“Family of Spies will grip readers from the first page and will not let go. While Carmichael has done her research and briefly ventures into the scientific realm of time travel and psychic ability, Family of Spies forces readers to suspend their disbelief and just enjoy a really good story. Told in the third person, this time travel tale successfully immerses readers in the City of Lights during both the 21st century and WWII, highlighting the incredible food, culture, language, history and architecture. The WWII era scenes, complete with marching Nazi troops and flapping swastika flags, are replete with vivid description that captures all of the senses. Chock full of action, suspense, history and intrigue, Family of Spies is a must-read with something for everyone!” ~ CM: Canadian Review of Materials **** /4 Highly Recommended .
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A very warm welcome to Jodi Carmichael; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Family of Spies: Paris , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?/ Here at BooksChatter we love music, so Jodi Carmichael has shared with us her music playlist for Family of Spies: Paris - enjoy!
What was the inspiration for Family of Spies: Paris ?
Zoe, you beautiful gorgeous girl; lots of cuddles and belly rubs to you from all of us at BooksChatter (which does include 10 kitties... ;-)
Jodi, it was great having you with us. We hope you are having a great tour, and thank you for bearing with us :-)
Family of Spies: Paris
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Family of Spies: Paris , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?/ Here at BooksChatter we love music, so Jodi Carmichael has shared with us her music playlist for Family of Spies: Paris - enjoy!
"The one song I listened to was "When We Meet Again" by Vera Lynn. I normally don’t listen to music when I write as I find it too distracting; however, I listened to this song over and over as I wrote the final chapters and I typed through tears. It is such a poignant song from the Second World War, that it really struck a chord with me."
"The seed of the story for Family of Spies was planted in my imagination when I was only a child by my mom, Bonnie Neil (Crawford). Every time she told and retold stories of her father and rumors of a connection to Sir William Stephenson, Canada’s most famous spy, my imagination took flight. The concept of Family of Spies as it has taken shape in the novel has bumped around my mind for over ten years and is loosely based on the mystery revolving around my Rhodes Scholar grandfather, Edward Hugh Martin Crawford. He was a pilot with the R.C.A.F. and was awarded an MBE, based on his involvement in World War 2. Eighty years later, the details of his military career remain sealed. Our family lore of code breaking, secret missions, and his nephew’s code-breaking work at Bletchley Park, was perfect fodder for writing this story."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Because, E.H. Crawford is my grandfather, this book feels like an extension of myself. It is a reflection of our family dynamic and our strong belief that he was indeed a spy during World War 2."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Family of Spies: Paris - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"The cover was designed by Relish New Brand in Winnipeg, Manitoba through my publisher Yellow Dog. I spoke to the children’s book buyers at McNally Robinson Booksellers to find out what covers they found most attractive and that middle graders were drawn to. I then shared those covers with Relish and Yellow Dog and they created a cover that was more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I am thrilled with both the front and the back cover designs."Why should we read Family of Spies: Paris and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Family of Spies is a fast-paced adventure that combines elements of mystery, history, anticipation, and humour with characters that seem as real as you and me. I think the blend of fact and fiction, adds an element that makes this fiction story seem as if it could really have happened. And maybe some of it really did! "Who would you recommend Family of Spies: Paris to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"This book is great for those looking for a page turner that combines suspense, history, humour, and even clairvoyance that keeps readers engaged from start to finish."If you could / wished to turn Family of Spies: Paris into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Actor for Ford: Colin Ford – I mean, the name says it all. (And my uncle was Colin Crawford.) Actor for Ellie: Riele Downs Actor for Gavin: David Mazouz"What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
" I write primarily middle grade and go where a character takes me. Family of Spies has a bit of a fantastical feel to it, and my current work in progress is a fantasy, which I love writing. I read across genres, except for horror. I do read a lot of middle grade and young adult, both contemporary and fantasy, as that is my market."What is your writing process?
"Every day I write, even if it is only for fifteen or twenty minutes on busier days. I do give myself both deadlines and word count goals, to keep myself on track. I shoot for 1,200 words a day. I also share with my writing group 6,500 words every two to three weeks, which keeps me focused. I am working harder at not self-editing until my first draft is on paper. Then I take out my red pen and go wild."What is in store next?
"My next book is called A Time of Peril and it is the first in a series. I am currently editing it and hope to have the manuscript ready to submit to publishers by this upcoming September. A Time of Peril is about a twelve-year old girl named Lizzie and a giant, purple-suit-wearing English-speaking spider named Sir Duncan who are on a mission to save her great aunt Bess from an evil dark faerie Queen!"And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My dog, Zoe is a nine-year-old Border Terrier and she is the best snuggler in the world."I absolutely love this picture :-) Thank you so much for sharing Zoe with us!
Zoe, you beautiful gorgeous girl; lots of cuddles and belly rubs to you from all of us at BooksChatter (which does include 10 kitties... ;-)
Jodi, it was great having you with us. We hope you are having a great tour, and thank you for bearing with us :-)
1 comment:
Thanks so much for hosting me on my tour. I really enjoyed answering the interview questions and if Zoe could talk she would say, "Thanks for the cameo!"
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