There are currently three books in the series: a prequel novella, and two novels. The third novel, Lights of Aurora, is currently available for pre-order and will be released on 26 January 2016.
PREVIEW: Check out details of each title in the series, as well as the promotional Q&A with the author. The Stone Legacy Series is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owner's Lending Library.
Author Theresa DaLayne will be awarding 2x $5 Amazon GC (INT), 4x Mayan Pendants (US only), 2x FREE e-book of Mayan Blood, Free E-book of LORE anthology to a randomly drawn winnerS via Rafflecopter during the tour.
Synopsis | The Series | Author Q&A | About the Author | Giveaway
The Series: The Stone Legacy Series
Ishel: A Prequel | Mayan Blood | Interlude | Lights of Aurora |Click on the book cover to Look Inside the book on Amazon and read an excerpt.
Ishel: A Prequel [0.5]
Trapped between duty and desire, even a goddess is forced to choose.
When Ishel falls madly in love, the Mayan goddess is left with a choice. Fulfill her royal obligation and marry the god of war, or follow her heart and elope wit the deity who has true claim over her heart--Kinich, ruler of the sun.
Determined to have Ishel as his wife, the god of war will stop at nothing to ensure their betrothal. Left with no other choice, she flees the heavens. But there is more at stake than even a goddess can foresee. An unexpected surprise awaits...One destined to challenge her immortality.
Without the goddess to tend to mankind’s plants and flowers, the middle world will surely perish. And how will she live on to protect the single person who needs her most? [Published 22 September 2015, 102 pages]
Mayan Blood [1]
Their empires have fallen, but their mythology lives on…
Zanya Coreandero is a seventeen-year-old orphan with only a single friend and no hope for a normal life. Diagnosed with anxiety and night terrors, no one believes her cuts and bruises are a result of an evil entity, and not a brutal case of self-harm.
With the only home she’s ever known being the isolated institution—where breakfast is a handful of medications, the psychiatry sessions are mandatory, and her every move is watched—the only relief is her red-haired roommate named Tara, who’s more like a little sister than her best friend.
Free will is strong, but destiny is stronger…
When Zanya is kidnapped, she meets a group of gifted Mayan descendants, each with a unique ability. Gone from a nameless castaway to the only hope of mankind, Zanya is forced to make a grueling decision: bond with an enchanted stone and save humanity from rising underworld forces, or watch helplessly as Earth falls victim to a familiar dark deity from her dreams. This time, he’s playing for keeps.
A wicked secret hides behind a handsome face…
When Arwan, a dark-eyed timebender, takes interest in Zanya's mission, it's unclear if his intention is to help, or if he's on a hell-bent mission for revenge. Wary of falling for another guy with major secrets and a tainted past, Zanya fights to keep her distance. If only her heart gave her a choice.
[First published on 12 December 2012; this edition 29 December 2015, 367 pages]
Interlude [2]
Tara may have spent years in an asylum, but that doesn’t make her crazy–just fearless.
Dropped in Moscow with a the group of enchanted Mayan descendants, seventeen-year-old Tara Weeble is forced to wait on the sideline while her best friend—the Stone Guardian— battles to reclaim a friend’s soul trapped in the underworld.
It sucks being ordinary when everyone else is superhuman…
A mortal girl with a tainted past, Tara is left to deal with an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. Her boyfriend, Peter, is a healer. Her best friend is The Guardian, and everyone else is a powerhouse of awesome strengths. Meanwhile, she struggles to leave her childhood of abuse in the past, and while Peter picks her up every time she falls, it becomes clear he deserves better.
When they opened Pandora’s Box, hell came pouring out…
When she’s given a chance to aid in the group’s mission, Tara is eager to pull her own weight, even if it means uncovering buried memories of being held prisoner by the underworld general. Now haunted with flashbacks of torture, Tara wanders from the safety of Peter’s arms into a city of depravity and corruption. And amidst all this evil is a young man with an agenda of his own, who leads her down a road that will either prove she is a hero at heart, or drag her into a world she’s always feared.
He wants revenge, she wants redemption. And in an underground ring of missing girls and bloody sacrifices, only the fearless can survive…
[First published 13 April 2013; this edition 12 January 2016, 119 pages]
Lights of Aurora [3]
After living her entire life in an orphan asylum, Zanya fears she may actually be losing her mind…
Following the discovery of her ancient Maya bloodlines, eighteen-year-old Zanya Coreandero is faced with a daunting responsibility. She must protect the relic stone while Sarian, the underworld general, ceaselessly drives her to the brink of insanity.
With the approach of an ancient bonding ceremony, Zanya struggles to control her abilities—and her desires…
As the winter solstice approaches, it brings an onslaught of unexpected side effects. While Zanya struggles to seize control over her supercharged powers, she must also face an overwhelming suspicion that her boyfriend, Arwan, is hiding a secret so dark it could destroy them both. And with her powers finally taking root, the struggle to pace their relationship takes on a life of its own.
Just when she thought life couldn’t get more complicated…
With the arrival of a surprise houseguest, Zanya’s deepest fears about Arwan are confirmed. And when middleworld deities intercede, the group of gifted Maya descendants are confronted with hardships they never saw coming—including an enemy more deadly than they have ever faced.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And when that woman has no soul and a taste for revenge, they will need the powers of every surviving ancestor simply to stay alive.
[Release Date 26 January 2016, 244 pages]
The Stone Legacy Series
Available NOW!

