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Author Nya Jade discusses three quotes from authors of books she loves.
Thank you for hosting me today and featuring my Phoebe Pope YA Fantasy series! I hope your wonderful readers enjoy reading The Year of Four (Book 1) and The Blood of Kings (Book 2).I love inspiring quotes—especially ones from authors. I thought it would be fun to highlight a few of them and tell you why they spoke to me.
“We, and I think I’m speaking for many writers, don’t know what it is that sometimes comes to make our books alive. All we can do is to write dutifully and day after day, every day, giving our work the very best of what we are capable. I don’t think that we can consciously put the magic in; it doesn’t work that way. When the magic comes, it’s a gift.” —Madeleine L’Engle, (A Wrinkle in Time)I really savor the moment when a great idea falls into my lap. Sometimes I wish they would fall like a hailstorm. But I probably wouldn't appreciate them as much if they did. There's nothing like writing and getting that oh-my-God-this-is-working feeling. And I know that feeling only registers on the "magical moment radar" because of all of the agonizing what-the-hell-am-I-doing hours that came before it. So when that gift comes, I accept it gratefully.
"The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips and spreads like wildfire." —Malcolm Gladwell, (The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference)
Can you imagine creating something - a book, a song, a movement - that hits that magical tipping point? We're all creators. And I think we should try to imagine our own personal tipping point. I say "personal tipping point" because it doesn't have to be grand (unless that's what you want). It could simply be that moment when someone other than a friend, or a relative, buys your book or your painting. That moment could very well be the spark that creates the wildfire!
We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. —Ernest Hemingway (A Farewell To Arms)This quote from Hemingway has given me a sense of ease. We all strive to do the best we can with whatever talents we have. Some are innate and others are acquired along the way. The fact that a Nobel Prize winner in literature, considered himself an apprentice—and not a master—in his craft, gives me permission to just enjoy the creative process. This thing called writing is dynamic and will continue to evolve. At this moment in time, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be an apprentice.
Thank you again for today's feature. I appreciate the opportunity!
Thanks for hosting today! :)
Hi! Stopping by to say thank you for being a part of my Xpresso Book Tour! I appreciate the guest post opportunity! ;-) Nya
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