This is the first book in the The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles , a young adult paranormal fantasy series which should comprise of eight books in total . There is a nice post on the author's blog which details What to Expect When Reading The Next Three Forbidden Darkness Chronicles Books.
Check out the book's synopsis and the excerpt below, as well as our author interview. You can also read the first three chapters on Amazon.
Synopsis | Teaser | Author Q&A | About the Author | Tour Stops
Being a sixteen year old Monster Hunter sucks. That’s what Heather Hawkins learns just days before her sixteenth birthday. After dealing with her best friend, Kristen’s, attempted suicide, the last thing Heather wants is any more drama. When the realistic dreams of Heather being haunted by a guy named Kadin begin, she learns the truth. She is a Monster Hunter, and on her birthday, she will undergo a change that will make her stronger, more powerful, and nearly invincible to Monsters. Along with having a hot new trainer named Philip, she believes that this will be a new beginning for herself.Unfortunately, Monsters aren’t the only thing Heather needs to worry about. With someone stalking her dreams, she realizes there may be more than just Monsters in the world, and that Kadin will do anything to stop her from helping the Monster Hunters. Even if that means unleashing an entity that was locked away by his people thousands of years ago.
In this all-new paranormal young adult series, romances will be formed, evil becomes unleashed, and everyone Heather loves will soon be at risk. Because in a world where Monsters walk the earth, anything is possible.
Teaser: Excerpt
“LOOKING IN through the window, Kadin knew that the girl sleeping in the bedroom was the one he had been looking for all these years. He watched as she lay in bed perfectly still, and he could feel energy surrounding her while she slept. This was the wonderful Heather Hawkins.There was only one way he would be able to talk to her without her completely freaking out, one way to make sure she realized the things that were at stake. He needed her. If he didn’t get her, it was possible that all hell would break loose on earth. Everything she loved and cared about would come to an end if she didn’t join him.
“Stalking the ladies, I see.”
The voice would have made a normal person jump, but Kadin wasn’t normal. Kadin came down from the Aether and looked at Frostbite, his white hair perfectly flipped across his head. Frostbite was gorgeous in a manly kind of way, with paper-white skin and glowing blue eyes. The air around them changed, and Kadin knew he couldn’t tell Frostbite about Heather.
“What are you doing here?” Kadin asked. It wasn’t like he and Frostbite were friends. If anything, they were enemies, and the fact that Frostbite seemed to enjoy popping out of nowhere worried Kadin. It didn’t make things any better that their people were already suspicious of what Kadin was doing.
“Checking to make sure that you don’t do anything stupid,” Frostbite replied. He waltzed over to Kadin and whispered in his ear, “Or rather, anything that could put us in jeopardy.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” Kadin snapped. “I think our people know that by now.”
Frostbite stepped away, smirking with the corner of his mouth. “Kadin, we’re at a time in the world where we need you. You running off on these little quests for some…girl that you think will be able to help us…it’s wrong. They’re going to find you.”
And by they, Frostbite meant their people. Kadin had been running for so long—he was sick of running, but what other choice did he have? “How do you manage to keep finding me?”
“Because I’m the only one really bothering to look.” Kadin watched as Frostbite’s hands turned to ice blue. His fingertips glistened and he wondered if Frostbite was going to attack him. “We are not friends, so whether you live or die doesn’t concern me. But the fate of our people does concern me. Do you understand? If you get to be too dangerous, they will do anything to stop you. Anything.”
Without another word, Frostbite disappeared from sight, leaving Kadin to ponder the things that he had said. Would his own people really turn on him? He tried not to think about it as he felt the tingles across his arms.
What they didn’t know was that Kadin was already more dangerous than they thought—or could be, if he didn’t use his new abilities the right way. He was finally able to unleash the entity that was locked away by his people thousands of years ago.
In A World Where Monsters Exist, Anything Is Possible
Forbidden Darkness - Available NOW!

About the Author

At the age of 16 he wrote his first novel, Before I Break.
His hobbies include reading, writing, and obsessing over Pretty Little Liars.
He writes about tough topics that many are too afraid to talk about like suicide, homosexuality, self harm, cyberbullying, anxiety disorders, addiction, among other teenage issues, and he often blends these ideas with the paranormal.
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Follow The Forbidden Darkness's tour at:
June 6th: Starter Day Party @ I Heart Reading
June 6th: Excerpt @ Indy Fairy
June 6th: Promo Post @ European Geeks
June 7th: Promo Post @ Nat’s Nook
June 9th: Review @ Hollow Readers
June 11th: Excerpt @ Bedazzled By Books
June 15th: Author Interview @ Author Nicolette Andrews
June 17th: Excerpt @ The Single Librarian
June 18th: Guest Post @ European Geeks
June 19th: Review @ Bookworm for Kids
June 21st: Excerpt @ Editor Charlene’s Blog
June 6th: Excerpt @ Indy Fairy
June 6th: Promo Post @ European Geeks
June 7th: Promo Post @ Nat’s Nook
June 9th: Review @ Hollow Readers
June 11th: Excerpt @ Bedazzled By Books
June 15th: Author Interview @ Author Nicolette Andrews
June 17th: Excerpt @ The Single Librarian
June 18th: Guest Post @ European Geeks
June 19th: Review @ Bookworm for Kids
June 21st: Excerpt @ Editor Charlene’s Blog
June 23rd: Review @ Books, Books and More Books
June 25th: Excerpt @ Bookish Madness
June 27th: Promo Post @ Undercover Reviews
June 29th: Author Interview and Excerpt @ Jeri’s Attic
July 1st: Review @ Daniel Riding
July 3rd: Excerpt @ Fantasy Lane
July 4th: Author Interview @ BooksChatter
July 5th: Review @ Bedazzled Reading
July 6th: Author Interview @ Author C.A. Milson’s Blog
July 6th: Review & Excerpt @ Boundless Reviews
June 25th: Excerpt @ Bookish Madness
June 27th: Promo Post @ Undercover Reviews
June 29th: Author Interview and Excerpt @ Jeri’s Attic
July 1st: Review @ Daniel Riding
July 3rd: Excerpt @ Fantasy Lane
July 4th: Author Interview @ BooksChatter
July 5th: Review @ Bedazzled Reading
July 6th: Author Interview @ Author C.A. Milson’s Blog
July 6th: Review & Excerpt @ Boundless Reviews
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