This is the first book in The Beautiful Creatures of Beverly Hills series and it is on sale for only .99!

PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis, trailer and excerpt below. Read the Prologue and the first three chapters with Amazon Look Inside. Moondancers is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library.

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Synopsis | Trailer | Teaser | Author Q&A | About the Author | Tour Stops
"Young love, paranormal creatures, and murder."There is a creature haunting the swimming pools of affluent Beverly Hills. So far the creature’s kills have been confined to small animals, but now he has his sights set on the beautiful girl next door, and unless Josh Butters and his friends Alan and Conner can figure out how to stop him, Alexia Dupree and other gorgeous girls of Beverly Hills are going to wind up dead.
The summer of Josh Butters’ sixteenth birthday will be very different from all the summers that have come before.
That summer Josh will meet his one true love.
That summer there will be an amazing and romantic adventure.
That summer one of them is going die.
Josh never saw any of it coming.
From the author of #1 Teen Horror novel Boyfriend From Hell and The Falling Angels Saga comes a new paranormal series that asks the question “Do you believe in soulmates?”
Teaser: Excerpt
My wipers were on high, I’d turned on the brights, and yet I could barelysee two feet in front of me. The rain was coming in sheets, cascading off my windshield like river water over a waterfall.
Rather than risk my first accident in a stolen/borrowed car two weeks before I was legal to drive, I pulled alongside the road to wait out to storm, or at least wait until the rain had eased up enough that I felt safe to drive.
I turned on the radio, but instead of a top forties tune pelting through the speakers, the harp and sitar song filled the car.
What the?
I turned off the radio, but the song played on. I squinted at the road ahead of me, then looked over my shoulder, squinting through the rear window. If my hunch was right, Lara was nearby. I sat staring at the road for several minutes, and then she walked past, head down, walking in the pouring rain.
I rolled down the window and the rains came in, bombarding my face. “Lara!” I called.
She continued away from me as if in a trance, as if she didn’t realize how hard it was raining.
I pulled the car back onto the road, caught up to her, and rolled down the passenger window.
“Lara! It’s me, Josh. Get in!” I called.
She emerged from her trance, and looked at me without stopping. “No, thank you,” she said.
“You’re getting soaked,” I called.
“Better than getting insulted,” she called back.
She shot me a look, and I felt the hand tighten its grip around my heart. “Lara, please get in. You’re shivering.”
She stopped, and took inventory of herself. She was soaked to the bone, the tank top and shorts clinging to her. Rain water ran as if from a leaky faucet down the tip of her nose.
“You sure you’re not a stalker dude? You sure seem like one,” she said.
“I’m not. I swear. I just want to help. I have a towel in the back. You can dry yourself. I won’t talk if you don’t want me to. Just, get in. We’ll pull over and wait out the storm.”
She hit me with a warning expression. “No talking!” she said.
Only .99!
About the Author

He has been nominated for both an Emmy and an Academy Award.
His first YA Paranormal novel, "Never Slow Dance With A Zombie," was a selection of The Scholastic Book Club, and a nominee for an American Library Association Award.
“Boyfriend From Hell,” “Earth Angel,” “Heaven Sent,” and “Falling” are the four books of the Falling Angels Saga.
E lives in Beverly Hills California with his spouse, a werewolf, several zombies and a fairy godmother who grants him wishes from time-to-time.
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Tour Stops
Follow Moondancers's tour at:
March 7th: I Heart Reading
March 8th: Bookworm for Kids ☀
March 12th: Editor Charlene’s Blog ✉
March 14th: Book Plus Heart ☀
March 16th: Majanka’s Blog ℚ
March 18th: Rainne’s Ramblings ☀
March 20th: Am Kinda Busy Reading ✍
March 8th: Bookworm for Kids ☀
March 12th: Editor Charlene’s Blog ✉
March 14th: Book Plus Heart ☀
March 16th: Majanka’s Blog ℚ
March 18th: Rainne’s Ramblings ☀
March 20th: Am Kinda Busy Reading ✍
March 22nd: BooksChatter ☀ℚ
March 24th: Maari Loves Her Indies ☀
March 26th: The Single Librarian ℚ
March 30th: Indy Book Fairy ☀
April 2nd: 5 Girls Book Reviews ✍
April 6th: Bedazzled Reading ℚ
April 7th: Looking for a Good Book ✍✉
March 24th: Maari Loves Her Indies ☀
March 26th: The Single Librarian ℚ
March 30th: Indy Book Fairy ☀
April 2nd: 5 Girls Book Reviews ✍
April 6th: Bedazzled Reading ℚ
April 7th: Looking for a Good Book ✍✉
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