This is the first book in the Morowak series.
PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below, as well as our Q&A with author Kari Peterson. Read the first three chapters on Smashwords.
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Synopsis | Teaser | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
An adventure. A crusade. A powerful fated love.It is medieval times in the land of Morowak. Kings and Queens maintain sovereignty, and wielders of magic and fire breathing dragons are real. Nobleman's daughter, Arabella Wallington, is about to embark on a journey across the kingdom to meet her betrothed. Stengar McKinnon is a titled soldier in the King's army and she is assured a life of wealth and bliss.
Arabella is herself a gifted war maiden, yet she follows her father's orders and employs someone to protect her along the perilous crossing. She chooses a man named Briol, whose magical abilities are tested throughout their adventure, and an enigmatic bond forms between them. Briol realizes there is something unique about Arabella, and it is brought to light.
A new unforeseen path now lies ahead. This journey challenges everything Arabella has ever known.
Will she find her betrothed?
Will she follow her heart?
Or will she embrace her destiny?
Teaser: Excerpt
The raindrops fell like a wavering curtain from the edge of the rooftop, each beat combining into a glorious rhythm. Water pooled in the empty barrels and ran through the cracks of the cobblestone walkway. It was a welcome sound. For well over a fortnight, the town of Sandstone Creek had not seen rain and it was nearing the end of harvest. The air was dry even though the hard-working town sat only a stone’s throw from the great Disparèt Sea. Soon enough the land would see the bite of winter, and there was still much to be done before the townspeople would be ready for the snow.Arabella Wallington sat on the porch outside her home in a delicately carved wooden chair, sipping on a tankard of her family’s mead. Her eyes were closed as the cool, salty rain filled her senses. She breathed in deep, basking in the smell she loved more than any other. Her fingertips traced the grooves along the curve of her bow which sat on her lap.
Arabella was, in fact, a very talented war maiden. The bow which she wielded was truly a unique and efficient weapon. The naturally blackened wood of the bow was found only within the deep of the Elderwood Forest. It was made by the expertly skilled hands of the elves that resided within the thick fauna. Not another soul outside the forest had ever held its equal. Even the finest blacksmith in Dragon Crest would not be able to tell its grandeur from a glance. The bow had served Arabella well in many encounters over the years, but she had yet to discover its full potential and aptitude.
She opened her eyes and looked again upon the rain bouncing off the ground and the people running to their destinations. She loved the town of Sandstone Creek. It had been the only home she had ever known. She and her parents lived in one of the more lavish homes of this quaint little town. Now, at twenty one years of age, she sat contemplating the journey that awaited her and how her life was about to drastically change. She had to leave home for good.
Her father, Lord Donald Wallington, was off assisting the King’s army in Dragon Crest, the capital of Morowak. It was a prestigious position indeed. King Tophir Hesstius was beloved by nearly everyone within his kingdom and many vied to be in his employment. He ran his land with fierce justice and compassion. Every town within the kingdom was never without, and the vast population was proof. Unfortunately, not everyone shared such a high respect for the King. A small but quickly growing group of assassins were plotting war against the King, in hopes of gaining control of the land. While most of the people within Morowak were Nordic by birth, the land was also home to a race of gentle elves and the mysterious pirtaal. The King welcomed all without prejudice, which is what fueled the assassins in their pursuit to overthrow the King.
The assassins, who named themselves “Cimmerians” on account of their precision night attacks, stood absolutely no chance of success. They simply did not have the numbers to overthrow the King. Still, that did not stop them. They were particularly dangerous to travelers and unprotected towns within the kingdom. The gang took innocent lives, and threatened villages. This band, all of pure-Nordic descent, believed the pirtaal and elves to be “unclean.” Abominations. They felt the abhorrent creatures need to be removed from existence. To some degree, they even dislike mages. Most disturbing, no one knew of the Cimmerians’ whereabouts; the location of their camp was unknown.
Amidst everything happening within the kingdom, Arabella was about to make the trip to Dragon Crest to marry one of her father’s finest soldiers, Sir Stengar McKinnon. It was an arranged marriage, which Arabella was none too thrilled about. Stengar was a brave knight, and a fierce warrior who served the King proudly and was richly rewarded. He would be a great match for any woman, even Arabella, though she didn’t see it that way. She was not easily swayed when her heart was set, and it took much for her to yield to her father’s demand.
Arabella enjoyed her life of defending Morowak against all enemies and the many dangerous creatures who threatened harm against her fellow townsfolk. She had no intention of giving up her pursuit. Not for any man. Being born a woman meant that she would never be an official member of the King’s army, though still she traveled the lands in his name. There were only a handful of war maidens in Morowak, and she was by far the finest. She had been trained in both blade and bow combat, though it was not the steel she favored. Her eye was as keen as any woodland elf, and many said she was equally as quick on the draw.
This was not exactly what her father had intended for her, and he initially tried to coerce her onto a different path. She, however, was an incredibly determined woman. It didn’t take her father long to realize she fought for the same honorable cause that he did, and with the same passion. Still he could not understand her resentment to the idea of marriage. Arabella knew that a union with Stengar would mean she would no longer be able to continue the work she devoted herself to. Arabella wasn’t sure what angered her more, the fact that her father was so quick to dismiss her wishes, or that her husband-to-be would be the same way.
Arabella drank her last sip of mead, and took one more look at the old windmill standing like a motionless beacon near the edge of the city. How she had wept over having to leave this place. Now that the day was here, her tears ran dry. Anger had taken its place. Even through the clouds, she knew the sun was already directly overhead. I must get moving, she thought. Anxiety began to burn inside her as she rose from her chair to say goodbye to her mother.
“Now you promised to stop in Edgetree and hire someone to protect you along the journey,” Ingrid reminded her daughter as she held her tight.
“Yes, Mother. This is one of Father’s more reasonable requests.”
“Oh, Arabella,” her mother protested, “I still do not understand why you refuse to take the carriage with me.”
Arabella sighed. “Because I will not arrive as a present wrapped special for this man, Mother. The thought infuriates me! I am doing as Father wishes, is that not enough?” She began walking to her horse, Sage, who was already packed with Arabella’s armor and supplies for the long trip ahead. “Let us not speak of this anymore, Mother, I beg you. I will see you in Dragon Crest. I am certain I will be just a few days behind you.” Her mother sighed, knowing there were no words to change her daughter’s mind. “Yes, my dear. I will await your arrival. It will be a joyous occasion, Arabella, you shall see. He is a very important man, and you will be his beautiful bride.”
Arabella hugged her mother tightly. “I do love you.” She climbed into the saddle and watched as her mother wiped a tear from her beautiful brown eyes. Brown eyes! Her father had brown eyes as well, and yet she had eyes as grey as the storm clouds overhead. She always knew she was different, but every time she looked at her reflection in the water or on a newly shined sword, she was reminded of how different she truly was.
Her mother put her hand on Arabella’s leg. “And I love you. Safe travels to you, dear.”
With that, Arabella gave a kick to her sturdy mount and trotted away from the only home she’d ever known. As she followed the road south out of the city, Arabella couldn’t resist taking one last look behind her. She glanced at the houses of the friends she hadn’t told of her departure. Saying goodbye to all of them would have been more than she could bear. This way, there was still a shred of hope she would one day return, if for nothing else but to see them again.
Journey Through Morowak
Available NOW!

About the Author

In 2006, before I had even discovered my passion for writing, I married a wonderful man named Mark. Our love story is blissfully unique. We now live in Washington State with our three rambunctious boys, a beautiful chocolate lab, a bouncy min pin, and a tubby tailless kitty. I am as passionate about my books as I am of my family. This is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.
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