"It normally takes me at least 100 pages before I can really get into a book. With Seeds of Eden, I was instantly hooked. I pride myself on being able to predict the way a story is going to go but I was completely thrown for a loop with this book, more than once."
"Definitely one of the best reads I've had in a long time…the excitement in this piece kept me on my toes and had me so anxious for how the story was going to unfold!! I simply couldn't put the book down!!"
"This book is definitely in my top 5 favorite books! Such a good read! Captivated me throughout the entire book!"
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A very warm welcome to Paige Watson; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
To get us started, here is the playlist for Seeds of Eden - enjoy!
What was the inspiration for Seeds of Eden?
Seeds of Eden
To get us started, here is the playlist for Seeds of Eden - enjoy!
"My initial inspiration for Seeds of Eden was this thought of a young, high school student sitting in her history class. Her teacher instructs the class to open their textbooks to the section they will be studying that day, and when this girl opens her book, she sees a picture of a queen who looks exactly like her. Of course, the girl is stunned, because it's not every day you open a history book and discover a ruler who could be your identical twin.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
This book has grown so much from my initial idea, but this was the first jolt of inspiration I had for Evey's story."
"I used quite a bit of my real life as inspiration for this novel. I mirrored Evey's personality and temperament after my best friend Tiffany, while I gave Evey's best friend, Caroline, my personality.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Seeds of Eden - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
I really wanted Evey's world to be so small at the beginning of the story because it's such a contrast compared to the scope of her world at the end of the story. Her small hometown is the same town I grew up in. Everything from the diner located on the main strip of town to the quirky teachers instructing her lessons is laced with truths from my life.
I also added some of my professional knowledge and experience as a Registered Nurse into the story. While Evey is fairly adept at sewing up wounds and applying bandages, she's also extremely compassionate. She is truly a caring soul, and always strives to help others, no matter the cost."
"Regina Wamba with Mae I Design and Photography created my book cover. Having her create the cover of my book was such a fun and exciting experience because of the attention to detail and imagination she incorporates into her work. Not to mention, I had the opportunity to select the models she used in the photoshoot she did for the cover. These models transformed into characters I had created, and it felt so surreal.Why should we read Seeds of Eden and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
She also streamed parts of the photoshoot through Facebook Live, so I got to see the models playing Evey and Conrad interact and have their picture taken together. They had amazing chemistry and I have some incredible pictures from that photo shoot. Also, she booked a real snake for the characters to hold! Regina’s eye for design is unmatched and I’m so glad I let her run wild with the ideas she had for the book cover!"
"I think people should read Seeds of Eden if they are looking for a story that is very unique and completely different from most of the other paranormal romance novels out there. There is a lot of history and historical events woven into the fabric of this book and I think it has something to please everyone. It has elements of romance, action, history, paranormal fiction, and even a touch of horror."Can you tell us something quirky about Seeds of Eden, its story and characters?
"I also tried to incorporate a lot of small details into the story in order to add layers of intricacy. For example, many of the minor characters in the book have names that indicate their function or reveal some of their motives in the story. So, you may meet a character and the meaning of their name will reveal their purpose in the book.Who would you recommend Seeds of Eden to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
Another detail I added was the repeated use of the numbers six and seven. These numbers pop up frequently in the book, and are used to signify whether something or someone is good or bad. The number seven represents people and things that are inherently good and the number six is associated with people and things that are bad or malicious."
"I would recommend this story to anyone who is in search of something different. Yes, it is geared toward people who read young adult and new adult novels, but it also has the ability to appeal to a much wider audience. I’ve had many readers confess that even though it isn’t a genre they typically read, they still enjoyed the story. "If you could / wished to turn Seeds of Eden and the The Concilium series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Actually, I would rather Seeds of Eden be turned into a television series than a movie. In television show there would be more time to really delve into the backstory of my novel and bring the complicated pasts of all the characters to life.What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular New Adult Paranormal Romance or do you like to explore different ones?
