"The writing style is incredible! It flows so beautifully, it really is true art." ~ Youtuber: lindseylynnantereads
"No sparkly vampires here! Two people with dark pasts torn apart by time." ~ KindleNationDaily
"I highly recommended Dark Diary if you love epic romances and heart wrenching love stor[ies] with beautiful writing, it's about loss, love,grief, and forgiveness." ~ Meme Granger, Book blogger.
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A very warm welcome to P. Anastasia; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Dark Diary?
Why should we read Dark Diary and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
What do you like to write and read about? Do you stick to a particular genre or do you like to explore different ones?
Dark Diary
What was the inspiration for Dark Diary?
"Dark Diary goes back at least 17 years of my life. Since I was very little, I’ve been a lover of vampire lore and legend. I was a huge fan of the TV series, Forever Knight, and haven’t stopped loving vampire myths ever since.How much of yourself is reflected in this book, and how?
I never really found a vampire storyline that approached the lore the way I believed it should have, however, which I feel is what compelled me to tackle the genre myself."
"So very much of me that it’s almost difficult to admit. One of the main characters, Matthaya, has always been my artistic muse – a guiding light in my journey to find myself as I grew and searched for my artistic path. He is a sort of manifestation of what it is I want to accomplish as a creator.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Dark Diary - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
I began writing his story in my teen years and we’ve grown and changed together. It’s very close to my heart and has always been the driving force in my chosen path to becoming a published author."
"Before being published, I did graphic design work for college newspapers and as a freelancer for about 15 years. I designed and created the cover myself for this one.
The image is supposed to reflect not only the darkness, mystery, and gothic feel of the story, but also the subtle ambiguity of the character’s identity."
Why should we read Dark Diary and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
"Dark Diary is a new take on vampire lore. They don’t go around biting and turning people. They don’t sleep with everyone, and being a vampire in my universe is sometimes a very traumatic and depressing thing to be. At the same time, the characters are very fleshed out and realistic, so mortal readers can relate to their struggles and emotional turmoil quite easily."Can you tell us something quirky about Dark Diary, its story and characters?
"I can’t think of anything quirky about this book aside from a few splashes of historic lore tossed in. For example, there is an actual Irish myth that details a higher likelihood of blue-eyed, red-headed girls becoming vampires."Who would you recommend Dark Diary to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"As the title implies, Dark Diary is not your average sappy, flowery romance. The reader will travel through a great deal of ups and downs. While there is a lot of passion and romance, there is also some tragedy and sadness. The ending will not induce cavities but it will give closure.If you could / wished to turn Dark Diary and the Dark Diary series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
While I write edgy, grittier scenes, I try to keep the graphic nature and intimate parts to a PG-13 level. I feel more people can appreciate a story like that than something extra steamy and gory."
"If it were made a few years ago, I’d have gone with Emily Browning as Kathera and Ben Barnes as Matthaya. No questions asked.
Today, I’d want to cast Logan Lerman as Matthaya and a female with a similar emotional acting repertoire as Browning to play alongside him. The actors need to be able to convey innocence and sadness believably. Not all actors can do this."

"I write about everything, really. I have several other novels I’m working on. One is a shifter-type romance, another is a mythological fiction, one is an epic fantasy (Percy-Jackson style) for Young Adult audiences, and I’m writing several sequels to Dark Diary, as well as a spin off to my Amazon bestseller, Fluorescence.What is your writing process?
My preferred genre to read/watch is general fantasy."
"I let my characters tell me the story. I don’t force it and if I have to sit there and stare at a blank screen all day, I will. Sometimes if I get really stuck, I bullet point ideas and go from there."What is in store next?
"I can’t hint anything from future installments of Dark Diary, but I will say readers will get to learn a bit more about Matthaya’s past and some of Kathera’s secrets, too. In book III, I am hoping to further explore and detail the past of Matthaya’s Sire."And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
"Yes! My THINKING CAP."Love it! :-) Thank you for sharing!
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