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Wednesday 17 February 2016

ℚ♫ Obsession: Russian Tattoos [1] - Kat Shehata

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Obsession (, Limitless Publishing LLC, 300 pages), a New Adult Romantic Suspense, book one of the Russian Tattoos trilogy.

Synopsis | Obsession | Prisoner | About the Author | Author Q&A: Kat Shehata of Russian Tattoos | Giveaway & Tour Stops

A very warm welcome to Kat Shehata; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter and apologies for the delay on our part!

Before we begin with the interview, Kat has shared with us her music playlist for Russian Tattoos Obsession - enjoy! (Note: I could not find Loco Mo by Krussia on YouTube, but you can listen to a sample on Amazon.)

What was the inspiration for Obsession?
"First, I want to thank you for interviewing me about my new release, Russian Tattoos. It is an honor to be featured on your blog. I have no clue where the idea for this book came from. Before Russian Tattoos, I published picture books and I was working on a middle grade novel about a girl who could communicate with animals. Once Carter and the Russians entered my creative conscious, I had to write their story. I didn’t plan on switching to the adult market, but the characters wouldn’t let me go."
That's really sweet - thank you! :-)

How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?

"Like my main character Carter, I am an avid tennis player. I play on a doubles team and compete in an interclub league in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is where the story it set."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Obsession - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I turned in a cover design questionnaire to my publisher that detailed the main characters, setting, etc. I wanted to make sure Vladimir’s tattoos were correct—each one has a very specific meaning in the Russian criminal world—so I sketched them out and sent them to the designer. I am happy to report they designed them perfectly. When my publisher first sent the cover, I literally almost fell out of my chair. I was shocked, but I absolutely loved it. I think the Limitless Publishing cover design team along with TOJ Publishing Services nailed it"
Why should we read Obsession and the Russian Tattoos Trilogy and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Russian Tattoos is filled with twists and turns and dramatic scenes that will make readers cry, cringe, and crave more of the Russian bad boys. When fans write to me about the book, most of them want to know more about Boris. He’s definitely the kind of villain we love to hate, or hate to love. He is Vladimir’s enforcer and is bad to the bone—at least on the surface. "
Who would you recommend Obsession to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"Readers who love tons of suspense and dangerous good guy / bad guy characters will love Russian Tattoos. Carter knows Vladimir is the boss of a Russian mafia crime ring, but he’s not all bad. He has a loving romantic side as well as a dark side that makes him good at his job, but a very dangerous man to fall in love with."
If you could / wished to turn Obsession and the Russian Tattoos series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Charlie Hunnam would make an incredibly sexy Vladimir, and I could totally see Javier Bardem as a badass Boris. For Carter, I would love to see a debut actress get the part. Carter is naïve in some respects, but she is a kick-ass athlete and a strong female lead. Even though she is pitted against the Russians, she controls every aspect of the story. I would love for a starlet to get the role."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I write what I get. I didn’t see Carter and the Russians coming, but I love writing their journey. This was not an easy story to write, but I stayed true to Carter and Vladimir’s twisted romance and let Boris be “Boris” even though he terrifies me. Russian Tattoos is a trilogy and I am currently working on the sequel, Prisoner."
What is your writing process?
"I cranked out my first draft of Russian Tattoos in three months, but I ended up editing it for about two years. I had a lot of learning to do on my first novel, so I don’t think the books that follow will take as much time, but I will never rush the editing process. I am constantly learning new ways to improve my craft, and I hope with each book I am growing as an author."
What is in store next?
"Russian Tattoos is a trilogy. In the sequel, Prisoner, Carter and Vladimir’s tumultuous love affair plays out on his home turf of Ekaterinburg, Russia. Is Vladimir seeking revenge or redemption? I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but expect the unexpected. "
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"I am a former zookeeper! I have worked closely with elephants, primates, camels, bats, exotic birds and everything in between. I weave my love of animals into all of my books."

Oh, I am so jealous!  What a great picture and what a privilege to interact with such an animal!

Available NOW!

UK: purchase from US: purchase from purchase from Barnes & Noble find on Goodreads


Kat Shehata said...

Thank you so much for the interview. I love the music!

Giselle said...

Thanks for hosting today! :)

BooksChatter said...

Hello Kat and Giselle, thank you for popping by and apologies for the delays today! .... it's been a VERY long one...