"Good read and storyline. Definitely well written. I was drawn in and could experience the build-up of good vs evil. Transitions smoothly chapter to chapter as the story unfolds from past to current times. Kept my attention throughout and the ending left you hanging and setup for the next book in the series. Looking forward to next book in series. Definitely recommend to others." ~ Joan Leavey, JML Consulting
"It's amazing the way [Tiera] wrote it. I can switch eras back and forth in my mind, just as if I am watching a movie. The colors and scenery change just like watching a movie...Very well done." ~ Tamika Hogan
"Loved the book and loved the characters. I'm am an avid reader of Vampire Books and by far, this is one of my favorites. Looking forward to book 2. I can absolutely see this hitting the big screen." ~ amazon verified customer review
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A very warm welcome to Tiera Rice; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Bloodline: Awakening?
Bloodline: Awakening
What was the inspiration for Bloodline: Awakening?
"The idea for Awakening first came to me in 2014. I was experiencing a spiritual shift and learning more about Vampyrism as a philosophy. I took what I learned and twisted it in a fictional sense to create this story."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Besides the musical artists mentioned, and the fact that I do still listen to CDs (LOL!) the characters (specifically the protagonists) reflect more of the type of person I wished to be, at the time of the story. Though only 27 years old, I’ve experienced a lot in my short life: from cancer, to being a single mother, to other not-so-great personal experiences. I’ve always been resilient, but there were moments that I wished I had more strength than I showed."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Bloodline: Awakening - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I originally was going to have a friend of mine design the cover, but I always knew what I wanted it to look like. Instead, I did some research on cover designers and came across Damonza.com. They asked for covers I liked, key elements of my story, and what my idea was. I told them I always saw a girl with a split face, since the story is written in alternating point-of-views, but one was set in present time, while the other was past. This was the cover they came up with and I’m in love with it!"Why should we read Bloodline: Awakening and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"I think lovers of paranormal would enjoy Awakening because it provides a different take on the typical Vampyre story. My Vampyres can walk during the day, don’t sleep in coffins, and aren’t allergic to garlic. The story is unique in the way it’s written, with alternating point-of-views, and is partially set in Romania, where “Dracula” tale stems from."Can you tell us something quirky about Bloodline: Awakening, its story and characters?
"I honestly can’t think of anything that I would consider “quirky”. The characters weren’t names after specific people or things. The only thing is that I did look up Romanian names, and what they stood for, so I did take extra care to make sure the names’ meanings made sense. For example Nadia means ‘hope’, and because she is to save the world from destruction, she is the hope that the Brotherhood need/have for that mission."Who would you recommend Bloodline: Awakening to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I think the target audience for Awakening is any person with a love for paranormal, aged 17-35, but I’ve had readers older than that enjoy it. However, there is a mature scene, some profanity, and gore in some chapters."If you could / wished to turn Awakening and the Bloodline series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Oh man! Believe it or not, I haven’t given much thought to this. I do think Mila Kunis would make a great Antanasia/Nadia, but as for everyone else—I’m really stumped."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"I like to write about whatever calls to me. To be honest, this is, not only the first novel I’ve ever written, but the first time writing in this genre, though I love reading it. I usually write poems, non-fiction (memoir style), and erotica."What is your writing process?
"Honestly, I have no set process LOL! I write when I can, whether that’s 9pm or 4am. To this day, I’m still unsure as to how I was able to finish Awakening, especially while going through cancer treatments, but somehow I found the time. I would love to sit here and say, “I wrote for 2 hours every day in the morning religiously,” but that’s not the case. I’m a single mother of a two-year old, and a Realtor. I write when I’m called to write, in between mommy and real estate duties."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"My lovely cat, Bastet, that my friend is currently cat-sitting for me, because I was unable to care for her while undergoing treatments. I also have a betta fish, Charlie, and of course, my lovely little girl, Raevyn."He is gorgeous, just as betta fish are! And of course a big hello to your little girl from all of us at BooksChatter!
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