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A very warm welcome to Dee Garretson; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Reyet Trap , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
What was the inspiration for Reyet Trap ?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Reyet Trap
Here at BooksChatter we love music; do you have a music playlist that you used in Reyet Trap , or which inspired you whilst you were writing it?
"There are scenes in the book where people get together to play whatever instruments they have, as an impromptu way to pass the time. Since the story is based on a planet that has no indigenous population, everyone there comes from somewhere else, so they have to blend the musical traditions of their own cultures to play together.
The closest music I can find that matches what’s in my head is what Yo Yo Ma has been working on with the Silk Road Ensemble. They travel around the world and bring together music and musicians from all over, mixing instruments that normally aren’t played together.
I’ve also included a song with an American banjoist who collaborates with Chinese musicians. I love the idea of artists working together and drawing inspiration from each other.
Here’s a playlist of some of the pieces:"
"I’m always interested in how people from very different cultures manage to develop a relationship and the idea of exploring that by using a science fiction setting was very appealing.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I wanted two characters who are attracted to each other, and not only from different cultures but who also have been taught two opposite stories about the past. There’s an old saying that history is written by the victors, which means you can’t always believe what you’re told. The history of the conquered should be learned as well, and the truth is usually found somewhere in the middle."
"I don’t like to write characters that are much like me, because I’m afraid that distracts me from writing a unique character that serves the story best. It’s why I often write male main characters-it’s easier to avoid putting in my own personality.Why should we read Reyet Trap and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
I do add in animals, (see below) because I love animals and I just can’t seem to avoid them cropping up my stories.
I suppose my interest in science in the biggest part of me in these stories, and knowledge of botany helped me with aspects of the plot."
"I don’t know how unique it is, but I think this series creates worlds a reader would want to visit and characters they’d want to know. I write books like I love to read-ones where I feel like I’m there and taking part in all the thrills.Can you tell us something quirky about Reyet Trap , its story and characters?
I know some people get turned off by the science fiction label, but I want them to know beneath the sci fi aspects, these are books about people like you and me, caught up in a situation in which they’ll have to come together to survive."
"Even though its science fiction, there is a parrot in it, which I came to regret when I started writing book 2. I love the parrot, but I didn’t think out how Quinn, one of the main characters, was going to have to come up with a reason to haul the parrot around the galaxy.Who would you recommend Reyet Trap to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
And even realizing adding a bird was an issue, I added in a new animal in book 2, one I made up that is sort of like a cross between a weasel and a ferret, but much smaller so that it rides around on people’s shoulders. I’m afraid by the time I’m done, there will be a whole menagerie accompanying Quinn and Mira on their adventures."
"Anyone who likes thrillers or adventure fiction would like this. It’s classified as science fiction because it is set far in the future, but it takes place mostly on a remote planet, so it’s not a book of space battles and high tech weapons.If you could / wished to turn Reyet Trap and the Torch World series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
No warnings or disclaimers come to mind."
"I’m a major Lord of the Rings fan so Peter Jackson would be a dream director.
Peter Jackson on the Lord of the Rings set
The location of the first book was a planet with a tropical landscape, sort of like the one in Jurassic Park, so Hawaii!
The second book is set on a mostly desert planet much like that in Mali.
I found images to fit my idea of the characters when I made book trailer for the first book, but none of them were well-known actors. If anyone would like to see them, they’re all here: "
"I write in a several different genres-science fiction, history, and contemporary, but they all have an adventure aspect to them. They are the same genres I read, though I also love to read fantasy and someday I’ll write one!"What is your writing process?
"I try to write a thousand words a day, though that often doesn’t happen.What is in store next?
I write best in the mornings, so if I can’t carve out that time, my word count goes way down.
I start out a story by mostly writing dialogue and I skip around a lot.
Anyone reading my first attempts would think I’m totally writing gibberish! Somehow it all comes together in the end."
"I just finished a draft of book 3, which carries on the story, but with new settings and some new quirky characters. I’ve loved expanding the world of these stories and I’m enjoying it so much I’m not sure where it will end.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
I also have another book coming out next, a historical I like to describe as a YA Downton Abbey with spies. It was also a lot of fun to write. Science Fiction and historical writing have quite a bit in common-You have to create worlds you’ve never experienced."
"I most like to write at a cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. It’s my place to escape and shut out the real world while I create new ones."Very evocative. Thank you for sharing it with us :-)
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