Author Q&A
Who is your publisher? Or do you self-publish?"I have two fantastic publishers. Bloomsbury Spark who published my new adult contemporary romance, THE EDGE OF YOU.What can we expect from you in the future? ie More books of the same genre? Books of a different genre?
Limitless Publishing has both of my series—The Stone Legacy series and a new young adult inspirational series, The Five Pillar series. "
"I have a ton of releases coming up, which is SO exciting!Do you read all the reviews of your book/books?
Also, in February, I have another release of a young adult inspirational under my pen name, Theresa Mae—If All Else Fails. There will be two more books to follow."
- Book 3, Lights of Aurora, releases 1/26
- Book 4, Anarchy, releases 2/23
- Book 5, Birthright, releases 5/19
"Yes. Some authors don’t think it’s important, and some even say they would never read their reviews with a ten-foot poll. It’s all an individual preference, but I like to hear what my readers have to say. I take their feedback under consideration and look into ways I can improve my writing."Do you choose a title first, or write the book then choose the title?
"I generally write the book first and then give it a title. I feel like you can’t really title a book until you know what it’s about. But again, that’s just me. Every author is different. Some authors I know actually start with a title and then write the book."How do you come up with characters names and place names in your books?
"I try to pick unique names that are diverse and fun. Ethnic characters are especially fun to name. Just for fun, here are some name samples from The Stone Legacy series:Are there any hidden messages or morals contained in your books? (Morals as in like Aesops Fables type of "The moral of this story is..")
Fun, huh? :-)"
- Marzena—seemingly young dreamwalker
- Zanya—heroine of The Stone Legacy Series and destined Stone Guardian.
- Arwan—hero, timebender, and something else entirely.
- Grima—Viking and petrifier (not introduced until Lights of Aurora)
"I think the overall moral of the series is to believe in yourself, be a loyal friend, understand that everyone has different needs, wants, and desires, and not to be afraid to follow your heart. Every book does highlight its own moral or theme."
About the Author

Since then, Theresa has been married, had three terrific kids, moved to central Ohio, and has been repeatedly guilt-tripped into adopting a menagerie of animals that are now members of the family. But don’t be fooled by her domesticated appearance. Her greatest love is travel. Having traveled to over a dozen countries—not to mention an extended seven-year stay in Kodiak, Alaska—she is anything but settled down. Wherever life brings her, Theresa will continue to weave tales of adventure and love with the hope her stories will bring joy and inspiration to her readers.
Follow Theresa DaLayne:

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