ve never seen. Open manila folders, their eight-by-eleven guts spewed all over the bedspread, the counter, the floor.
Ivy arrives first, shoving her tiny little body with her jet-black hair and big brown eyes into the doorway beside me. I’ve gained an entourage, probably because Daniel and Trevor took off after me, and the rest followed, eager to see the show.
Ivy laughs.
Ruby, the willowy redhead, steps into the entrance beside me. She doesn’t shove through like Ivy did. She just takes everything in. It looks like an office exploded in here. Then, when I sort of stumble two steps forward, Ruby comes the rest of the way, looking around, milling like a bystander at the scene of an accident.
She picks up one of the papers as Daniel arrives. He doesn’t pass me, though. He stops at my side, and I feel him take my hand and squeeze it.
Ruby looks up from the paper and says, “He’s coming here? Caspian White is coming here?”
I can feel Trevor Stone somewhere behind us.
I can feel the cameras, and the eyes of whoever’s behind them.
Burning Rivalry
Available NOW!

The Series: Trevor's Harem
|| [1] || [3] || [4] ||Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
Burning Offer [1]
The anonymous invitation that someone slipped under my door promises $1,000. Just for meeting a man downtown, in a public place, no questions asked.
I can make more than I ever imagined if I agree to take part in a competition.
Just get into the limousine. Just get on the private plane. Just fly to an airstrip at the foot of the largest, most luxurious estate I’ve ever seen. Just stay the first night, then another. Tell no one where I’ve gone, or why.
Everything in me screams to run away.
The rules say I can leave whenever I want.
So why am I still here?
[Published 2 February 2016, 158 pages]
Burning Choice [3]
I’ve been in this billionaire’s game for a month — but something changed when half my competition was eliminated.
It feels less like a contest now … and more like an experiment.
I shouldn’t have made it past the first round. I don’t know how I did; I’m not special like the others. When I ask Daniel, he just tells me it’s complicated. Then he talks about brain chemistry, how love and sex are an addiction. He tells me how wild animals claim mates, and how he’s claimed me.
The stakes are higher.
The competition is fiercer.
I should have been kicked out long ago, but Daniel tells me I might be the needle in the haystack the company has been looking for.
Sometimes I’m afraid of them all, even of Daniel.
But It’s like I’m on a tether. I couldn’t leave if I wanted to.
[Published 1 March 2016, 154 pages]
Burning Ultimatum [4]
With Trevor’s contest at its end, it’d be easy to say we’re three against one. And yet I’ve never felt so alone.
My heart is torn, twisted, ripped. I’m alternately hot and cold. I dream vivid dreams, no longer sure if they’re fantasy or reality.
There’s a new player in the game. He’s tall, broad, beautiful, and intimidating. Everyone is afraid of him, even the company. I’m told he has a secret, and that I’m its subject. And someone else has a secret, too — from our mystery man, and god help us if he learns it.
Everyone is loyal to something or someone in this place — though it’s seldom what it seems.
I don’t know who’s with me and who’s against me — if I’ll go home with my new protector … or be kept here forever.
I couldn’t possibly be what Eros has combed the world for … can I?
[Published 15 March 2016, 146 pages]
About the Author

I write to make you feel, think, and burn with the thrill that can only come from getting lost in the pages.
I love to write unforgettable characters who wrestle with life's largest problems.
My books may always end with a Happily Ever After, but there will always be drama on the way there.
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