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Friday 29 May 2015

ℬℋ Post A to Z Road Trip 2015

Every April bloggers everywhere take part in the A to Z Challenge, i.e. they have to post every day, except on Sundays, thematically from A to Z.

Each post can be about any topic as long as its theme matches the letter for that given day!  For example the first post could be about Apples (A), followed by a post about Bubbles (B).  No restrictions.

This year we really wanted to take part but sadly we did not manage to fulfill our good intentions.

The Post A to Z Road Trip challenge is about discovering, supporting and finding inspiration from the 1509 bloggers who did take part this year by visiting them and their A to Z posts.  There are no rules.  You decide which and how many blogs to visit.

To find out more and sign up to join us in this journey, just visit, where you can also get a few tips on how to approach this challenge, i.e. how to decide which blog to visit.

This is how we are going to do it:

  1. generate a random number using the gadget on this page;
  2. go to the 2015 list of A-Z participants
  3. find the blog corresponding to the number generated in step 1.
    If we are not interested in the topic covered by that blog, we will find a blog of interest which is nearest to the one that had orignally been selected.

Following suggestions, I have now also set up the simple Google Spreadsheet below to track the blogs I visited and those who visited me:

This is a list of the (A to Z) Post-Challenge Road Trip Traveling Companions (we are n. 168):


KatyTrailCreations said...

Cool number generator! I got 56. Off to read :)

BooksChatter said...

Brilliant! Unfortunately I am only just setting up all of my reading challenges... and there are so many I want to join :-)
Happy Reading!

Random Musings said...

I love the random number generator idea! I just started at the top and worked down, a bit boring but nice and easy to keep track of where I am!
Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip

B~Natrelle said...

Hello there.
I start with the numbers immediately below me in the linky and keep going from there. I also do return visits on those who leave me a comment. I keep a spreadsheet so I know who's received a visit from me. It's an extra step, but it helps me keep track of where everyone is in relation to the 3 lists. Just meandering through today from the Road Trip.

Entrepreneurial Goddess

BooksChatter said...

Hello! Google spreadsheets are really easy for that purpose - just set up a couple of columns to note the number of the blog. You don't even need to enter them in order, as you can just sort the data! :-)

Unfortunately I am still playing catch up... I am hoping to start my journey late next week :-)

BooksChatter said...

Hi Debbie,

Following the comment from Entrepreneurial Goddess I ended up starting a spreadsheet, which I will embed shortly, to keep track of the blogs I have visited and those who left comments here :-)
I will still use that with my random numbers :-D