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Hello Brett and welcome to BooksChatter.
What was the inspiration for your latest book, Time is Relative for a Knight of Time?
Why should we read Time is Relative for a Knight in Time and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your novel unique?
If you could / wished to turn Time is Relative into a movie, who would be your dream team?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Time Is Relative for a Knight of Time
What was the inspiration for your latest book, Time is Relative for a Knight of Time?
"Much like the main protagonist, Rolland Wright, I was also a homeless teenager for a brief period of time. Unlike Rolland I could not slow down the progression of time around me, making it easier to evade anyone who might take advantage of a homeless teen. All those nights on the street give one the opportunity to think about what is truly important in life. I didn't have a father growing up, as he abandoned me as a young child, so I often looked to strong male influences in popular culture to discern what a 'man' is supposed to be in today's modern world.That extensively answers my next question, i.e. how much of yourself is reflected in the book, and how? Clearly quite a lot :-)
A man, in my limited teenage perception, was just like a woman, or any other person, in that they wanted to be simultaneously happy, secure, and an asset for the betterment of the larger world around them. That's a lot to fit into one lifetime, much less when you're a homeless kid with nothing but the car he is living inside. So, I read. And read, and read some more until I got heavily into Greek mythology and American history. Most of the characters, from Aphrodite to George Washington had these rich, amazing back stories where they came from a good family with a mom, a dad, and a home of their own. I didn't have any of those things.
What I did have, however, was tenacity. I kept looking, kept reading, and then it hit me. There is absolutely no origin story for the legendary figure Father Time. He's everywhere at New Years, often accompanied by that fat, naked baby with the sash, but there's no origin of where or when his myth was created. Often people confuse him with Zeus - though he has more in common with Zeus' father Chronos. This was my launching point and excuse to daydream on what kind of 'man' a young Father Time would be; what would HE do in my situation? Yes, Rolland will grow up to become the mythical figure Father Time, but I needed to examine what kind of foundation a man like that would have. He would need to be tough, but in a way that was sacrificing of all that he held dear in exchange for something baser, something primal. A warm place to sleep at night.
That's character you can't buy, it has to be learned through hardship. And this is only the plot through chapter 2. "
"A great deal of myself is reflected in the novel, of course. The rest you will have to discern on your own."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your new cover for Time is Relative for a Knight of Time - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
True enough, unfortunately with so many titles on offer out there you need something to attract the readers to your work - even just to get them to read your synopsis, hence the very first discriminant is that all important cover. For me a cover is to a book what clothing and general appears is to a person - if you want that job you need to make an effort, look smart and stand out. In our society, first impressions are a necessary evil. Personally, I like both of the covers you used for Time is Relative for a Knight in Time; this second one is very Dali."Finding the right cover is a headache and a half. We as human beings are taught, despite our instinct to do so, not to judge a book by its cover. I am just as guilty of this as the next person, and because of this fact, have spent years missing out on some of the best works of literature."
Why should we read Time is Relative for a Knight in Time and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your novel unique?
"The Time is Relative novels will take you on a truly unique journey through time and space, introducing the reader to new ideas in familiar settings. By blending fantasy fiction with historic fact I believe that Rolland's tale will be richer and fuller of detail than if it were a complete work of fiction. Seriously, read our reviews. What we offer is a new way of telling a fantasy fiction story, one that I hope new readers will enjoy wholeheartedly."Can you tell us something quirky about Time is Relative, its story and characters?
"People who have known me the longest will appreciate the most out of my novels, as I often take names from people, places, and events of my past. While in my mind I do this to honor these things that have made such an impact on my life, I often worry that they don't take it the same way. Really, all of them should, except one. I won't mention which one, but once upon a time a certain college professor of mine COULD have given me a B on a 79.5% average and chose instead to give me a C, dropping my GPA a bit. While I forgive them.. I have yet to forget. "Who would you recommend Time is Relative to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This is not a children's book by any stretch of the imagination. Young adults, grown-ups, the elderly, women, men, anyone with a working brain stem and an imagination will enjoy reading this book. But please, know what it is you are getting into before you decide to go down the rabbit hole of the Time is Relative series.
The Historian warns the reader in the prologue that they may read something to truly shock them. I've had nearly everyone who has read it be mad at me for something - even small, historical hot topics that I threw in for the historians reading. I care about the details SO much that I spent years catering this book to a wide array of readers. But, again, none of them would be children. History is a complicated, often violent, if not downright volatile subject. Let children be children elsewhere, I say, good for them. These books are not for children. "

"People who are paid to study this sort of thing, including trends and fiscal analysis would be better equipped to hire a cast and crew for any adaptations. I do have a few suggestions for supporting characters when it comes to casting choices.
#1 - Eddie Izzard would be a fantastic Turtledove. He carries about him a gentle, yet sophisticated grace that is undeniably Marcus Turtledove.
#2 - James Marsters for Dr. Judah Jacob Raines. Everything about this makes sense.
#3 - Alexandra Daddario or Alison Brie for Sephanie. They're both the right age and bring subtle nuances to all of their roles. Great actors, one in all."

"I enjoy reading good fantasy fiction and historical biographies. David McCullough, James A. Michener, Ron Chernow, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and Stephen King are among my favorites. I also have a soft spot for Pearls Before Swine and believe Stephan Pastis and I would be best friends."What is in store next?
"We are promoting this book heavily now because the sequel, Time is Relative for Wavering Loyalties, is scheduled to be released this Fall 2015.Thank you again for exploring Time is Relative for a Knight of time with us, Brett. BooksChatter wishes you all the best with the rest of the tour and we look forward to Time is Relative for Wavering Loyalties later in the year.
Rolland Wright, who will one day grow-up to become the legendary figure Father Time, has survived the trials involving Vilthe and Andrew Jackson in 19th century Florida and returned to Eden triumphant, only to be arrested for crimes involving manipulating the time stream.
Will Rolland attend the academy of light with Tina? Spend the rest of his days in Eden prison? Or will he go in search of a new Cadillac El Dorado to live inside?
Elsewhere Vilthe has been made aware that Rolland, the stopper of time, has finally entered the game at the eleventh hour. Spurned by this, Vilthe assigns his best lieutenants a vital task in his ultimate plans of mass human extinction. We now know the what, but not what it is.
What is Project Dreamcoat? And why are both Councilman Varejao and Vilthe sending agents to 1937 Lae Island to intercept Amelia Earhart?
Who will stand with who when all rely on loyalties that waver..."
Time Is Relative for a Knight of Time
available NOW!

Thanks for hosting!
Good morning, and thanks for having me today. Eden is a big place... I hope Waldo never finds his way there. That would take forever. #FridayThoughts
Really great interview..I enjoyed reading it! Thanks for sharing :)
Anybody who'd cast Eddie Izzard and Alison Brie is after my own heart!
--Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com
Great interview.
Eddie Izzard did it for me :-)
Evening Brett! thank you for popping by. I have finally manged to get the article finished! Apologies. I must say, I really would like to read your series - Father Time ... how can you resist!
I really enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you for the post and contest!
Wonderful interview. Thank you!
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