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Friday 21 April 2017

✉ Where Do Characters Come From? - L. S. O'Dea

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Hangman's Army (, LSODea, 583 pages), a Young Adult Dark Fantasy, book third of Lake Of Sins series (which should be read in order; the first two books are FREE for a limited time).

"Great reading from start to end. Loved all the characters. Can't wait for book four BETRAYED to be released this summer."
Verified Amazon  Customer

"I love all 3 of the Lake of sins books I couldn't put them down. From page one I was hooked."
~ Larry, Verified Amazon Customer

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Where Do Characters Come From?

I’m really not sure where the characters come from. I know deep down that they come from my head but it’s hard to believe when they do things that I’d never expect.

I’ll use Christian, the River-Man, as an example. He was born of necessity. I had Trinity wandering through the woods and something had to happen or it’d be boring. So, I created Christian.

He was supposed to be a glimpse into the creepy world where Trinity found herself, but he wasn’t content with that small role. Christian is a bit of a scene stealer and he actually became a very important secondary character (and the main character of his own novella, Conguise Chronicles: Rise of the River-Man).

Two more examples are Mirra and Gaar.

They were originally a German Shephard (Mirra) and security guard (Gaar). How they became creatures that have never before existed in any genre I don’t really know.

They truly believe that I create my characters in the same sense that parents create a child. I give them life and try to help guide them, but the decisions they make and the life they choose to lead is up to them. Sometimes, I find that quite frightening.

L.S. O'Dea

Hangman's Army
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