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A very warm welcome to Reana Malori and Michel Prince; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Unwrapping a Marriage?
Unwrapping a Marriage
What was the inspiration for Unwrapping a Marriage?
"Reana: We wanted to write a story that focused on an already married couple who just so happened to be going through a difficult time over the holiday season."How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
"Reana: We both tried to bring a bit of our personality and our lives into the story. Michel has expertise with the cub scouts, while I brought in some corporate office expertise. It was a great merger of the two of our lives."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Unwrapping a Marriage - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"Michel: I had seen a similar picture and it had sparked my story idea, then when we picked our characters the woman had red hair. Since I have a stock art site, Royal Touch Photography, I got two of my models and took pictures similar then used Dusk to Dawn Designs to finish it off. My models Jenni and Aaron make our story sing and this is my favorite cover."
"Reana: I love this cover. How they’re holding each other and interacting with each other in that photo tells the complete story of a couple in love with each, but who are currently at odds. Michel did a great job on this. One of my favorite covers!"Why should we read Unwrapping a Marriage and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Michel: We’re looking at what happens after the happily ever after. We take you into what happens after the ring. Anyone who’s been in a long term relationship can relate to our characters. Life gets in the way so many times we look at how a marriage can survive."
"Reana: Because it delves into the realism of what happens in a marriage when thing go wrong, and what it takes to bring a couple back together. This story is not only for those who believe in romance and falling in love, but for those who have been in relationships and have gone through ups and downs. This is their story."Can you tell us something quirky about Unwrapping a Marriage, its story and characters?
"Michel: Elizabeth has an issue we call “pulling a Garlick”. For those who’ve seen Good Morning Vietnam, the character played by Forest Whitaker, Garlick likes to start cars that are already running."
"Reana: Michel decided on the name of the male hero, Sterling Jackson, while waiting in the airport for a flight. It was right after we’d attended a conference together and had been struggling to find his name. She heard something over the airport speaker system and it clicked."Who would you recommend Unwrapping a Marriage to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"Michel: I think this book appeals to all. Elizabeth and Sterling could be any reader. Even if you haven’t been in a long term relationship you can relate to these two. Those who have been in a long term relationship will fall into the daily struggles of the shiny relationship everyone sees."
"Reana: This book is for everyone. No matter the genre they prefer to read or the types of stories that tend to be their preference. Regardless of your situation, reading about these two characters and what they go through will resonate with so many people. It focuses on second chances and not losing yourself in your partner. I love this story."If you could / wished to turn Unwrapping a Marriage into a movie, who would be your dream team?
"Michel: I could see Oprah producing this, not sure on the director but for Sterling either Morris Chestnut or Idris Elba. Darby Stanchfield would be great as Elizabeth."
"Reana: I would love for Ava Duverney to serve as the director, because I know she would give it justice. I like Michel’s ideas for the leading hero / heroine – those are great ideas."What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
"Michel: I love reading a good story no matter the genre. Writing I’m the same way. I write New Adult then second chance romance. Then I’ll bounce between Sci-fi and paranormal. I love building worlds then coming back earth with a warm romance whether its sports, western, interracial, or small town. I write what ever sparks my muse."
"Reana: I love writing about redemption and second chances. Life can be messy sometimes, so I truly enjoy writing stories where the lead characters have not been perfect or have made mistakes and the story unfolds showing how they get to a better place. My favorite story is contemporary romance, but one day I do want to write a paranormal."What is your writing process?
"Reana: I’m a total pantser. An idea comes to me and I just let the story unfold the way it’s meant to. I can get lost in a story for hours writing and letting the characters share their world with me."What is in store next?
"Michel: I’ve got a series about an NFL team who’s second book is coming out in December. As well as a few other projects. We hope to write at least one more story together, if not more. I love writing with Reana and I think we bring insights to each other’s writing that enhances and makes it better."
"Reana: I’m currently focused on the sequel to Weekend Fling, which is sorely overdue. I also have a four-part series that will focus on the everyday guy, the working man. They’re a little rough and tough, but they love their women something fierce. I’m very excited to bring their stories to life. Michel is stretching me and my skills and I’m really excited about our next story together that will be released in 2017."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Michel: I have a dog named Bolt, he’s a purebred mutt. He’s got a little of everything in him and he loves to dress up."
"Reana: Country line dancing is my favorite thing to do! It’s so much fun and I could go dancing every weekend if I could."Many thanks to both of you, Michel and Reana. It's been a pleasure.
Thank you!
Thanks for having us.
Great post ! Thanks for sharing :)
congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)
Thanks so much for hosting us!
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