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Thursday 13 April 2017

ℚ♫ Scarred - Mia Kerick

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Scarred (, Mia Kerick, 234 pages), a LGBTQ Contemporary Romance.

“If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would.

It was impossible not to feel Matt and Vedie's pain, their struggle was so difficult and agonizing at times, but they kept going….

It's sad, it can make you cry (I cried) and make you mad at the unfairness of life. But it also shows that things can definitely get better and giving you the happiness you deserve.”

|| Synopsis || Teaser: Exclusive Excerpt (2019) || Teaser: KCR Preview || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops (2019) || Giveaway & Tour Stops (2017) ||

A very warm welcome to Mia Kerick; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

To begin, Mia Kerick has shared with us her music playlist for Scarred - enjoy!

What was the inspiration for Scarred?
"One of the inspirations for Scarred is my passionate belief that all different gender identities and expressions are “normal” (a word I’m not crazy about) and are acceptable as part of being human.

I was inspired by President Obama’s guidelines to allow transgender students access to the bathroom of the gender with which they identify, and have been angered by the rollback of these guidelines. In short, my political pro-human rights stance plays a large role in my calling to write about this subject and in the creation of my character, Vedie, who is a gay man with a frequently feminine gender expression.

Second, I have read many accounts of children who were kidnapped by a predator and abused for years in captivity. I wondered, for those few adults who survive the ordeal, how they cope with their pasts. I researched this topic extensively, and with the information I founds, I created my character, Matt.

I am consistently inspired to write about the tortured hero and the story of how love eases his pain. Matt and Vedie are both scarred, and their struggle to love is the story Scarred."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"There is a lot of me in Vedie. I know who I am. I know what I want. My opinions are strong, yet still, I want to please others. Vedie experiences this internal struggle, as well."
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Scarred - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The cover of Scarred was created by Louis C Harris, the talented husband of my publisher, Louis C Harris. I wanted a cover that was dark and rough and blurred, because the lives of these two men have been very difficult and painful and sometimes, these men feel invisible. I love the way Louis showed the scars on Matt’s back, which is indicative of the physical scars he wears and cannot hide. I also love how he made Vedie nearly invisible, as he struggles with his gender identity and expression and sometimes feels that people do not see him for the real human being he is. "
Why should we read Scarred and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"This book is unique in that it deals with a person who expresses his gender by dressing in women’s clothing and, at times, emotionally identifies more closely with women than with men. Too few books deal with transgender people. Also, the post-traumatic stress that Matt endures as a result of childhood abduction and abuse is quite original in romance novels. The joining, and subsequent healing, of these two scarred souls in this story is both poignant and rewarding to read."
Can you tell us something quirky about Scarred, its story and characters?
"Much of Scarred falls into the “quirky” category, as quirky is defined as characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits. In the first scene, Vedie changes from his work uniform of T-shirt and shorts into a stretchy lace top and bootie shorts, along with jewelled sandals. This expression of gender you don’t see everyday—it is thus, unexpected. Matt’s lifestyle, completely secluded in a beachside cottage with four cats names after television stars, qualifies as peculiar. Placida Island, itself, is referred to by the locals as “the Island of Misfit Toys” suggests its quirky nature."
Who would you recommend Scarred to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I recommend Scarred to all Adult and New Adult romance readers, particularly those who like to read about tortured heroes and don’t mind shedding a tear or two. I would warn that there is graphic violence throughout the story, and depiction in a journal of Matt’s of his childhood physical and sexual abuse."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I consistently write about the LGBTQ population, as I believe that all people need to have access to books about people like them. I further believe that when non-LGBTQ people read my books, their minds will be opened to those who they long considered very different from them, but are actually merely other human beings trying to make their ways in life. Lately, I have mainly focused on reading books about LGBTQ people, from Middle Grade to YA to Adult."
What is in store next?
"I have several upcoming projects. In June, Dreamspinner Press will publish a New Adult m/m/m love story about three high school seniors who shift from friends to lovers, called It Could Happen. I also have signed two YA LGBTQ novels with Harmony Ink Press, one a gay romance with a co-author, Raine O’Tierney, and the other a story of a high school transgender girl called My Crunchy Life. I have signed another YA novel to an as yet, undisclosed, publisher. I have also written a Middle Grade story of a transgender girl called The Princess of Baker Street and am currently searching for an agent or publisher.

In addition, I am attending two conferences, Euro Pride Con in June, where I am a keynote speaker, and GRL in October where I am a featured author. I am a monthly guest blogger at Alpha Book Club."
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Here is what is most special to me in the world, my four kids:"
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing!
Even in paradise, beautiful faces can hide scarred souls.

Available NOW!

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Giselle said...

Thanks for hosting today! :)

Mia kerick said...

Hello and thank you SO MUCH for welcoming me to your blog today!! Thanks for the great interview! I will promote it!!