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Wednesday 3 February 2016

ℚ♫ The Paramours [1-3] - Christine Rains

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about her latest Paranormal Erotica series, The Paramours (, Ellora's Cave Publishing Inc), which comprises of three novellas: Ghost Dancer, Poltergeist's Pleasure, and Lovelorn Spirits.

"Vivian [from Lovelorn Spirits] is a serious and driven character. The sparks between her and Miles are electric, even when they aren't possessed by two very much in love ghosts." - Cherie Reich, author of Reborn

Author Q&A | The Series | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops | Review

Hello Christine! Welcome to BooksChatter.

To kick us off, Christine Rains has shared with us her soundtrack song for The Paramours - enjoy!

What was the inspiration for The Paramours?
"I'm a huge fan of all those ghost hunter shows.  It's not often that we see women doing the investigations, so I wanted to feature a team of brave and smart women.

If you watch those shows, you'll see the investigators often angering the spirits to get a reaction from them.  What if there was a more potent way to get ghosts to communicate?  There's nothing more powerful than desire.  Thus The Paramours were created."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover.  Can you tell us about your cover for Paramours - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Aren't the covers gorgeous?  I was so excited when my cover artist, Allyse Leodra (cover artist at the time at Ellora's Cave) showed me the covers for this series.

Each image I chose for particular reasons: Ghost Dancer because the couple was dancing, Poltergeist's Pleasure because of the vortex-like swirl, and Lovelorn Spirits because of the man in a suit.  Allyse took these random images and made them magical, creating a beautiful trio of covers for the series."
Why should we read The Paramours and what sets it apart from the rest?
"This series has an unusual hook: ghost hunting with a kiss.  And I'm being literal!  The Paramours conduct their investigations by enticing spirits with sex.

It's not all about the steamy supernatural scenes, though. I'm a character driven writer.  I want my readers to sympathize and adore my characters as much as I do.  The ghost hunters might be horny, but there's so much more to them than that."
If you could / wished to turn The Paramours series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I often imagine The Paramours as a television series.  It would have to be on HBO, of course!

Ashley Callingbull-Burnham as Nina.
Jensen Ackles as Ben.
Evan Rachel Wood as Claire.
Boris Kodjoe as Zendal.
Nicole Bonifacio as Vivian.
Tom Hiddleston as Miles."
What do you like to write and read about?  Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"My favorite genre to write and read is paranormal romance.  Yet I do love to venture out into different genres.  I have several short stories published.  Shorter works allow me to explore many styles and genres.  My stories include ones in horror, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, noir, and even westerns."
What is in store next?
"I recently signed a contract with my publisher for three more books.  This time, I have a trio of Bigfoot researchers searching for evidence of Sasquatch.  This leads them into the Oregon wilderness and some dangerous situations.  Who knew that love could be more difficult than finding Bigfoot?"
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?

"My furry muse, Thunder"
Gorgeous kitty!  Hello Thunder!  We send you lots of head scratches :-D
Thank you for sharing him us.  And I look forward to reading Paramours.

The Paramours
Available NOW!

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Christine Rains said...

Thanks so much for hosting today!

Rita Wray said...

I liked the interview.

BooksChatter said...

Hello Christine - thank you for popping by! We are currently away for a few days so I just got the chance to finish off the interview with a couple of images!

All the best


BooksChatter said...

Thank you, Rita! :-)

Christine Rains said...

Thanks so much, Rita! It was a lot of fun.

Christine Rains said...

It's fantastic! Thank you. It was tons of fun. And I've passed on your head scratches to my kitty. :)