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A very warm welcome to Cynthia Davidson; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for A Daughter's Curse?
A Daughter's Curse
What was the inspiration for A Daughter's Curse?
"“A Daughter’s Curse” also has an important message that is meant to get delivered to many who will relate to the main character, Brisnay. See, I write with a purpose.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I dedicated this book to those affected by domestic violence in hopes of letting them know something: Imagination is a powerful thing. The book demonstrates how relatable the fantasy world I created is to real life scenarios today: The bad character who abuses, the mother who is scared to leave, the daughter (Brisnay) who wants to escape the situation but won’t leave her mother behind, and a forbidden love.
Obviously, when I wrote about something that has affected me profoundly, it is not painless. Emotions are high during the writing process, and it is not easy for me to dig up a past that has been buried in the back of my mind for so long. When I put bits and pieces of my life out there for the world to see, the brick wall that was protecting me has fallen.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, (and I say victim, because at this point, you are going through it) don’t just let it happen. Use whatever means you must to help you cope and escape. Personally, I used imagination and held onto hope. That was all I could do back then.
So, my question to you is: Are you a victim? Or are you a survivor?
If you are a victim, then fight to be a survivor.
Be Brisnay, a walking symbol for change."
"A lot of my personality is reflected in Brisnay. When I first came up with the fantasy world contained in the book, it wasn’t as the plot for a novel. I created the mystical world years ago to escape a difficult childhood. It is my belief that on one should have to feel unsafe, living life on the edge, wondering when they are going to get attacked. Sleeping with one eye open is the worst feeling in the world. Fear that catches in your throat paralyzes your whole body. Living life like that hurts, and it comes with consequences. I know.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for A Daughter's Curse - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
The book is in Brisnay’s point of view, thereby offering a different perspective; from the abused. It lets the reader know what that feels like, and what goes through the mind of a person that is being affected by domestic violence."
"The main character, Brisnay, goes through many hardships. I wanted something to represent the hurt she goes through, but also the fantasy element contained in the book. I met someone in a writing group and I saw her work. You can reach her at her website: justpublishit.com"Why should we read A Daughter's Curse and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"A Daughter’s Curse introduces a suspenseful romance about 16-year-old Brisnay Caplin who is not only discovering who she is, but where she comes from and what that means. Set in a parallel world in which only certain mortals have their own type of weapon and powers, depending in which element they are born in, she must overcome obstacles to deal with the consequences of her heritage and a forbidden love."Can you tell us something quirky about A Daughter's Curse, its story and characters?
"I am manager at a financial institution, and I interact with a lot of people. All of the names in the book, well, let’s just say that I took the liberty of borrowing them from people that crossed my path."Who would you recommend A Daughter's Curse to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This book is for readers aged fourteen and up. Statistics are high on child abuse in any part of the world. The book is aimed to let them know that there are others like them and to show empathy, because the main character goes through that. Emotions will be awakened while reading this book. There are also a couple of curse words (nothing intense) and these are used to show Brisnay’s fear of her father, Demetrious."If you could / wished to turn A Daughter's Curse into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"If my book were to be turned into a movie, I would love for James Cameron to be the director. Emma Watson could be a Brisnay. I am not sure on other characters yet. I’m still debating. The location must be somewhere mountainous, full of waterfalls."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I discovered books around the fifth grade. Harry Potter was the first book I ever read, and it offered an escape from a terrible reality I was living. I still remember the first emotions I felt while I read it, because I identified with Harry. I remember thinking that it was odd that Harry had a scar on his forehead like I did. Of course, I kept it hidden with bangs, but still. After I finished reading the first book, my imagination did wonderful things for me. This is around the time when I first came up with the fantasy world contained in A Daughter’s Curse, and it wasn't as the plot for a novel. A Daughter’s Curse is my debut novel. I incorporated societal problems into my stories. Though the novel is fantasy, if allows the reader to step back and view our social problems on a different realm."What is your writing process?
"I don’t usually plan what the story is going to be like on paper. It takes me about a month to come up with the idea, and I get them in the weirdest places: While I’m taking a shower, when I’m at work, while I’m driving, etc. My imagination is more active when it’s raining; I love to sit beside a window, staring out. I have a tendency of picturing everything in my mind and I just put it on paper. Oh, let’s not forget about the Café Mocha from Starbucks: You will always see the cup beside my computer. After I am through with the first draft, the editing stage begins. I am very particular about it. This is the time when I actually write the outline of the story, and I do this to look for any plot holes. If I have identified some, then I work on the second draft until I am satisfied with the storyline. Afterwards, obviously, it goes to a professional editor."What is in store next?
"A Daughter’s Curse is part of a series and I am writing the second one. Hopefully it will be out in June of next year."
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