This is the first book in the Enaya series.

PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the first six chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
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Author Justin C. Trout will be awarding two signed copies of Enaya: Solace of Time (US/CAN), two ebook copies of Enaya: Solace of Time (INTL), and two posters of the book cover (INTL). to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
Synopsis | Teaser | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Nile Whitman thought he had withstood the test of Time, but when he discovers an ancient artifact known as Enaya, his life will change forever.Enaya, a powerful and magical stone, alters time by bringing a futuristic city into Nile’s time period. The leader of this city, Norcross Kenneth, falls in love with Nile’s world and the magic within it, and he will stop at nothing until both their worlds are united. After Nile’s kingdom is destroyed by this new unknown force, he sets out on an adventure to send the future back into their dimension.
It’s not just this new threat that opposes Nile; the Lucian Empire has risen, and the Snake Queen wants Nile all to herself. When Nile forms a resistance with an unlikely band of heroes, he is forced to come to terms with his past and with the decisions that will affect his future.
Nile will have to embrace who he is if he is going to protect the people he loves, and in doing so, he will have to depend on Enaya, the element of time.
Teaser: Excerpt
Nile had been walking for hours now.He was extremely tired, but nobody wanted to be pulled by a horse. Shebris glared back at him with her large dark eyes, staring into his soul. It felt like it at least. His feet nearly tripped over each other, but he managed to keep his pace up with the horse, which was black and smelled of death.
Another horse caught up with it. Srinath was on it. He was bleeding from his lip, but he never stared at Nile. His horse neighed and whinnied until he got next to Shebris. She looked over at him; their eyes fixed on each other.
Nile was thirsty. Come to think of it, he hadn’t had a drink since his stay in Peoria. His throat felt like a torch. He could go for a nice drink right about now, something cold, like ice water. He hadn’t had a lot of ice water in his day, especially since he couldn’t keep the ice frozen. He had it once, as a matter of a fact, and that was the time Woodlands celebrated the return of Alexander Whitman.
“Can I get a drink?” Nile asked.
The horses stopped and he stumbled into the rear of Shebris’s horse. She reached a black pouch to him and he nodded to her. He flipped the pouch up and held it over his mouth to get a drink, but dirty water poured into his parched aperture, spilling over his lips, and dripping down his cheek. He pulled away and spat it out.
“What is this?” Nile asked, still trying to get the taste out.
“Water,” Shebris said.
“Rotten water,” Nile replied, tossing the pouch back up to her.
“You imbecile,” Shebris hissed. “You want something so bad and when it is given to you, you throw it back. This world is rotten to the core.” She grabbed the chain, yanking it as hard as she could. Nile tripped and fell onto the hard ground.
Solace of Time
Available NOW!
About the Author

With a passion to draw and share his stories, Justin began writing novels when he was only 12 years old. It was at this age that the Enaya series was born. He wrote a majority of the first drafts while he attended Lebanon High School.
As he got older, Justin worked several odd jobs such as fast food, cashier, work study and retail. Justin decided to go back to college to obtain his degree where he could work in the mental health profession. It was in college when he decided to pursue publishing. Obtaining a master’s in education with specialization in counseling from Lindsey Wilson College, Justin is a children’s therapeutic day treatment counselor and an avid writer.
He has also appeared in a number of short films and recently wrote and directed his first indie film, Fade Out.
Enaya: Solace of Time is book 1 in an 8 part series.
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Giveaway and Tour Stops
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