This is the first book in the Everlasting Trilogy series.
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the first three chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
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Synopsis | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway
Dying isn't a choice for Sophia. It is a need.Seventeen-year-old Sophia Bandell is scared of boys, and her biggest fear is dying. Boys make her uncomfortable and itchy and dying is …well …dying. She is ecstatic when her long lost friend calls her, inviting her to spend the summer with her on the beach at Charleston, South Carolina.
When a plastic saucer hits her in the head as she’s sunbathing, Sophia has no idea it will forever change the course of her life. It is there she comes face to face with the impressive Tate Forester. She is scared and …itchy, but he’s gorgeous and she can’t shake him from her mind. They begin dating and Sophia soon knows he’s the one.
But things turn dark when she learns Tate isn’t the person she thinks he is, and the real reason her friend has brought her to the beach will teach her about life after death.
This everlasting summer on the beach gives Sophia a sweet taste of first love—the happiness as well as the heartbreak.
Teaser: Excerpt
from Chapter 1
Mom rocked back and forth, shifting from foot to foot when we stood in the airport terminal. She wrung her hands, and her eyes stayed wide as though trying to memorize every part of me in case she never saw me again.With a grimace, she shook her head. “Are you sure you should be doing this?” Her eyes brimmed with tears, almost ready to take a spill.
She dropped her head and closed her eyes. I turned away. “I’m seventeen years old, and it’s only for three months. Besides, Mandy’s my best friend. I don’t wanna disappoint her. ” Stupid voice. Why did it have to shake so bad?
“Just be careful. You’ve never been out on your own before, and there’s a lot of bad people out there.”
Mom’s reasons to be worried, in her mind, numbered in the thousands. I’d never been anywhere on my own before. I wasn’t eighteen yet. I was her baby. Blah. Blah. Blah. Unnecessary worrying gave my mother a reason for living. Well, okay, I could be what some would call scatterbrained at times. At times. But I’d never broken a bone, wrecked a car, or so much as claimed the dog ate my homework. This was about trust…and independence…and a summer without chaos or my nagging mother to remind me to get my feet off the sofa. My summer. She could worry from afar.
“I have to go now.” I gave her another kiss on the cheek and wrapped my arms around her. “Mandy’s gonna be there waiting for me.”
I shook away and picked up my carry-on bag, glancing at my watch, my top teeth sharply stabbing into my bottom lip.
“Call me when you arrive.” She pulled me in for one last hug, the dam breaking on her repressed tears.
I waved good-bye when the call for section B of flight two-ninety-seven blasted over the intercom. My pulse quickened, and my stomach swirled with excitement as I filed in line. The smell of red licorice made my stomach growl. Wish I would have eaten breakfast. Now I’m famished. After giving a few glances around, a boy toward the end of the line had a mouth crammed full of the sticky stuff.
The heady, floral scent of roses delicately assaulted my nose when I stepped through the door of the seven-forty-seven. I found my seat, squeezing myself and my oversize purse in between a heavyset man and a dainty older woman.
The stout man fluffed his pillow, his breathing already labored and loud. I imagined it would probably sound like an atomic bomb going off when he actually fell asleep.
The woman sitting by the window seat leafed through a Harper’s Bazaar magazine, looking over the rim of her silver, horn-rimmed glasses, giving her fingers a lick with each turn of the page.
As we got settled and the plane’s engines roared to life, taking me away from all things familiar, she pulled off her glasses, trusting the delicate silver chains to catch them as they fell softly to her chest. My gaze lurched to the black mole perched on the bridge of her nose where the glasses had been riding, two hairs sprouting out of the middle. I shook my head. Look away, now, just look away.
She closed her magazine, tucking it into her leather Prada bag, her large, pink Victorian feather hat almost glancing me in the forehead when she turned to face me. “Where are you off to, dear?”
“Charleston.” The edges of my mouth curled into a simple smile as I eased back into my seat.
“That’s where I’m going. I just love the South. I’m going there to visit my niece. She lost her son about eight months ago in a tragic auto accident, and I need to see her. He was only eighteen, just a senior in high school.” She shook her head and glanced out the window.
“That’s so sad.” My shy voice squeaked apprehensively. Was this airplane etiquette? Spill the family sorrows to unwitting strangers and ruin their first flying experience with sadness?
“Yes, it is, dear. I didn’t know her son real well. I lost touch with them and haven’t seen them in many years, but I do need to give her my condolences in person.” Hesitating for a brief moment, glancing at her hands, she continued on. “I also have plans to finish something on my bucket list.” She grinned and winked, a touch of orneriness twinkling in her eyes.
Bucket list? “What’s that?”
“Skydiving. Jump’s at seven tomorrow morning.”
Available NOW!


About the Author

L.K. has been writing for over twenty years. She first began writing children’s books and poetry, moved on to writing music, and is now writing Young Adult and Adult novels.
She loves spending time with her family, vacationing, writing, reading, and taking long walks. It’s the characters who write their own stories in her novels, and she is just their messenger, sharing it with the world.
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Thank you for having me on your blog!
L.K. Kuhl
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