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Tuesday 27 August 2019

ℚ Silent Meridian: The Time Traveler Professor [1] - Elizabeth Crowens

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Silent Meridian (first published , this second edition 12 June 2019; Atomic Alchemist Productions, 368 pages), an Alternate History Mystery Noir, book one in The Time Traveler Professor series.

"Silent Meridian is a book that dances between dimensions, time and space and even genres to present an engaging story of personal growth and metaphysical mystery. [...] 
 the book is one part mystery, one part fantasy and many parts exploration of the human condition.
The entire story is meticulously researched so that the world and characters of this inter dimensional travelogue right true on many levels.

Fans of Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells or history in general will be captured by and swept along with our hero in this first of an obviously vast and imaginative tapestry of mystery and magic.

And did I mention fun? Did I mention the enigmatic spirit Finn that shows up and adds a whole other dimension (literally) to the overall tale? I guarantee you will enjoy this read!"swordguy55, Amazon Reviewer

|| Synopsis || Teaser: KCR Preview || The Series || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to Elizabeth Crowens; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Silent Meridian, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?

"Music-wise, if I were making a movie trailer for the first book of the series, I envision using Kashmir by Led Zeppelin with a montage of scenes.  Since my protagonist is a musician and teaches music — Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky; Album — A Momentary Lapse of Reason by Pink Floyd, and Knife Edge by Emerson, Lake and Palmer."
What was the inspiration for Silent Meridian?
"I’ve always loved stories about time travel and felt peculiarly drawn to the Victorian era and wrote the first few drafts of Silent Meridian before I had even heard of the term steampunk.

I’ve also worked with estate liquidation and have always been fascinated by antiquarian books.  In those ventures, I came across scraps of a diary of a man who actually existed and claimed an unusual association with Arthur Conan Doyle which couldn’t be verified.

When I started to independently research this individual, I bounced ideas around and kicked them up a notch into the realms of science fiction and paranormal gaslight fantasy where they seemed to make more sense.  Historically, it was known that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle spent a lot of time attending seances, hunting down ghosts and exploring Spiritualism.  Not everything was made up."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Silent Meridian in particular has a time travel sequence to feudal Japan.  Years ago, I lived in Japan and had that funny feeling of déjà vu that I had lived there before.

While in Japan, I trained and received my black belt in martial arts and contributed articles about ancient Japanese history and traditional martial arts to various magazines.

Otherwise, you can’t really compare me to Scottish and English Victorian males."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Silent Meridian - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My background is in photography and graphic design with over 28 years expertise in Photoshop, and I used to art direct movie posters when I worked in the entertainment industry, so I designed the cover.

The challenge was in the Time Traveler Professor series, the protagonist, who is also the narrator, ages.  If I used a stock photo image, it would be next to impossible to match photographs with older models.  The solution was to show his silhouette on each successive cover and use it to identify the branding of the series.

Color schemes will vary, but they should look good together when the series is complete, and we put together the option of a boxed set."

Why should we read Silent Meridian and what sets it apart from the rest?  What makes your book unique?
"I have to agree with the feedback I’ve received from other readers that Silent Meridian is unique in the way it equates our characters’ time travel destinations with karmic retribution and one’s spiritual growth.

Wrong doings in past lives are being reflected in the present, and it’s up to our intrepid time travellers to learn a lesson.  Silent Meridian, however, is by no means a religious book.  That was never my intention."
Can you tell us something quirky about Silent Meridian, its story and characters?
"The concept of having a guide.  John Patrick Scott has Finn and we get a hint about Arthur’s guide in Book One, although he becomes featured in Book Two.

A guide is similar to a guardian angel but in a more secular sense, but having a guide is necessary for both time travel and accessing the Secret Library — all explained in detail in the book."
Who would you recommend Silent Meridian to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"The Time Traveler Professor, Book One: Silent Meridian is recommended for a mature, open-minded audience over the age of 18.

The first book is a coming of age story to a certain degree.  John Patrick Scott, the protagonist, questions his repressed Victorian sense of morality when inadvertently caught in a love triangle between two of his benefactors — a husband and wife who both desire an intimate relationship with him.

Although I avoid graphic sex on purpose, some readers might get offended when the husband makes homosexual overtures towards him, and he’s unsure how to react since he’s infatuated with the man’s wife.  Back then, being gay or bisexual was taboo and might mean jail time or worse."
If you could / wished to turn Silent Meridian and the The Time Traveler Professor series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"You’re asking that question to someone who wore many hats in the entertainment industry for over twenty years.

Conan Doyle?  No question about it, I’d cast Hugh Jackman.  They are close to the same height and build, and if you compare photos of them side by side when Hugh is dressed in 19th century attire, it wouldn’t take much to make the transformation.  Besides, Hugh is a big box office draw.

Edward Norton could pull off H.G. Wells.  Depending on how old we want to make Francois Poincaré, I’d go for Sacha Baron Cohen or Rami Malek, because the character has a Freddie Mercury-like quality.  Cohen was one of the first choices to play Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody.

For the protagonist, John Patrick Scott, I’ve had my eye on Robert Sheehan, an Irish actor who recently was in The Umbrella Academy and in the National Geographic’s Genius series on Picasso."
Hugh Jackman as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Edward Norton as H.G. Wells Sacha Baron Cohen OR Rami Malek as Francois Poincaré Robert Sheehan as John Patrick Scott
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I’m concurrently writing a Hollywood suspense series with satire that takes place in the 1980s and 90s.  That protagonist, referring to one of your earlier questions, has a personality more like mine.  But I fired my literary agent a year ago and am seeking a new one.  Definitely picture it as an Amazon Prime or Netflix series, and to pull off something like that and also get in with the larger publishing companies one needs a literary agent.

Somehow, I can’t seem to get away from the cross-genre concept.  Silent Meridian can be defined as an alternate history/mystery and fictional memoir.  Now there’s a new trendy category called fantasy noir.  Obviously, if a book features Arthur Conan Doyle as one of the major characters, you know there will be some kind of mystery to be solved."
What is your writing process?
"It’s a combination of outlining and flying by the seat of my pants."
What is in store next?
"Really trying to get a new literary agent and sell the Hollywood suspense series.

I have two completed novels and a work-in-progress on a third.  I’ve started Book Three in the Time Traveler Professor series, A War in Too Many Worlds.  The Time Traveler Professor, Book Two: A Pocketful of Lodestones launched on August 1, 2019.

I’m also working on a “chick lit” project about three eccentric sisters who think they can run away from their problems by living in Mexico, but that’s coming along slower than I had hoped.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter at for updates and for free eBooks I give away to my subscribers.  I am currently in the UK for my book tour, and it has all the details."
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"I usually have one or two cats around the house but don’t now, because I travel way too much.  Instead, I vicarious live through my friends’ cat posts on Facebook."
Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth.  We hope you are having a great tour!

"Time travel, magic, and high-pressure Steampunk excitement."

Silent Meridian
Available NOW!

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1 comment:

CMash said...

WOW! A black belt! That's impressive!!!