"This is one of the most intriguing stories I've read this year." - Vigilant Readers Book Reviews
"If you enjoy thrillers written by authors like Tom Clancy and Frederick Forsythe then you will become a fan of Jeffrey Monaghan."
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A very warm welcome to Jeffrey Monaghan; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Cardiac?
What was the inspiration for Cardiac?
"I was driving to work one day listening to my favorite morning talk radio show. They were discussing security issues with the latest Wi-Fi enabled pacemakers. Specifically, they were discussing how these devices could be hacked. One of the hosts mentioned it would make a great premise for a novel. I agreed. And within a few hours I had written the first words."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"I am an introvert by any definition. Some of this is reflected in my protagonist, Jack. He is the CEO of his company and often prefers to be alone with his thoughts. I also work in the staffing industry (18 years and counting) so I was able to draw on my knowledge of how companies manage their employees and employee records to create an accurate and compelling part of the plot."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Cardiac - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"I am a Marketing Director for a company headquartered in Silicon Valley. I spend much of my time conceptualizing and developing content so I was able to take this skill and utilize it to create the cover for CARDIAC myself.Why should we read Cardiac and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
I purchased the image of the man running and then used Photoshop to add the other elements including the title, EKG line, and back cover.
For me, it’s probably the most enjoyable part of creating a novel. Taking what I have written and creating a single image that communicates the story to the reader."
"This is a tough one to answer. Most authors struggle with simply hoping someone likes their book. If readers consider it unique or different from the rest, that is a bonus. There is self doubt for most authors from the beginning of the writing process to the end, and beyond.Can you tell us something quirky about Cardiac, its story and characters?
I tried my best to write a story that was compelling, fast-paced, and above all, entertaining. I spent a long time thinking, researching, writing, and rewriting until it was a novel I was proud of. It took a long time, but I feel like the end result was worth it."
Who would you recommend Cardiac to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?"Jack's wife, Cynthia, was the most difficult character for me to write. As a male, writing a believable female character was a challenge. Many early readers told me she was a caricature; the stereotypical doting wife who makes dinner, takes care of the kids, and supports her husband. It was difficult to hear but I knew they were right. By the third or fourth time I was told this, I realized I needed to figure something out.
I reached out to Ellen Sussman who is not only a great teacher, but a New York Times best selling author. She was kind enough to meet me for lunch where I asked her all about her journey, and struggles, to becoming an accomplished author. The information she provided was invaluable and led to Cynthia becoming a struggling author with one last chance at becoming successful.
Rewriting Cynthia was one of the last things I did before publishing CARDIAC."
"It’s probably for teens and adults who enjoy a thriller with lots of twists and turns. It’s much more plot driven than character driven.If you could / wished to turn Cardiac and the Jack Getty series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
There are some intense scenes and some bad language, but nothing over the top or gratuitous. There is very little, if any, actual violence."
"I never thought about this. I guess I would prefer little known, or unknown, actors. I’ve always been drawn to movies where I have no idea who the actors are so that I don’t view the characters with a preconceived perspective. It’s difficult to watch Daniel Craig in a movie without thinking of James Bond. Harrison Ford without thinking of Han Solo. Matt Damon without thinking of Jason Bourne. They are all great actors in great roles, but I think I would prefer a relatively clean slate for the actors in my movie.What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Rian Johnson comes to mind for Director. I recently watched Looper and thought it was really well done."
"I enjoy the challenge of writing a good thriller. It takes a lot of thought and planning to make sure the reader is taken on a...well...thrilling ride. Things that happen at the beginning of the story are often intertwined through the middle and end. That being said, it is difficult to plan out an entire novel. There is one scene that I wrote Jack into that took me two weeks of thinking, writing, and rewriting to get him out of. If I would have planned better, this scene might have been a bit easier."What is your writing process?
"This was my first full length novel so I was really learning to write as I was writing. I liken it to riding a bike cross country without knowing how to ride a bike. It’s slow going at first as you try to gain your balance, and you learn a lot from others along the way. There are times when you have no idea where you are going or if you will even make it to the end. But you keep pushing forward and eventually you get there."What is in store next?
"I am in the beginning stages of coming up with an outline for a sequel to CARDIAC. I have a good idea of where it will go but am working on the details. You can follow my progress on my Facebook page."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"This was a note I found on my desk the day after CARDIAC was published. It’s from my daughter. For those of you who don’t read 6 year-old, it says “Good job!!! You finished your book.” Below that is her replica of the book cover."That's so sweet and thoughtful :-) What a wonderful girl! Thank you for sharing it with us!
WOW! Great interview. I really enjoyed it since I read this book and it was a page turner.
Thank you so much for hosting me for an interview. Although my daughter's picture clearly steals the show. Thanks again.
It sure does! :-)
Do pass our thanks to her!
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