This is the first book in the Moccasin Hollow Mystery series,
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below, as well as the Q&A with author Hawk MacKinney. Read the Prologue and the first two chapters with Amazon Look Inside.
Hawk MacKinney will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀), interviews (ℚ), reviews (✍) and guest blog posts (✉).
Synopsis | Trailer | Teaser | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Hidden Chamber of Death is a compelling tale of intrigue, murder, deception and suspense that leads retired Navy SEAL/part-time private investigator Craige Ingram in search of the connection between seemingly random murders and a banking conspiracy.Working with the local homicide investigator, who just happens to be a former Navy buddy, Craige Ingram's attempts to protect a lonely widow and solve the case before another person dies are only thwarted by a psychotic killer whose motivation is based on pure depraved pleasure.
In this first book of the MOCCASIN HOLLOW MYSTERY SERIES, the instincts and skills Ingram and his buddy acquired as Navy SEALS are tested to their limits.
Teaser: Excerpt
Years later, Grannie’s death turned his world upside-down. He still remembered watching her coffin sink into the ground next to his parents and the terrible time he had afterwards. It wrenched his butt out of the Naval Academy, but Grannie was right again.She’d often say, “Things be happenin’ like they should.
After several months of brooding, he and his high school bud, Graysen MacGerald, enlisted. He went through Navy SEAL BUD training where he learned a lot about himself, met some great people and acquired some bad habits, which he still had. Heavy sack time wasn’t one of them unless he had a tequila hangover or was snugged next to a hot body. That never happened on base—well, almost never.
Investments had paid off nicely. He’d added several large sections to Grannie’s place. She’d had a tough fight keeping her land from speculators pulling tax schemes to force it to auction. Some were her own kin. It wasn’t the first time Ingrams and Graemes faced that, and it wasn’t the first time backbiters reckoned wrong about Corinthia Ingram being easy pickings. She logged enough timber to pay the taxes and made damn sure riffraff, Ingram or otherwise, never set foot on Moccasin Hollow. Water and mineral rights were worth plenty then, and they were worth more now. Now and then, kaolin conglomerates pinged Craige about long-term leases, but it wasn't happening on Ingram land.
Craige's broker almost choked at the idea of his investing in Russian timber commodities. The seven-figure chunk of negotiable paper made his broker nervous. “You could lose it all, and they can be mean as snot,” he told Craige.
“Sometimes they have a right to be mean as snot.” It wouldn’t be the first time Craige’d done business with them, which he didn't reveal. He also didn’t tell him the Russians once had standing orders to shoot him on sight.
For a minute Craige thought he might have to administer CPR to this man, but the broker made the arrangements. Craige hadn’t planned on inspecting the properties till spring, but absentee landlords made for easy skimming. By being there he could make sure the cuts were from the selected sections. He wouldn’t be partner to slash and stripping whole mountains. Even with his inside contacts, it was a real eye opener. It’s never only about the money.
Hidden Chamber of Death
Available NOW!
Author Q&A
What do you like to read?"The latest eye-openers out of CERN & the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) from those quantum physicists that have a writers-gift few ‘scientist-researchers’ possess. Expressing their work/discoveries in words persons on the street can understand. And I read the authors of historical non-fiction…"What is your latest release?
"There are 2 releases: a Moccasin Hollow Mystery, Hidden Chamber of Death, & Volume II in my Cairns of Sainctuarie sci-fi series, The Missing Planets."What have you learned about writing since you were published that surprised you the most?
"It always amazes me what characters or traits of characters readers will connect with or identify with in my books. No matter the idiosyncrasies/motives/quirks my characters reveal, a reader will become involved and be able to identify in some way with that character."Do you have a support system? What valuable lessons have you learned from them?
"A valuable lesson from my support system is constructive editing (not criticism but teaching). Lessons/suggestions but only from individuals with experience, knowledge, and who understand my goals…in Southron-speak—civilized."What is your favourite source of inspiration?
"A lifetime of smart common-sense individuals, most of them gone, some who helped from a sense of, as you expressed, “…helping to promote others [fellow authors] who work hard to dream their dreams.”"Is there any advice, that you were given?
