“Few can match Thames' authority and veracity of presenting his story with the manner of pungency evident on nearly every page of the book. Watch this author rise.”—Amazon Top 100 reviewer Grady Harp.
“Attorney S.D. Thames attempts a Herculean task: make real estate . . . actually interesting. Amazingly, Thames succeeds.”—Above the Law.
“The story really hooks you – I literally read the book from start to finish in one day.”—Amazon reviewer B.D. Wesley.
Author Q&A | Synopsis | Teaser | Other Works: Short Stories | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
A big welcome to S.D. Thames, thank you for joining us today.
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Foreclosure, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
Fab! Do make sure to listen to these great live pieces whilst reading the rest of of the interview!
What was the inspiration for Foreclosure?
Can you tell us something quirky about Foreclosure, its story and characters?
What a cutie! Hello Ellie!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Foreclosure, or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
"I was excited to learn you love music. I do too, and music—especially blues—plays an important part in the protagonist’s character arc in Foreclosure. In fact, I obtained permission from Stevie Ray Vaughan’s estate to quote lyrics from two of his songs, “Cold Shot” and “Pride and Joy,” and the novel references several other blues songs. So, with that said, here’s the ideal set list for my novel."
Fab! Do make sure to listen to these great live pieces whilst reading the rest of of the interview!
What was the inspiration for Foreclosure?
"Although the characters and events in Foreclosure are fictitious, the novel was definitely inspired by the years I spent working as a litigation associate during Florida’s housing crash and the ensuing recession. This was a time when law firms were laying off associates by the hundreds across the country. Meanwhile, I had become jaded by the lack of professionalism and legal ethics I often encountered while rising through the ranks in the profession. These factors, coupled with my own anxiety over succeeding during this economic climate, helped to inspire the novel."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Probably more than I’m willing to admit! As noted before, the novel was inspired by my experiences as an associate during the recession. There are things that the protagonist, David Friedman, does and thinks that I can certainly relate to as a litigator. We’re both introverted lawyers, and we both play the guitar (but don’t get to play much due to our day jobs). Unlike David, I made partner without having to land a client like Frank O’Reilly. Then again, I’m fortunate enough to work for the best law firm in the world. David is also my nemesis in a lot of the things he does that represent my frustrations with the legal profession."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Foreclosure - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I had used ebooklaunch.com for the covers to two short stories that I published on Amazon over the summer. I was very happy with their work. I sent them a short synopsis for Foreclosure and told them I envisioned a cover with a lawyer facing an abandoned house with a for sale sign in the front yard . I wanted to see a version with flames and one without flames. I had a hard time choosing between the two options. I ended up going with the version with flames because I felt it might draw more interest from the reader, but personally I probably prefer the version without flames. Since I write under a pen name and don’t use a publicity photo, I’ve started using a cropped version of the cover without flames for my online bios. You’ll have to read the book to see why there are flames on the cover."Why should we read Foreclosure and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
I think you’ll find that Foreclosure differs from most legal thrillers in terms of its character development. I personally enjoy character-driven mysteries much more than fast-paced thrillers with cardboard characters, and I believe that really shows in this narrative: a page-turner with well-developed characters. At the same time, it’s a very honest depiction of life as a young litigator. As one Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer aptly put it:
“Some authors are able to write legalese with ease, but few can match Thames' authority and veracity of presenting his story with the manner of pungency evident on nearly every page of the book. The characters are well painted, the topical situation becomes unbearably real, and yet the book is a very satisfying legal investigative crime novel on every level.”

"There’s plenty of the offbeat and quirky in the novel—after all, it is set in Florida. I like most the quirkiness of its fictitious setting—Fort Gaspar, in Gaspar County, Florida. Both locales are fictitious (though inspired on a real Florida city, Fort Myers).Who would you recommend Foreclosure to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
Jose Gaspar was a Spanish buccaneer who invaded the western coast of Florida in the 18th Century. Tampa has an annual parade named after his nickname—Gasparilla—and I thought what a better name for the setting for a novel about greed in Southwest Florida than its most infamous plunderer."
"I would recommend Foreclosure to any mature reader who enjoys character-driven crime fiction (no legal background required). The novel does have some offensive language and mildly explicit sex scenes that were called for by the story, but hopefully nothing readers will find gratuitous."If you could / wished to turn Foreclosure into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Well, David is said to look like Ryan Gosling, so I guess the lead should go to him (though Josh Hartnett would do a great job too). Marisa Tomei would play a great Catherine, and Jack Nicholson would knock Frank O’Reilly out of the park."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"Right now I write exclusively crime fiction and mysteries that examine human depravity and redemption. I mainly read in this genre as well, though I read a fair share of literary, sci-fi and fantasy. I do plan on starting to write some historical adventure in the y.a. genre for my daughter."What is your writing process?
"I may have the least efficient writing process of any writer I know. For Foreclosure and my current work in progress, I had to let the ideas marinate in my mind for a while before I started writing anything. A natural pantser, I would then write a quick exploratory or discovery draft. The initial draft is really my way of getting to know the characters, exploring the potential for conflict, and fleshing out some of the important plot points. I don’t expect to use much, if any, of that draft. In fact, with Foreclosure I kept only one scene during the next draft that became the real first draft. Once I’ve finished the discovery draft, I put on my outliner hat and flesh out the basic plot points. Then I start drafting the real first draft. I’ve learned that outlining is much more efficient and saves me time in the long haul, so I’m refining my approach to employ the best of both approaches. I plan on doing more outlining at the outset with my next novel.What is in store next?
I prefer to write in the morning, as soon as I wake up. I also like to write a little at night before I go to sleep so that I’m thinking about the story when I fall asleep. Then I turn it over to the subconscious, and when I wake up, I’m ready to dive back into the story. Of course, given my day job, sometimes I just have to write whenever I can make the time (like right now on a coffee break)."
"Right now I’m finishing A Mighty Fortress, the first instalment in my Milo Porter mystery series. Milo is a gulf war vet who moved to Tampa to enjoy the sunny weather. Now he works as an investigator for local attorneys and has to deal with all kinds of murder and mayhem. I’m also outlining (yes, I’ve learned my lesson!) the second instalment in the Milo Porter series, which I hope to draft in November during NaNoWriMo. It will explore the dark side of the NFL."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Due to my day job and pen name, I’m not publicising any photos of myself right now. However, I’m happy to share a picture of Ellie, our West Highland White Terrier, keeping my reading chair warm for me."
What a cutie! Hello Ellie!
Foreclosure - available NOW!

1 comment:
Terrific interview! Thanks so much for introducing us to this author and his new legal thriller.
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