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Wednesday 1 February 2017

ℚ♫ Juliet - Kailee Reese Samuels

Today we have the pleasure of meeting up with author to talk about Juliet (, Kailee Reese Samuels, 683pages), an Erotic Romance. The SOS series shares the same universe as Juliet.

"a good, intriguing, engaging read, with mystery and at times very emotional" ~ Claire Cronin (GoodReads Reviewer)

"This book is a breath of fresh air in the world of erotic romance, the plot was intriguing and original and Iris is a unique character that I would love to explore." ~ Natshane (GoodReads reviewer)

|| Synopsis || Teaser: KCR Preview || The Series || Author Q&A || About the Author || Giveaway & Tour Stops ||

A very warm welcome to Kailee Reese Samuels; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!

As we love music Kailee has shared with us her music playlist for Juliet - enjoy!

What was the inspiration for Juliet?
"I had been sick for a long while, and this idea came to me that I wanted to take a very broken girl and put her into an environment that she never even knew existed."
How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Hmm. That is such a loaded question. I have been involved in the lifestyle for years. As for the characters, they all have bits of me. "
The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Juliet - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"All of my covers and teasers are either done by myself or Jewels Frick. She has a great way about taking what I want and interpreting it. For covers especially, I always look for something different and unique in the genre. The cover is the gateway to your writing."
Can you tell us something quirky about Juliet, its story and characters?
"I love chapter titles! They chapters start as the song or album I am listening to, and then they evolve as the story takes shape. It’s just something quirky I do that no one knows… Until now."
Who would you recommend Juliet to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I would recommend this book to any fan of new adult or romantic suspense. The book is a long - 800 pages - slow burn which intensifies as the story progresses. I like to skirt the edge and push the boundaries. I have warnings in the beginning of all of my books. I like surprises. "
If you could / wished to turn Juliet and The SOS series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"I would only turn Juliet into a series, never a movie. I have no idea who my dream team would be. Although I can say it would absolutely have to be shot in Texas because it is such an integral part of the book."
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I love writing in the multi-faceted genres – a little suspense tossed with some romance, sprinkled with a few select dark scenes. I love to write Science Fiction & Fantasy, but currently I am totally married to Juliet and all her offspring. I read new adult, romantic suspense, and horror/dark erotica."
What is your writing process?
"I start with an idea which could come from a song or a moment in my day-to-day life. Then I toss it around in my head for quite some time. I mentally worked on Juliet for years before ever sitting down to the computer. After I draw up the rough sketch of an outline, I color in either dialogue or detailed descriptions. I like to layer."
What is in store next?
"Next up is Kinky Sex Magic releasing on February 14, it is an author’s cut of deleted scenes from Juliet.

I will be continuing The SOS Series (Story of Salvatore, for which The Initiation is the first book) with: Tea for Two (March 28), Grunt (May 30), and Hopechest (July 4). The SOS Series focuses on main character Sal five years ago as we learn how he came to be the Golden Boy of Juliet.

Then in the fall, I will release the next book in the Juliet collection. I do not yet know if it will be the length of Juliet, though I imagine it will be close."
And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My writing partner is a champagne Pekingese named Niko Aki Roze “Nikki”. She maintains an all-night vigil at my feet.

We have a farm full of chickens, barn cats, mini horses (Laney & Della), pot bellied pig (Victory), 2 chameleons, and six dogs.

This is a picture of me in 2014 with our youngest fur baby Pidgett. He is an Australian Shepherd/Dachshund mix with a fabulous disposition and temperament. Check my Instagram for more pictures of the farm, my garden, and the fur babies!!! And if anyone has any super rare tomato seeds – let me know – maybe we can swap!"
Wow! Yes, I have seen the pictures of your various fur-(and non-furry)babies. Love it! As per the tomatoes... any Italian or British varieties that might interest you?

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