"Not advice but examples. Believe in your dreams; never say NO to yourself & never quit."Where do you get your stories?
"From watching people AND reading a lot of public records of the interplay…where people find themselves in tangled plots AND tangles with each other."
About the Author
In addition to professional articles and texts on fetal and adult anatomy, Hawk has authored several novels that have received national and international recognition. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel, was nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award. This was followed by the Craige Ingram Mystery Series. In a change of direction, October of 2012 saw the release of Hawk’s first science fiction novel, The Bleikovat Event, in The Cairns of Sainctuarie series. Volume II in The Cairns of Sainctuarie series, The Missing Planets, was released in 2014 with Volume III in the works.
Hawk’s latest project focuses on The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. Book 1 in the series, Hidden Chamber of Death, was just released, and Book 2 in the series, Westobou Gold, will be released in the fall.
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Giveaway and Tour Stops
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Feb 25: Author C.A.MilsonFeb 25: Christine Young
Mar 3: The Reading Addict
Mar 10: Room With Books ✍
Mar 10: Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books! ✍
Mar 17: T's Stuff
Mar 24: BooksChatter
Mar 31: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
Apr 7: Lilac Reviews
Apr 14: It's Raining Books

Thank you for hosting
Kids off school again in our city in Michigan with snow. One day earlier their spring break starts. Thank you for the giveaway
Book Chatter - Thank you for hosting Hidden Chamber of Death, Book 1 in the Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series. Book 2 galley of Westobou Gold is currently in cover design as well as a sci-fi title also in galley/cover design. An earlier historical romance Moccasin Trace, establishes the bloodline(s) of Craige Ingram in the Moccasin Hollow Series. Your hosting is much appreciated…
Hawk MacKinney
James ROBERT – City sounds muffled in covers of snow with the kids off to school…aaah…moments of solitude. Thanx for stopping by…commenting…
Hawk MacK
Sounds like a great read.
RITA – Hope U enjoy the read…thanx for stopping by…
Hawk MacK
Sounds like a great read.
Becky RICHARDSON – Hope U enjoy it… thanx for stopping by…
Hawk MacK
What is the best joke that you have heard recently? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
Thanks for sharing the teaser and trailer! I enjoyed reading the post :)
Thanking you once again on this Good Friday
Thanks for hosting and the great giveaway
Happy Easter to all who celebrate it and thanks again for this opportunity
Great post, sounds like an intriguing read, thanks for sharing!
Thanking you for this opportunity to win on this fine Monday
Thank you for posting. This looks like a good read.
Thanks once again for another great giveaway.
Joseph WALLACE – Will keep my toes crossed for U having good luck…thanx for stopping by…
Hawk MacK
Victoria ALEXANDRA – Glad U liked the post & video. Graphic artists have done a great job on the cover AND the video. Will pass on your thanx…
Hawk MacK
Eva MILLIEN – You’re welcome to the share…hope U like the read…
Hawk MacK
Natural BRI – Thank U for stopping by…hope U enjoy the read…
Hawk MacK
Great giveaway and I appreciate the chance to win, thank you
Have an awesome weekend and thank you for this chance
Have a blessed Sunday and thanks for this chance
Here we are again, back to Monday. Thanks for this chance to win
Saying thank you for giving all of us the opportunity to win
I appreciate you taking time to offer this giveaway to us. Thanks so much!
Enjoy your Thursday and saying thank you once again
Many of us are happy to see it being Friday again. Thank you for this opportunity at winning and all the work you put into this for us.
Have a great weekend and thanks for the opportunity to win
Sunday blessing and thanks for the giveaway
Thank you for taking the time to bring us this great giveaway and the opportunity to win
Thanks so much for the giveaway and giving us the chance to win
I appreciate you giving us the opportunity to win, thank you
Happy Friday! Thank you for the chance to win and all the work you put into these great giveaways
The book sounds complex and involves so many different areas of interest, that I'm curious to know what kind of research was involved for this book? Did it involve travel? Interviews?
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