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A big welcome to Sarah Tauber, thank you for joining us on BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for The Story She Had to Tell?
Lovely! Thank you so much for sharing Ruby with us :-)
The Story She Had to Tell
What was the inspiration for The Story She Had to Tell?
"I had written my first book which was a memoir, “For Dear Life”, and knew that I wanted to write a novel.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I awoke one morning with the working title in my head, “A life lived well”. The premise became an old woman who wanted to share her life stories with the world before she died. But what stories? My original plan was to talk with women in nursing homes about their lives, and then with their permission, use some of the stories for my book. That didn’t work out. For two months I wrote nothing, even though the first chapter was completed.
One day I decided I was going to sit down and start writing, not knowing what I was going to say. I remembered that as a young woman, my mother had travelled to Havana, Cuba with a girlfriend before she married my father. Stupidly I never asked her what happened on her trip. And now she is gone. That soon became the storyline for my book."
"My main character, Madeleine (aka “Mina”) was based on my maternal grandmother. But the young Madeleine was primarily me. I didn’t know my grandmother as a young woman. I took myself as a twenty something woman on that trip to Havana and the adventure of a lifetime."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for The Story She Had to Tell - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My young son is an artist. I knew I wanted him to create the cover. I gave him the basic plotline and the locale. Ultimately he came up with the idea that became the cover, reflecting a love story taking place in Havana, Cuba, many years ago."Why should we read The Story She Had to Tell and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"When Madeleine is telling her story to her ghost writer, you believe she is telling the story to you, sitting across the room from her. You will learn not only what the characters are thinking, but gain emotional insight as well. They are real and what happens to them is real. They will live on in the readers’ hearts and minds long after the book is put away. You will think of them as people you once knew. "Can you tell us something quirky about The Story She Had to Tell, its story and characters?
Who would you recommend The Story She Had to Tell to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?"Yes! I have used names in the book from people in my life, mostly relatives.
Madeleine, the old woman, was based on my maternal grandmother, as I mentioned. As a young woman she was based on me, but with some of my own mother, Georgiana, added in.
In the book, Georgiana is Madeleine’s friend with whom she goes to Cuba. Heidi, the ghost writer, is actually a close friend of mine.
Also of interest is the fact that several of the scenes were based on things that actually happened! "
"Because it is a love story, I would probably say women, over the age of 18. Although some men have read it and thoroughly enjoyed it, as well. It is an easy read that will hold your interest and warm your heart as well as make you think about your own life."If you could / wished to turn The Story She Had to Tell into a movie, who would be your dream team?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?"I think it would make a wonderful movie! Perhaps Judi Dench as Madeleine. She is one of my favorite actresses. Maybe Amanda Seyfried as the twenty something Madeleine. Carlos is a tough one. A late 30s handsome, sexy, Latin male with a killer smile. I haven’t gotten beyond those three roles. Director? Clint Eastwood."
"I felt somewhat restricted writing the memoir. What happened is what went on the paper. With a novel you have no limits. That was the most fun for me. If I write another book, it will probably be a novel but that’s not set in stone. For reading, I enjoy memoirs!"What is your writing process?
"I’d love to say that while writing my books I would get up every morning and go to the computer for six hours to write. Some writers do that. I couldn’t. I didn’t “feel it” every day. I wrote about twice a week, when the words in my head were about to explode. And then I would write about 2-3,000 words each time. I write when I am inspired but that happens frequently when I am working on a project."What is in store next?
"I am sure that there is another book inside me but it hasn’t come to the front of my mind yet. I recently wrote a travelogue for a travel agency which was a lot of fun. I will be doing more of those in the coming years."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Yes!! I have two rescue cats I adore. And I have a nine year old quarter horse named Ruby. See our selfie attached."
Lovely! Thank you so much for sharing Ruby with us :-)
"Thank you, Flora for giving me this opportunity! It was an absolute pleasure to be interviewed by you!"
The Story She Had to Tell
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