"Every once in a while the first book in a series will come along and I know instantly I am going to love the characters. I also know that I will eagerly await every book that comes after because I want to see everyone get their HEA" - Kari at From the TBR Pile
"I enjoyed this book from the beginning to the end. I laughed , cried and cheered on the characters.
I could picture the characters as the story unfolded. More please!" - Margaret
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A very warm welcome to Eva Charles; thank you for joining us on BooksChatter!
What was the inspiration for Meadows Shore Series?
Why should we read the Meadows Shore Series and what sets it apart from the rest?
Hello Abby and Jax! Lots and lots of cuddles to you from all of us at BooksChatter!
Eva, thank you so much for sharing them and your time with us :-D
Meadows Shore Series
What was the inspiration for Meadows Shore Series?
"My own ethnicity was the inspiration for the series. I gave the characters a Portuguese heritage because there are few, if any, romance novels written in the United States about Portuguese families.How much of yourself is reflected in this series, and how?
As a first generation Portuguese-American woman, the series has afforded me an opportunity to share bits and pieces about the culture, like the food, customs, and the central role that family plays in the lives of individuals. Some of the books have more cultural references than others, but family plays a significant role in each story."
"I’m from a very large and loud Portuguese family, and like the Claytons and Harringtons, they’re quite meddlesome, too. I was fortunate to grow up surrounded by strong women who taught me to weather life’s challenges with my chin up, shoulders back and one foot in front of the other, moving forward at all times.The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your covers for the Meadows Shore Series - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
My father recently passed, and my aunts in their eighties and nineties, spent long days and nights at the hospital, constantly amazing me with their strength and wisdom. Like my family, the Meadows Shore Series features multi-generational women, with backbones of steel, who dole out love and sound advice freely."
"Marianne Nowicki is the cover artist, and she’s not only a very talented designer, but she’s lovely to work with too.
While we’ve all grown up with the adage that one shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, I believe that a non-metaphorical book cover should reflect what’s on the pages. I wanted covers that would let readers know that they would find a sexy-sweet love story inside.
I chose natural colors, blues and greens, to highlight Meadows Shore, the family home, nestled on the bank of the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by indigenous trees and flowers."
Why should we read the Meadows Shore Series and what sets it apart from the rest?
"Aside from learning a bit about Portuguese-American culture, lovers of romance should read the series because it’s great fun. The stories will warm your soul, and leave you with a smile on your face.Can you tell us something quirky about the Meadows Shore Series, its story and characters?
Each book touches on at least one heavy subject, domestic violence, death, mental illness, and breast cancer to name just a few, and you might shed a few tears, but you’ll laugh too. And I promise, by the end of each story, your heart will sing."
"These are not so much quirky facts, but more of an inside scoop.Who would you recommend the Meadows Shore Series to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
I named the Clayton and Harrington elder patriarchs, now deceased, after my sons Nick and Sam. I thought the boys would be amused, and it seemed perfectly safe, since I wouldn’t be writing them as villains or playboys.
The town of Fair Harbor is a fictional composite made-up of a few shore towns in Southeastern Massachusetts. Meadows Shore did once exist, called by a slightly different name. An extraordinarily wealthy man built two identical homes, summerhouses, on the property for his twin daughters more than a century ago. The homes were so enormous, that a few curious five year-olds once got lost inside while their mothers sipped wine on the patio that overlooked the ocean. Yes, I was one of those negligent moms, visiting a good friend who lived there at the time."
"I recommend the series to anyone who likes sexy, sweet romances. None of the books are life-changing, or Pulitzer contenders. They are simply a distraction from every day life, meant to be read curled up in front of a fire on a brisk day, on a warm sandy beach, or perhaps, in a cavernous tub filled with exotic scented bubbles.If you could / wished to turn the Meadows Shore Series into a movie, who would be your dream team?
Readers should be aware that although the stories are mainly light, there are issues discussed, like domestic violence, that could trigger flashbacks for survivors with PTSD."
"Southeastern Massachusetts would be the perfect location for a film based on the series. There are many landmarks in the books that will be familiar to those who live there, or who have visited the area.What is your writing process?
In my fantasy, Henry Cavill would play all male roles, just kidding of course, but a girl can dream. A young Penelope Cruz would make a perfect Sophie Clayton, I think.
As for the director, Rob Reiner would be my pick. He’s directed some wonderful romantic movies, Princess Bride, Stand By Me, and When Harry Met Sally. Joel Zwick, who directed My Big Fat Greek Wedding, would also be a good choice."
"My writing process begins with thinking, lots and lots of ruminating and some internal plotting. I take a few notes, and then begin writing.What is in store next?
I’m more of a pantser than a plotter, so I allow my characters a great deal of freedom, and I never know exactly where they’re going to take the story. Sometimes they surprise me.
After I have a strong first draft, I edit, edit, and edit some more."
"I’m currently working on the fourth book in the series, Helena’s story. I’ve taken a few risks with her story, risks that I hope readers will accept.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
The book is written in the first person point of view, which is different from the first three books in the series which were written in the third person. In addition, Gabe, the hero behaves so badly, that he might be the top contender for the Men Behaving Badly annual award (no, he doesn’t cheat on the heroine). I expect readers will hate him, but I hope they’ll give him a second chance.
There is one other risk I took with story, crossed over the imaginary gray line, but I can’t share the details because it will give too much away. Let’s just say, there’s a surprise twist that will leave you gasping."
"This is Abby and Jax, my two little loves who lay at my feet while I write.Aww, they ARE absolutely gorgeous!
Abby is a people-pleasing blonde who will do anything for a biscuit, and Jax is sweet, dark and handsome, and oh, so naughty!"
Hello Abby and Jax! Lots and lots of cuddles to you from all of us at BooksChatter!
Eva, thank you so much for sharing them and your time with us :-D
Thank you for hosting
Thank you for hosting the Meadows Shore Series today! I'll be around all day to answer questions from readers, and I have one for them too. In December, many people around the world celebrate holidays. Do you have a favorite holiday tradition?
Sounds like a great read, thank you for the interesting interview!
Hello, Dario! Thank you, and you're very welcome. Good luck with the contest!
Thank you so much for opening your blog to me today! As always, you showcased my work so beautifully. Enjoy your week, and may the light of the season shine brightly on you.
Abby and Jax are soooo cute!
I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you for all the great blog posts and excerpts!
Thank you, Eva! :) Enjoy the rest of the week! :)
Tamales on Christmas Eve!
Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)
Shared on G+ to help spread the word, have a great day! :)
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