PREVIEW: Check out the book's synopsis and excerpt below. Read the Introduction and the first six chapters with Amazon Look Inside. Dating after Forty-eight: Tips for the Reluctant Dater is on sale for ONLY 99 pence / cents!
Author Morgan K. Wyatt will be awarding a $40 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. Please do take part: comment on our post and follow the tour where you will be able to read other excerpts (☀).
Synopsis | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
The world of dating can be both brutal and mysterious. Why do some people marry the first person they meet and live happily ever after? While the rest of us suffer failed relationships, unexpected divorces, and even the death of a spouse that pushes us back into singlehood. Being single can be especially challenging after forty. Most people could use some help, which is the reason behind the book.Dating after Forty-eight is a collection of well-read blogs that highlights workable dating strategies. Instead of dating being a trial, turn it into a fun adventure and possibly a happy ever after.
Teaser: Excerpt
The Confidence GameThe first step to dating like a Bond character is self-confidence. Act as if you are the most beautiful person in the room. Anyone should be glad to know you. If they aren’t anxious to meet you, then that’s their loss. I know some of you are shaking your heads, thinking that you could never pull this off. I did say ACT. That’s the secret. Fake it until you make it. Why act self-confident if you’re not feeling it?
Neediness is the opposite of confidence and drives men and women away. A woman lacking self-confidence telegraphs desperation. She feels like she can never land a man, so she dates anyone who asks her out. Then she usually sleeps with the guy on the first date since that is all she thinks she has to offer. She immediately begins to text, email, and call. Maybe she buys him gifts and drops them off at his work or home. No wonder the guy runs off screaming, which confirms her belief that she has nothing to offer. A worse scenario is the guy hangs around and uses the woman. He keeps her in place by insulting her, making her think she can’t do better.
Dating after Forty-eight
ONLY 99 pence / cents!

About the Author

Her most recent fiction publications include a sweet romance, The Inheritance, and a anthology, Sunkissed: Summer Effusions.
Dating After Forty-eight marks her foray in non-fiction. The research for the book and blog resulted in her own happy ever after love story.
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Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting. :)
Helpful tips for woman re-entering the dating scene.
Great post - I loved the teaser, thanks for sharing :)
Loved the post! Thank you.
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