Late spring 1970 - and seventeen year old Jacy Wilbert makes the fateful decision to knock on Neil Wilder's door. How could she know it was the wrong door?
Every Big and Little Wish is the story of a girl caught between a cheating father and a panic-stricken mother. Contact with the Wilder family leads to obsession and danger.
Author Q&A | Synopsis | Teaser | About the Author | Giveaway & Tour Stops
Hello Elizabeth and welcome to BooksChatter; thank you for joining us.
What was the inspiration for Every Big & Little Wish?
Why should we read Every Big & Little Wish and what sets it apart from the rest?
Very interesting questions indeed. I can't wait to find out about Jacy.
What is in store next?
Thank you again for talking to us, Elizabeth, and best wishes for the rest of the tour and the forthcoming releases :-)
Every Big & Little Wish
What was the inspiration for Every Big & Little Wish?
"Every Big & Little Wish is a fictional attempt to explore stalking and being kidnapped without replicating what happened to me personally. Jacy Wilbert is younger than I was when I was pursued and abducted, and a very different type of girl."The first thing that draws me to a book is its cover. Can you tell us about your cover for Every Big & Little Wish - why you chose that concept and who the artist is.
"My husband did the artwork and design, he is a professional creative director and graphic artist who has worked for Apple, Mercedes, Bell Helicopter, Intel, Microsoft, and many more. We worked together on the concept. We wanted the cover to have a retro feel, as I decided to set the story back in 1970. The wishbone figures prominently within the story."
Why should we read Every Big & Little Wish and what sets it apart from the rest?
"Every Big & Little Wish is a dark and suspenseful coming of age story, not without light-hearted moments. Since it’s set back in 1970, I believe the nature of the narrative sets it apart from most novels out there today. If you like books with realistic characters who talk and act the way people really do, then I think you’ll enjoy this read."Can you tell us something quirky about Every Big & Little Wish, its story and characters?
"Jacy is fond of nicknaming those closest to her. Here are a few of her colorful nicknames: Miss Imalush, Mr. Pottymouth, Miss Pushyandpesky, and Mr. Wherehaveyoubeenallmylife."Who would you recommend Every Big & Little Wish to and what should readers be aware of (any warnings or disclaimers)?
"I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys realism and suspense, strong-but-flawed characters, and a good story. Although the protagonist is young, the novel is more literary than the typical YA."What is your writing process?
"I usually start with a seed of an idea. For instance, out for my daily walk I noticed a rundown house with Christmas lights still up in late spring, a dried up wreath still hanging on the entry door, and the yard full of potholes. An attractive high schoolgirl walked by just then. If such a girl liked a boy who lived in such a house, would she knock on his door? What sort of girl could ignore the ramshackle exterior? What sort of girl could be so bold? My protagonist, Jacy Wilbert, was born. I always knew I would write a book featuring a stalking and kidnapping and so I began to incorporate that scenario into the outline."

What is in store next?
"I am currently working on two books. The first is a companion book to Incurable, titled Insatiable, Incurable Saga Part II.And as a final quirky thing, to get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
The second is a standalone titled Letters from LaLa Land, and it’s about a family in crisis. Promise Albright, the fifteen year old main character, is suddenly thrust into a completely new life in California."
"I like owls, crows, and ravens. There are many in our yard, as we live in the foothills of the mountains outside of Los Angeles, and they love to hand out in the tall pines. I keep a couple fake specimens inside. Enclosed is a photo of me with one such crow on the mantel."
Thank you again for talking to us, Elizabeth, and best wishes for the rest of the tour and the forthcoming releases :-)
"And thank you Flora, for this opportunity!"
Every Big & Little Wish
Available NOW!

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Thanks for being on the tour! :)
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