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A very warm welcome to Lisa Kastner; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Jersey Diner?
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Jersey Diner - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
Definitely double-trouble :-D Thank you for sharing them with us, and of course lots of cuddles to both of them!
Jersey Diner
What was the inspiration for Jersey Diner?
"When I first began writing Jersey Diner all of the imagery and references that came up were very mid-80s.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I liked the contrast of the 1980s bright colors (blue eyeliner and bright yellow shirts) and pop songs (Wake Me Up, Before You Go-Go (Wham!), Like A Virgin (Madonna), Tainted Love (Soft Cell), Don’t You Want Me (Human League), Every Breath You Take (Police), Don’t You Forget about Me (Simple Minds), Jessie’s Girl (Rick Springfield). Everything seemed innocent and yet there was a dark undertone with the impending fall of Wall Street in 1987. Which is a nice parallel to the events in the book."
"There’s a lot of me in Lauren. When I was growing up all of my friends were the gorgeous popular girls. I was a nerd. I mean, “hide in the library reading a book” nerd or “spend hours in the art room after school and during lunch drawing, painting and sculpting” nerd, or “have fun solving math and science problems because I could” nerd.
In elementary school I thought Xanadu and the Smurfs were cool in a neighborhood where Michael Jackson and Prince were idolized. (Note: I loved them too but I own lip-syncing to Oliva Newton John and the Chipmunks album. Yes, I said it.) I wasn’t skilled at socializing. I’m a natural introvert. So, I totally understand Lauren’s drivers and perspective.
On the flip side, I was on a syndicated television show called Dance Party USA on the USA network when I was in my later teens. So, I also understand the perspective of Jonathan and what it’s like to have people look up your address and phone number and feel as though they know you personally. It’s a bit trippy."
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"Our cover design was collaborative. We used 99designs.com for a contest among artists. I provided the basic concept (set in a diner, a commercial romance, and initial storyline) and then asked them to create designs based on that. We then published the different designs online and asked viewers to pick their favorites. The end result was this cover and another one that we use for the eBook."Why should we read Jersey Diner and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Although the primary story is a commercial romance, in reality this story has a lot of twists. I like stories that make me question what’s going on, they keep me on the edge of my seat. With that in mind, JERSEY DINER was written so that the reader gets lots of fun twists and “oh no’s!” with a fulfilling ending."Can you tell us something quirky about Jersey Diner, its story and characters?
"Let’s just say that the primary point of view (Lauren) is an unusual one. Approximately 2/3rds of the way through, most readers figure out what she’s up to and are shocked that they are aligned with her thoughts, activities, etc. There is definitely a reveal to the point of view that I hope you enjoy."Who would you recommend Jersey Diner to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This has a lot of elicit content. Parties. Fights. And a bit of scariness. All with the intent of keeping you engaged while staying in alignment with the overall story."If you could / wished to turn Jersey Diner into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Start in Oaklyn New Jersey at Olga’s Diner (if it still exists). Then land in North Hollywood, California. I’d have Selena Gomez play Lauren and I’d have Dev Patel or Diego Luna play Jonathan. Selena has this innocence about her which would play well for Lauren and Diego and Dev have a kindness to them but an undercurrent of intensity. That’s how I see Jonathan and that’s what attracts Lauren to him."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I love reading and writing cross genre pieces. Typically my writing has some fantasy elements with romance. There’s a lot of humor."What is your writing process?
"Great question - I often start with an image or an event and allow myself to free write. After I have five or more pages then the story tends to appear. I will free write for another 50 pages or so and then I’ll map out the rest of the book. As I continue to write, I’ll adjust the storyline summary to reflect what’s actually written. Once I’ve written an complete first draft then I’ll go back over it for consistency and see where there are opportunities to strengthen the story."What is in store next?
"Although JERSEY DINER isn’t part of a series, the characters pop up in other books like LUSCIOUS which will come out in 2018/2019 which starts on the morning that Lee Therese needs to hand in her dissertation, she is literally run over by Xander. The first words out of his mouth are, “Sorry, Luscious.” Immediately smitten, Lee forces herself to recompose and drive forward with her day and her purpose – to get the dissertation approved, graduate, and start a new life with a teaching job in Hawaii. The catch? Xander keeps showing up at the most unexpected times. What Lee doesn’t know is that Alex has his own dark reasons for moving to Philly.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
In addition, I’m currently working on a few things. I’m the executive editor of Running Wild Press and I’m working on a novella anthology and on the first book of a new fantasy series called MAGIC FORGOTTEN by Jack Hillman. In addition, I’m working on a new novel series called, NEWLY MINTED WINGS AND SALTY FRENCH FRIES, which will start off with a novella by one of the main characters, Morgan Cruise. Morgan, is a former teen and twenties star who is finding much less glory in her older years. In search of a renewal, she reaches out to a trendy plastic surgeon. Anticipating that he’ll recommend a face lift, instead he tells her to get functioning wings. That’s right, those babies work! Morgan finds herself in flight over the Hollywood Hills and inadvertently runs into a rather long line at the local In and Out Burger starting a chain of events that will keep you enthralled."
"We have two kittens who are brother and sister. The Master and Margarita. They are sharp, funny, cuddly, loving, and absolutely amazing. They are definitely felonious felines."

Thanks for hosting!
Your kittens are darling!
Just stopping by to say hi! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Thank you! They know it, too. ;)
Thanks! Hope you did too. Thank you for all the love. You're amazing!
Thank you for having me. Truly a pleasure.
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