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Friday 27 November 2015

ℚ Her Captain: Tempting Signs [10] - Taryn Kincaid

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Her Captain (, Fated Desires Publishing, 81 pages), a Contemporary Romance, book ten of Tempting Signs series.

Synopsis | Teaser | The Series | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops

A big welcome to Taryn Kincaid; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter

What was the inspiration for Her Captain?

"HER CAPTAIN is the “Capricorn” book in Fated Desires Publishing’s “Tempting Signs” series.  For each of 12 months, a new book by a different author is released.
One of the main characters has to have the zodiac sign for that month.  As soon as I realized I would be doing “Capricorn,” I knew that I wanted the hero to be born under the sign, and that I wanted him to be a captain of some sort."

How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?

"I’m a Capricorn, too, like Slate! (And yet, not at all like Slate!)"
Why should we read Her Captain and what sets it apart from the rest? 
"The slogan for the Tempting Signs series is 12 Authors.  12 Zodiac Signs.  1 Explosive Series.  What seductive, contemporary romance will you find today?  So I tried to make the hero and heroine really combustible with outwardly incompatible signs.  While Slate’s a steady-as-she-goes Capricorn, his heroine, Holly Harper, is a bubbly, impulsive Aries.  They are HOT together.  Each brings something to the relationship the other is lacking.  Like oil and vinegar whisked together makes a lovely vinaigrette."

Can you tell us something quirky about Her Captain, its story and characters?

"The emblem for Capricorn is the Sea Goat.  I wanted the hero to be a captain and also be involved with the sea.  But Capricorn is also an earth sign, so I wanted him to reflect that, as well.  His name became “Slate Claybourne,” to show some of his earthiness.  

At first, I thought he’d be a Long Island lobsterman, because Billy Joel’s Downeaster Alexa video really affects me every time I see it…but then Slate became an ex-Navy SEAL with baggage, returning to his home of Pieberry Island, a Cape Cod /Nantucket / Martha’s Vineyard kind of setting.  Why “Pieberry”?  Probably not the reason you’re thinking!  Slate explains that to Holly in the book.

Why “Holly”?  Well, the book releases December 15!  Yes, there is a method to my madness!"
If you could / wished to turn Her Captain into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I will go with Jennifer Lawrence (my girl crush) for Holly and a young George Clooney (my always crush) for Slate (Think Perfect Storm).  The location would be a New England island, known for summer tourism, since Holly arrives on the island to turn a dilapidated, maybe haunted mansion into an inn."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I write paranormal romances and contemporary romances. The first romances I got hooked on myself were historicals and the first book I ever contracted was HEALING HEARTS, a Regency romance.  About the only genre I don’t read is horror."
What is your writing process?
"I’m a total pantser.  I just plunge in and go where the characters want to go. "
What is in store next?
"I’m currently writing a wolf-shifter romance planned for Decadent Publishing’s popular Black Hills Wolves line.   There may be more shifter romances down the road for me.  I’d also love to return to Pieberry Island one day in the future.  There are some quirky secondary characters there! "

Her Captain
Out on 15 December 2015!

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1 comment:

Taryn Kincaid said...

Thanks so much for hosting!