I’m a big fan of The Originals and believe Julie Plec would do an excellent job of turning my story into an incredible show. I also love True Blood and am a fan of Alan Ball. He really added a layer of grittiness to the Sookie Stackhouse novels when he created True Blood. I think he would be able to capture the darker aspects of my novel perfectly and really display the creepiness I convey in my writing.
As far as actors go, there are a few I used to help me visualize characters as I wrote the story, but I believe with an amazing creator like Julie Plec or Alan Ball, they would assemble the perfect cast to play my characters."
"My writing tends to follow my reading tastes. I write in all genres. At the moment I am working on the second and third novels in The Concilium Series and another paranormal romance novel with a completely new plot and characters.What is your writing process?
I also have a contemporary romance novel I will be working on next month in a NaNoWriMo Camp. In addition to this, I have an idea for a horror novel that I will eventually start once I get some other projects finished.
While I do enjoy reading books from all genres, I’d have to say my favorite is paranormal romance. I work as a Registered Nurse on an ICU step-down floor, and so much of my job is emotionally, mentally, and physically taxing. Reading is an escape for me. So, when I pick up a novel, I like to be transported to a completely new world."
"As far as my writing process goes, it can vary. My ideas tend to come from a single thought or a situation I can visualize my characters being involved in. Then I form my story around this thought or situation by asking myself questions. How did these characters get here? How will they react? By asking questions like this, I can form backstories for my characters and invent new challenges for them to face as well. Working full time keeps me very busy, and I am continually struck by inspiration at the drop of a hat.What is in store next?
I started carrying a small notebook in my scrubs to write down ideas as they come to me. That way when I get home after my shift, I can transfer the ideas to my computer. I also like to use a large marker board to help me outline chapters I haven’t written yet. By keeping an outline like this, I can adjust or change it as I need to, and it helps me remember what I need to write about in that specific chapter.
At times, my writing methods can be sporadic or even a bit chaotic, but I believe everyone has their own method to the madness. It’s just a matter of figuring out what works best for you.
Another thing that really helps me write is listening to music. This may not hold true for every author, but when I listen to music while I write my words flow so much better! My favorite bands to listen to while I write are London Grammar, The XX, and The Civil Wars."
"Seeds of Eden is the first installment in my trilogy, The Concilium Series. I’ve already finished writing A Fallen Son which will be the next book in the series, and am currently writing the third and final book titled, The Final Temptation.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
A Fallen Son will be told from two different perspectives, which has been really challenging and exciting to write. Readers will get to see the progression of the plot from both of the perspectives, so it's fascinating to see how the actions of one character affect the other.
I'm also planning on writing four companion novellas to accompany the series, and each novella will be told from a different character's perspective. (See the number seven pops up here! There will be a total of seven novels/novellas in this world.) Some of the novellas will follow characters that aren't very prominent in the story, but still have interesting and diverse tales to tell."
"I have a dog, and her name is Elle. She is turning ten this fall, and I can’t imagine my life without her! I adopted her from an animal shelter, so she is a Heinz 57, but she is thirteen pounds of pure love. Whenever I’m writing, she likes to lie across my lap and sleep. She’s the best writing companion a girl could ask for!Oh, wow, that looks amazing! (you can see Paige in action on her Instagram page). And of course lots of cuddls to the beautiful Elle! Thank you for sharing her with us!
In addition to being an author and a nurse, I’m also an avid pole dancer. I’ve been taking lessons for the last four years and love it! Pole dancing is an amazing workout! It has increased my strength, flexibility, and self-confidence. I encourage everyone to try it, not only for the health benefits it provides, but because the pole dancing community is truly a wonderful group of people. The group of men and women I take classes with at my home studio in Knoxville are some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. We are so supportive of one another, and they have become my family."
"Thank you so much Flora for allowing me to stop by your blog!"
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