“Lisa Regan is clearly at the top of her game as a suspense novelist. The plotting is impeccable . . . With the dark and disturbing plot, the strong characters, and engaging prose, Cold-Blooded is not just a page-turner, the pages fly by on their own and you just have to hold on as it races to a stunning conclusion.” – The Manhattan Book Review
“Jocelyn’s as tough as they come, but couple that with her motherly instincts, and it’s categorically endearing . . . her charisma is unmitigated and unending. A delightful detective who more than earns and deserves her own series.” – Kirkus Reviews
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A very warm welcome to Lisa Regan; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for Cold-Blooded?
He is an absolute cutie :-) Thank you for sharing him with us.
What was the inspiration for Cold-Blooded?
"When I was in high school, there was a story of a teenage girl who had been killed in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. I was the same age as that girl at the time. I’m sure she was not the first or last teenage girl to be killed in Fairmount Park, but for some reason that story stuck with me. I kept thinking, “What if you came across a crime that just seemed random, like the person was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but then turned out to be much more complicated?” Kind of like when you pull a thread on a sweater and the whole thing unravels, that’s what I wanted to do in this book. I wanted to do a story about a teenage girl being killed in the park and then build an elaborate plot around that."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Not much! Jocelyn, the main character, is a lot tougher than me. She also says things I could never say in real life. She’s more like the person I want to be rather than the person I am. The only similarities are that I also have a young daughter, and I live in a row house."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Cold-Blooded - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Well I wanted something showing a prone figure in the woods. My cover artist, Carrie from Forward Authority Design Services, put the cover together for me and she did a lot of brilliant things I would never have thought of, like putting the crime scene tape across, some bullet holes on the back of the paperback, and I especially like the way she designed it so it looks like the beam of a flashlight coming from behind the title, like people are out looking for the girl. Carrie just amazing. I am beyond thrilled with the job she did"Why should we read Cold-Blooded and what sets it apart from the rest?
"It’s set in Philadelphia, which is where I live, and I put a whole lot of authentic stuff in it, including settings from my very own neighborhood."Can you tell us something quirky about Cold-Blooded, its story and characters?
"Jocelyn is actually a millionaire but she lives in a tiny row house and she continues to work as a private investigator even though she doesn’t need to work at all. She inherited a ton of money from her late parents, but she’s never been about money. She loves her work and she has a very rigid sense of justice and of right and wrong. Actually, in future books, I will challenge that rigidity."Who would you recommend Cold-Blooded to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This book is for adults, 18 and over. It has some violence, a little sex and some very adult themes. I think if readers like shows like Law & Order and NCIS, they’ll like this. "If you could / wished to turn Cold-Blooded and the Jocelyn Rush series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I could see either Alexandra Daddario or Minka Kelly as the main character, Jocelyn Rush. I could see Gabrielle Union or Jennifer Hudson as her business partner, Anita. For Caleb (Jocelyn’s love interest), I could see Patrick Dempsey or Eric Dane. It would have to be someone with great hair that a woman would want to run her fingers through! For Knox, I bet James Woods would do a great job."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I write crime fiction since that is what interests me the most. I stick to one genre in my writing. I also read primarily in that genre although I will read just about anything if it will hold my interest. I only write in one genre but I’m open to reading in any genre."What is your writing process?
"I’ll usually start with a what-if question: what if a girl was murdered in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park and the investigation revealed that nothing was as it seemed? Then I’ll write one scene to kind of test things out. If that scene goes well, I’ll plot a little bit ahead, then I’ll write some, then plot some and so on till the book is done. Then I’ll do an outline of what I’ve written to see if the pieces fit together okay. Then the rough draft is off to a few trusted critique partners, and I’ll revise according to any suggestions they might have."What is in store next?
"I’ll usually start with a what-if question: what if a girl was murdered in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park and the investigation revealed that nothing was as it seemed? Then I’ll write one scene to kind of test things out. If that scene goes well, I’ll plot a little bit ahead, then I’ll write some, then plot some and so on till the book is done. Then I’ll do an outline of what I’ve written to see if the pieces fit together okay. Then the rough draft is off to a few trusted critique partners, and I’ll revise according to any suggestions they might have."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"We only have one pet, a beta fish named Gary. We also just bought a puppy right before Christmas. He is a Boston Terrier named Phillip. We are terribly attached to him."
He is an absolute cutie :-) Thank you for sharing him with us.
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I can't wait to read this book. :)
Majanka @ I Heart Reading.
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